Mail Search Tutorial, Full Script Listing

The listings in this appendix provide the full source code for the Mail Search tutorial, from the script file Mail Search.applescript, which you can also obtain as part of the Mail Search sample application.

After installing AppleScript Studio, the sample applications are located in /Developer/Examples/AppleScript Studio.

Listing B-1  Mail Search’s global variables and event handlers

(* Mail Search.applescript *)
(* ==== Globals ==== *)
global controllers
(* ==== Properties ==== *)
property windowCount : 0
property statusPanelNibLoaded : false
(* ==== Event Handlers ==== *)
on clicked theObject
    set theController to controllerForWindow(window of theObject)
    if theController is not equal to null then
        tell theController to find()
    end if
end clicked
on double clicked theObject
    set theController to controllerForWindow(window of theObject)
    if theController is not equal to null then
        tell theController to openMessages()
    end if
end double clicked
on action theObject
    set theController to controllerForWindow(window of theObject)
    if theController is not equal to null then
        tell theController to find()
    end if
end action
on became main theObject
    set theController to controllerForWindow(theObject)
    if theController is not equal to null then
        tell theController to loadMailboxes()
    end if
end became main
on will open theObject
    set theController to makeController(theObject)
    if theController is not equal to null then
        tell theController to initialize()
    end if
end will open
on will close theObject
end will close
on will finish launching theObject
    set controllers to {}
end will finish launching

