Retired Document
The CalendarStore
framework is deprecated as of OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion. It is recommended that you use the Event Kit
framework instead. Consult Calendar and Reminders Programming Guide for more information.
Fetching Objects
Calendar Store provides several methods for fetching objects—such as calendars, events, and tasks—from the Calendar Store database. You can fetch all calendars or specific ones using a unique identifier. You can fetch events and tasks specifying a date range or use a predicate to fetch a custom set of objects. However, you cannot fetch all events because recurring events may result in an infinite number of event objects—there are multiple event objects for a recurring “master” event. Typically, you fetch objects in batches as your application uses them—for example, fetch the next month or year of events when the user clicks the Next button. This article describes the methods you use to fetch these Calendar Store objects.
Fetching Calendars
You can fetch all calendars in the Calendar Store database or specific calendars using a unique identifier called a UID.
Use the calendars
method if you want to fetch all calendars. Note that there is a to-one relationship from an event or task to a calendar object. However, there is not an inverse to-many relationship from a calendar to its events and tasks. Therefore, when you fetch calendars, you are just creating instances of the CalCalendar
class. Read Fetching Eventsand Fetching Tasks for how to fetch other types of objects.
A calendar object’s UID is guaranteed to be unique for the lifetime of the calendar object. So you may retain the UID and use it to fetch individual calendar objects on an as needed basis. Use the calendarWithUID:
method to fetch a calendar object using a UID.
Fetching Events
You can fetch individual events specifying a UID—for example, if you retain an event UID from a previous fetch. However, you typically fetch events using a predicate, which provides the maximum flexibility. You essentially create a database query specifying the property values or range of property values you want the results to match. For your convenience, Calendar Store provides methods for common types of fetches. The following sections progress from the most simple to the most complex fetches.
Fetching Individual Events
To fetch an individual event, use the eventWithUID:occurrence:
method, specifying a UID. If the event is recurring, specify an occurrence date of the individual event you want—recurring events have the same UID. If you don’t know the UID for an event, read Using Predicates to Fetch Events for how to fetch events using a predicate.
Using Predicates to Fetch Events
It’s very common to fetch events in a date range. For example, fetch all events that occur in the current month and then fetch all events that occur in the previous and next months. The CalCalendarStore
class provides convenience methods for creating these types of predicates that can be passed to the eventsWithPredicate:
method to perform the actual fetch.
For example, the following code fragment in Listing 1 uses the eventPredicateWithStartDate:endDate:calendars:
class method to create an event predicate for the current year, and the eventsWithPredicate:
method for fetching the events.
Listing 1 Fetching Current Year Events
// Create a predicate to fetch all events for this year |
NSInteger year = [[NSCalendarDate date] yearOfCommonEra]; |
NSDate *startDate = [[NSCalendarDate dateWithYear:year month:1 day:1 hour:0 minute:0 second:0 timeZone:nil] retain]; |
NSDate *endDate = [[NSCalendarDate dateWithYear:year month:12 day:31 hour:23 minute:59 second:59 timeZone:nil] retain]; |
NSPredicate *eventsForThisYear = [CalCalendarStore eventPredicateWithStartDate:startDate endDate:endDate |
calendars:[[CalCalendarStore defaultCalendarStore] calendars]]; |
// Fetch all events for this year |
NSArray *events = [[CalCalendarStore defaultCalendarStore] eventsWithPredicate:eventsForThisYear]; |
Fetching Recurring Events
The Calendar Store framework doesn’t allow you to fetch all events because recurring events may result in an infinite number of event objects.
You can use an event predicate to fetch all events belonging to the same recurrence within a date range. Recurring events have the same UID, so use the eventPredicateWithStartDate:endDate:UID:calendars:
method similar to the eventPredicateWithStartDate:endDate:calendars:
method of Listing 1, except specify the common UID. The events returned include all events within the date range belonging to the same recurrence, or a single event if it’s not a recurring event.
As explained in Fetching in Batches, the events returned by the eventsWithPredicate:
method contain only recurring events for the first four years of a date range. For this reason, you typically fetch events in batches—no greater than a four year span—as you need them in your application.
Fetching Tasks
Similar to events, you can fetch individual tasks by specifying a UID or multiple tasks by using a predicate. Again, fetching tasks using a predicate provides the maximum flexibility. You essentially create a database query specifying the property values or range of property values you want the results to match. Similar to creating event predicates, Calendar Store provides convenience methods for creating common task predicates.
Fetching Individual Tasks
To fetch an individual task, use the taskWithUID:
method, specifying a UID. If you don’t know the UID for a task, read Using Predicates to Fetch Tasks for how to fetch tasks with specific criteria.
Using Predicates to Fetch Tasks
You can create a predicate to fetch all tasks, fetch all incomplete tasks, fetch all incomplete tasks due before a specific date, or fetch all completed tasks since a specified date. In all cases, you can specify what calendars the tasks must belong to.
For example, this code fragment creates a predicate using the taskPredicateWithCalendars:
method to fetch all tasks in all calendars:
NSPredicate *predicate = [CalCalendarStore taskPredicateWithCalendars:[[CalCalendarStore defaultCalendarStore] calendars]]; |
NSArray *tasks = [[CalCalendarStore defaultCalendarStore] tasksWithPredicate:predicate]; |
Similarly, use the taskPredicateWithTasksCompletedSince:calendars:
, taskPredicateWithUncompletedTasks:
, and taskPredicateWithUncompletedTasksDueBefore:calendars:
methods to create predicates to perform other types of fetches.
Copyright © 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2012-07-23