
A number represents a single reference to a topic.
A number with a "+" sign represents a longer discussion of a topic.

A   B   C   D   F   G   H   I   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   Y   

advance width 1 2
'afnt' resources 1 2
AppendResMenu function 1
application font 1
ascent line 1 2
base line 1
bitmapped fonts
  choosing over outline 1
  defined 1
  resource type for 1
  scaling 1 2
bitmapped glyphs 1
bounding box 1 2
CFBundleCopyResourcesDirectoryURL function 1
CFBundleGetMainBundle function 1
CFF. See Compact File Format
CFURLGetFSRef function 1
character codes 1
character encoding 1
characters 1
CID fonts 1
Compact Font Format 1
CountResources function 1
CreateStandardFontMenu function 1 2 3
data-fork fonts 1+
  file format for 1
  OpenType 1
  TrueType 1
descent line 1 2
.dfont resources 1
.dfont suitcases 1
fixed-width fonts 1
FMActivateFonts function 1
FMCreateFontFamilyInstanceIterator function 1 2
FMCreateFontFamilyIterator function 1 2
FMCreateFontIterator function 1
FMDeactivateFont function 1
FMDisposeFontFamilyInstanceIterator function 1 2
FMDisposeFontFamilyIterator function 1 2
FMDisposeFontIterator function 1
FMGetFontContainer function 1
FMGetFontFamilyFromName function 1
FMGetFontFamilyGeneration function 1
FMGetFontFamilyInstanceFromFont function 1 2
FMGetFontFamilyName function 1
FMGetFontFormat function 1
FMGetFontFromFontFamilyInstance function 1 2 3
FMGetFontGeneration function 1
FMGetFontTable function 1
FMGetFontTableDirectory function 1
FMGetGeneration function 1
FMGetNextFont function 1
FMGetNextFontFamily function 1 2
FMGetNextFontFamilyInstance function 1 2
FMInput structure 1
FMOutput structure 1
FMResetFontFamilyInstanceIterator function 1
FMSwapFont function 1
FNSFontReferenceMatch function 1
'FOND' resources 1 2 3 4
font association tables 1
font data
  accessing 1
  and font family data 1
  enumerating 1
font database 1 2
font families
  and font data 1
  defined 1 2
  enumerating 1+
  resource type for 1
font family instances 1 2
font family references 1 2 3
font file formats 1
Font Manager
  and QuickDraw 1
  differences between operating systems 1
  initializing 1
  responding to a font request 1
  tracking font database changes 1
  writing Carbon-compliant code 1
Font menu 1+
  adding font sizes to 1
  handling with Carbon-compliant functions 1
  handling with resource-based functions 1
font names 1 2
font objects 1 2
font rectangles 1
font references 1 2
font resource types
  'FOND' 1 2
  'FONT' 1
  'NFNT' 1 2
  'sfnt' 1 2
  'FONT' 1
font scaling 1+
  bitmapped compared to outline 1
  defined 1
  disabling 1
  of bitmapped fonts 1 2
  of outline fonts 1
  rules 1
font scaling factors 1
font sizes. See also point size
'FONT' resources 1
'FONT'resources 1
FontMetrics function 1 2 3 4
  scaling. See font scaling
  activating and deactivating 1+
  bitmapped 1
  choosing outline or bitmapped 1 2
  compatibility issues 1+
  defined 1
  enumerating 1+
  fixed-width 1
  measuring 1+ 2+
  monospaced 1
  names of 1
  outline 1
  point size limit of 1
  proportional 1
  rendering 1+
  requests for 1
  sizes 1 2
  storing names in documents 1
  styles for 1 2
  terms for measurement 1
fractional glyph widths 1
FSGetCatalogInfo function 1
Get1Resource function 1
GetFNum function 1
GetFontFamilyFromMenuSelection function 1 2
GetFontInfo function 1
GetIndResource function 1
GetMenuHandle function 1
GetMenuItemText function 1 2
GetNextFOND function 1
GetOutlinePreferred function 1
GetPreserveGlyph function 1
GetResInfo function 1 2
global width tables 1
glyph origin 1
  scaling. See font scaling
  bitmapped 1
  calculating widths 1+
  contours 1+
  defined 1
  differences between scaled and preserved 1
  for missing characters in set 1
  from outline fonts 1
  kerning 1
  preserving shapes of 1+
  terms for measurement 1
  using fractional widths and scaling 1+
HiWord function 1
InsertFontResMenu function 1
InsertIntlResMenu function 1
IsOutline function 1
iterators for fonts and font families 1
kerning 1
kFMCurrentFilterFormat constant 1
kFMDefaultOptions constant 1
kFMGenerationFilterSelector constant 1
kFMGlobalIterationScope constant 1
kFMInvalidFontFamilyErr constant 1
kFMIterationCompleted constant 1
kFMLocalActivationContext constant 1
kFMLocalIterationScope constant 1
leading 1
left-side bearing 1 2
line spacing 1
LoWord function 1
LWFN-class fonts 1
maximum y-value 1 2
MeasureText function 1
Menu Manager
  using Carbon-compliant functions 1+
  using to add font sizes 1
MenuSelect function 1
minimum y-value 1 2
missing-character glyphs 1
monospaced fonts. See fixed-width fonts
multiple-file resource-based PostScript fonts 1
'NFNT' resources 1 2
off-curve points 1
on-curve points 1
OpenType fonts 1
.OTF file extension 1 2
outline font
  glyphs in 1
outline fonts
  See also TrueType fonts
  choosing over bitmapped 1
  instructions for improving 1
  resource type for 1
  sample glyphs 1
  scaling 1 2 3
  sizes of 1
OutlineMetrics function 1 2
point size 1 2 3
points 1
PostScript fonts 1 2
proportional fonts 1
  and the Font Manager 1
  requesting fonts 1
  styles 1
RealFont function 1
resource identifiers 1
resource-fork fonts 1+
sample functions
  MyGetFontInformation 1
  MyGetFontMetrics 1
  MyGetFontObjects 1
scaling. See font scaling
SetFractEnable function 1
SetFScaleDisable function 1
SetOutlinePreferred function 1
SetPreserveGlyph function 1
'sfnt' resources 1 2
styles 1
suitcase files 1 2
system font 1
TextFont function 1
TrueType fonts 1
.TTC file extension 1 2
'ttcf' file type 1 2
.TTF file extension 1 2
typefaces 1
UseResFile function 1 2
y-values 1