
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    Defines a collection view cell that displays a `Dream.Effect` inside
                the cell.
import UIKit
import SpriteKit
/// A collection view cell that displays a `Dream.Effect` in an `SKView`.
class EffectCollectionViewCell: UICollectionViewCell {
    // MARK: Types
    private enum NodeName: String {
        case effect = "effect"
        case border = "border"
    // MARK: Properties
    static let reuseIdentifier = "\(EffectCollectionViewCell.self)"
    private var scene: SKScene?
    var effect: Dream.Effect! {
        didSet {
            guard let scene = scene else { return }
            let emitterNode = scene.childNode(withName: NodeName.effect.rawValue) as! SKEmitterNode
            addNode(for: effect, in: scene)
    func addNode(for effect: Dream.Effect, in scene: SKScene) {
        let effectNode = effect.makeNode()
        effectNode.position = effect.position(in: bounds) = NodeName.effect.rawValue
    // MARK: Selection
    override var isSelected: Bool {
        set {
            super.isSelected = isSelected
            guard let scene = scene else { return }
            if newValue {
                addBorderNode(in: scene)
            else if let borderNode = scene.childNode(withName: NodeName.border.rawValue) {
                scene.removeChildren(in: [borderNode])
        get { return super.isSelected }
    func addBorderNode(in scene: SKScene) {
        // Don't do any work if the border is already visible.
        guard scene.childNode(withName: NodeName.border.rawValue) == nil else { return }
        let borderNode = SKCropNode()
        let maskNode = SKShapeNode(rectOf: bounds.size)
        maskNode.position = CGPoint(x: bounds.midX, y: bounds.midY)
        maskNode.lineWidth = 3
        maskNode.strokeColor = .blue
        maskNode.fillColor = .clear
        borderNode.maskNode = maskNode
        borderNode.addChild(maskNode) = NodeName.border.rawValue
    // MARK: Subview Layout
    override func layoutSubviews() {
        guard self.scene == nil else { return }
        let skView = SKView(frame: bounds)
        skView.allowsTransparency = true
        skView.backgroundColor = .clear
        let scene = SKScene(size: bounds.size)
        scene.backgroundColor = .clear
        self.scene = scene
        addNode(for: effect, in: scene)
        if isHighlighted {
            addBorderNode(in: scene)
extension Dream.Effect {
        Calculates where the effect node should be placed inside its `SKView`
        based on the size of the collection view cell.
    fileprivate func position(in bounds: CGRect) -> CGPoint {
        var position = CGPoint(x: bounds.midX, y: bounds.midY)
        switch self {
            case .fireBreathing:
                position.x -= 30
                position.y += 30
            case .laserFocus:
                position.x -= 30
            case .magic, .fireflies, .rain, .snow: break
        return position