Listing B-2  The controller script definition

(* ==== Controller Handlers ==== *)
on makeController(forWindow)
        property theWindow : forWindow
        property theStatusPanel : null
        property foundMessages : {}
        property mailboxesLoaded : false
        -- Handlers
        on initialize()
            -- Add a column to the mailboxes data source
            tell scroll view "mailboxes" of split view 1 of theWindow
                make new data column at the end of the data columns of data source¬
                    of outline view "mailboxes" with properties {name:"mailboxes"}
            end tell
            -- Add the columns to the messages data source
            tell scroll view "messages" of split view 1 of theWindow
                make new data column at the end of the data columns of data source¬
                    of table view "messages" with properties {name:"from"}
                make new data column at the end of the data columns of data source¬
                    of table view "messages" with properties {name:"subject"}
                make new data column at the end of the data columns of data source¬
                    of table view "messages" with properties {name:"mailbox"}
            end tell
            set windowCount to windowCount + 1
        end initialize
        on loadMailboxes()
            if not mailboxesLoaded then
                -- Open the status panel
                set theStatusPanel to makeStatusPanel(theWindow)
                tell theStatusPanel to openPanel("Looking for Mailboxes...")
                -- Add the mailboxes
                -- Close the status panel
                tell theStatusPanel to closePanel()
                set mailboxesLoaded to true
            end if
        end loadMailboxes
        on find()
            -- Get what and where to find
            set whatToFind to contents of text field "what" of theWindow
            set whereToFind to title of current menu item of popup button "where"¬
                of theWindow
            -- Make sure that we have something to find
            if (count of whatToFind) is greater than 0 then
                -- Clear any previously found messages
                -- Setup a status panel
                set theStatusPanel to makeStatusPanel(theWindow)
                tell theStatusPanel to openPanel("Determining the number¬
                    of messages...")
                    -- Determine the mailboxes to search
                    set mailboxesToSearch to selectedMailboxes()
                    -- Determine the total number of messages to search
                    set totalCount of theStatusPanel¬
                        to countMessages(mailboxesToSearch)
                    -- Adjust the status panel
                    tell theStatusPanel to adjustPanel()
                    -- Find the messages
                    set foundMessages to findMessages(mailboxesToSearch,¬
                        whereToFind, whatToFind)
                    -- Change the status panel
                    tell theStatusPanel to changePanel("Adding found messages...")
                    -- Add the found messages to the result table
                    -- Close the status panel
                    tell theStatusPanel to closePanel()
                on error errorText
                    tell theStatusPanel to closePanel()
                    display alert "AppleScript Error" as critical attached¬
                        to theWindow message errorText
                end try
                display alert "Missing Value" as critical attached¬
                    to theWindow message "You need to enter a value to search for."
            end if
        end find
        on addMailbox(accountItem, accountName, mailboxIndex, mailboxName)
            -- Add a new item
            set mailboxItem to make new data item at the end of the data items¬
                of accountItem
            set name of data cell 1 of mailboxItem to "mailboxes"
            set contents of data cell 1 of mailboxItem to mailboxName
            set associated object of mailboxItem to mailboxIndex
        end addMailbox
        on addAccount(a, accountIndex, accountName)
            -- Add a new item
            set accountItem to make new data item at the end of the data items¬
                of data source of outline view "mailboxes"¬
                    of scroll view "mailboxes" of split view 1 of theWindow
            set name of data cell 1 of accountItem to "mailboxes"
            set contents of data cell 1 of accountItem to accountName
            set associated object of accountItem to accountIndex
            -- Add the mail boxes
            tell application "Mail"
                set mailboxIndex to 0
                repeat with m in (get mailboxes of a)
                        set mailboxIndex to mailboxIndex + 1
                        my addMailbox(accountItem, accountName, mailboxIndex,¬
                            mailbox name of m)
                    end try
                end repeat
            end tell
        end addAccount
        on addMailboxes()
            tell application "Mail"
                set accountIndex to 0
                repeat with a in (get accounts)
                        set accountIndex to accountIndex + 1
                        my addAccount(a, accountIndex, account name of a)
                    end try
                end repeat
            end tell
        end addMailboxes
        on mailboxesForIndex(mailboxIndex)
            -- Initialize the result
            set theMailboxes to {}
            set theIndex to 0
            set theAccountIndex to 0
            -- Determine if the selected item is an account or a mailbox
            tell outline view "mailboxes" of scroll view "mailboxes"¬
                    of split view 1 of theWindow
                set theItem to item for row mailboxIndex
                set theName to contents of data cell 1 of theItem
                set theIndex to associated object of theItem
                if has parent data item of theItem then
                    set theAccountIndex to the associated object¬
                        of the parent data item of theItem
                end if
            end tell
            tell application "Mail"
                if theAccountIndex > 0 then
                    set theMailboxes to {mailbox theIndex of account theAccountIndex}
                    set theMailboxes to theMailboxes & every mailbox¬
                        of account theIndex
                end if
            end tell
            -- Return the result
            return theMailboxes
        end mailboxesForIndex
        on selectedMailboxes()
            -- Initialize the result
            set mailboxesSelected to {}
            -- Get the currently selected mailboxes in the outline view
            set mailboxIndicies to selected rows of outline view "mailboxes"¬
                of scroll view "mailboxes" of split view 1 of theWindow
            -- Get the actual mailboxes from Mail
            tell application "Mail"
                if (count of mailboxIndicies) is equal to 0 then
                    repeat with a in (get accounts)
                        set mailboxesSelected to mailboxesSelected &¬
                            every mailbox of a
                    end repeat
                    repeat with i in mailboxIndicies
                        set mailboxesSelected to mailboxesSelected¬
                            & my mailboxesForIndex(i)
                    end repeat
                end if
            end tell
            -- Return the result
            return mailboxesSelected
        end selectedMailboxes
        on addMessage(messageFrom, messageSubject, messageMailbox)
            -- Add a new row
            set theRow to make new data row at the end of the data rows¬
                of data source of table view "messages" of scroll view "messages"¬
                    of split view 1 of theWindow
            -- Add "From" cell
            set name of data cell 1 of theRow to "from"
            set contents of data cell 1 of theRow to messageFrom
            -- Add "Subject" cell
            set name of data cell 2 of theRow to "subject"
            set contents of data cell 2 of theRow to messageSubject
            -- Add "Mailbox" cell
            set name of data cell 3 of theRow to "mailbox"
            set contents of data cell 3 of theRow to messageMailbox
            -- set the associated object of theRow to m
        end addMessage
        on addMessages(foundMessages)
            set update views of data source of table view "messages"¬
                of scroll view "messages" of split view 1 of theWindow to false
            tell application "Mail"
                repeat with m in foundMessages
                        set messageMailbox to account name of account 1
