Contacts Tests

The tests in this chapter pertain to the Contacts database. Read Common Steps for how to turn on data change alerts before running these tests.

There is one common step specific to this chapter:

Contact from Device

Tests adding, modifying, and deleting contacts.

This test consolidates contact mapping at a high level for contacts created and/or changed from the device side.

Scenario 1

  1. Add a contact to the device.

  2. Sync.

  3. Modify field values on the device.

  4. Sync.

  5. Delete fields on the device.

  6. Sync.

  7. Delete the contact on the device.

  8. Sync.

Scenario 2

  1. Add a contact to the computer.

  2. Sync.

  3. Modify field values on the device.

  4. Sync.

  5. Delete fields on the device.

  6. Sync.

  7. Delete the contact on the device.

  8. Sync.

Contacts with Large Pictures

Tests adding many contacts with large pictures.


  1. Add many contacts with large pictures—for example, 500 contacts—to the computer .

    Pictures should be 256 x 256 pixels or larger.

  2. Sync.