                            of container of m & "/" & mailbox name of container of m¬
                        my addMessage(sender of m, subject of m, messageMailbox)
                    end try
                end repeat
            end tell
            set update views of data source of table view "messages"¬
                of scroll view "messages" of split view 1 of theWindow to true
        end addMessages
        on findMessages(mailboxesToSearch, whereToFind, whatToFind)
            -- Initialize the result
            set messagesFound to {}
            tell application "Mail"
                -- Search through each of the mail boxes
                repeat with b in (get mailboxesToSearch)
                        -- Search through each of the messages of the mail box
                        repeat with m in (get messages of b)
                                if whereToFind is equal to "Subject" then
                                    if whatToFind is in the subject of m then
                                        copy m to end of messagesFound
                                    end if
                                else if whereToFind is equal to "From" then
                                    if whatToFind is in sender of m then
                                        copy m to end of messagesFound
                                    end if
                                else if whereToFind is equal to "To" then
                                    set foundRecipient to false
                                    -- Recipients
                                    repeat with r in (get recipients of m)
                                        if whatToFind is in address of r¬
                                            or whatToFind is in display name of r then
                                            set foundRecipient to true
                                        end if
                                    end repeat
                                    -- To Recipients
                                    if not foundRecipient then
                                        repeat with r in (get to recipients of m)
                                            if whatToFind is in address of r¬
                                                    or whatToFind is in display name¬
                                                    of r then
                                                set foundRecipient to true
                                            end if
                                        end repeat
                                    end if
                                    -- cc Recipients
                                    if not foundRicipient then
                                        repeat with r in (get cc recipients of m)
                                            if whatToFind is in address of r¬
                                                    or whatToFind is in display name¬
                                                        of r then
                                                set foundRecipient to true
                                            end if
                                        end repeat
                                    end if
                                    -- bcc Recipients
                                    if not foundRicipient then
                                        repeat with r in (get bcc recipients of m)
                                            if whatToFind is in address of r¬
                                            or whatToFind is in display name of r then
                                                set foundRecipient to true
                                            end if
                                        end repeat
                                    end if
                                    if foundRecipient then
                                        copy m to end of messagesFound
                                    end if
                                else if whereToFind is equal to "Contents" then
                                    if whatToFind is in the content of m then
                                        copy m to end of messagesFound
                                    end if
                                end if
                                -- Update the status panel
                                tell theStatusPanel to incrementPanel()
                            end try
                        end repeat
                    end try
                end repeat
            end tell
            -- Return the result
            return messagesFound
        end findMessages
        on clearMessages()
            tell scroll view "messages" of split view 1 of theWindow
                tell data source of table view "messages" to delete every data row
            end tell
        end clearMessages
        on countMessages(mailboxesToSearch)
            set messageCount to 0
            tell application "Mail"
                repeat with b in (get mailboxesToSearch)
                        set messageCount to messageCount + (count of every message¬
                            of b)
                    end try
                end repeat
            end tell
            return messageCount
        end countMessages
        on openMessages()
            -- Since currently can't open a selected message then we
            --  will just open it in our own window
        end openMessages
        on openMessageWindow()
            set clickedRow to clicked row of table view "messages"¬
                of scroll view "messages" of split view 1 of theWindow
            if clickedRow is greater than or equal to 0 then
                set theAccount to ""
                set theMailbox to ""
                set theSubject to ""
                set theDateReceived to ""
                set theContents to ""
                set theSender to ""
                set theRecipients to ""
                set theCCRecipients to ""
                set theReplyTo to ""
                tell application "Mail"
                    set theMessage to Abstract object clickedRow of foundMessages
                    set theAccount to account name of account of container¬
                        of theMessage
                    set theMailbox to mailbox name of container of theMessage
                    set theSubject to subject of theMessage
                    -- set theDateReceived to date received of theMessage
                    set theContents to content of theMessage
                    set theSender to sender of theMessage
                    set theRecipients to address of every recipient of theMessage
                    set theCCRecipients to address of every cc recipient of theMessage
                    set theReplyTo to reply to of theMessage
                end tell
                set messageWindow to makeMessageWindow()
                tell messageWindow
                    set messageContents to "Account: " & theAccount & return
                    set messageContents to messageContents & "Mailbox: "¬
                        & theMailbox & return
                    if length of theSender > 0 then
                        set messageContents to messageContents & "From: "¬
                            & theSender & return
                    end if
                    if length of theDateReceived as string > 0 then
                        set messageContents to messageContents & "Date: "¬
                            & (theDateReceived as string) & return
                    end if
                    if length of theRecipients > 0 then
                        set messageContents to messageContents & "To: "¬
                            & theRecipients & return
                    end if
                    if length of theCCRecipients > 0 then
                        set messageContents to messageContents & "Cc: "¬
                            & theCCRecipients & return
                    end if
                    if length of theSubject > 0 then
                        set messageContents to messageContents & "Subject: "¬
                            & theSubject & return
                    end if
                    if length of theReplyTo > 0 then
                        set messageContents to messageContents & "Reply-To: "¬
                            & theReplyTo & return & return
                    end if
                    set messageContents to messageContents & theContents
                    set contents of text view "message" of scroll view "message"¬
                        to messageContents
                    set title to theSubject
                    set visible to true
                end tell
            end if
        end openMessageWindow
    end script
end makeController

Listing B-3  Handlers for working with controller script objects

on addController(theController)
    set controllers to controllers & {theController}
end addController
on removeController(forWindow)
    set theController to controllerForWindow(forWindow)
    if theController is not equal to null then
        deleteItemInList(theController, controllers)
    end if
end removeController
on controllerForWindow(aWindow)
    repeat with c in controllers
        if theWindow of c is equal to aWindow then
            set theController to c
        end if
    end repeat
    return theController
end controllerForWindow

Listing B-4  The message window handler

(* ==== Message Window Handlers ==== *)
on makeMessageWindow()
    load nib "Message"
    set windowCount to windowCount + 1
    set windowName to "message " & windowCount
    set name of window "message" to windowName
    return window windowName
end makeMessageWindow

Listing B-5  The status dialog script definition

(* ==== Status Panel Handlers ==== *)
on makeStatusPanel(forWindow)
        property theWindow : forWindow
        property initialized : false
        property totalCount : 0
        property currentCount : 0
        -- Handlers
        on openPanel(statusMessage)
            if initialized is false then
                if not statusPanelNibLoaded then
                    load nib "StatusPanel"
                    set statusPanelNibLoaded to true
                end if
                tell window "status"
                    set indeterminate of progress indicator "progress" to true
                    tell progress indicator "progress" to start
                    set contents of text field "statusMessage" to statusMessage
                end tell
                set initialized to true
            end if
            display panel window "status" attached to theWindow
        end openPanel
        on changePanel(statusMessage)
            tell window "status"
                set indeterminate of progress indicator "progress" to true
                tell progress indicator "progress" to start
                set contents of text field "statusMessage" to statusMessage
            end tell
        end changePanel
        on adjustPanel()
            tell progress indicator "progress" of window "status"
                set indeterminate to false
                set minimum value to currentCount
                set maximum value to totalCount
                set contents to 0
            end tell
        end adjustPanel
        on incrementPanel()
            set currentCount to currentCount + 1
            if currentCount ≤ totalCount then
                tell window "status"
                    tell progress indicator "progress" to increment by 1
                    set contents of text field "statusMessage" to "Message "¬
                        & currentCount & " of " & totalCount
                end tell
            end if
        end incrementPanel
        on closePanel()
            close panel window "status"
        end closePanel
    end script
end makeStatusPanel

Listing B-6  The delete items in list utility

(* To be provided *)

Mail Search Copyright Notice

(* © Copyright 2001, 2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. (“Apple”) in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under Apple’s copyrights in this original Apple software (the “Apple Software”), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple Software may be incorporated. The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, REGARDING THE APPLE SOFTWARE OR ITS USE AND OPERATION ALONE OR IN COMBINATION WITH YOUR PRODUCTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE, REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE APPLE SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED AND WHETHER UNDER THEORY OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF APPLE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *)