Using the Display Manager

The previous chapter explains how the Display Manager automatically repositions windows if necessary to ensure that windows are accessible when the user changes the display environment. If the Display Manager moves windows in a manner inappropriate for your application, your application should reposition them instead. Applications that use only the standard window definition functions provided by the Window Manager generally do not need to use the Display Manager.

However, you may need or want your application to perform its own window positioning under various circumstances, such as when

When necessary, the Display Manager automatically repositions windows of type dBoxProc (that is, alert boxes and modal dialog boxes) so that the lower-left corners of the windows appear onscreen. This gives users access to the area with the OK and Cancel buttons.

In addition, your application should respond to Display Manager changes if your application relies on display information that it stores internally. For example, if your application caches display positions, GDevice structures for displays other than the main screen, or the value in the screenBits.bounds field of the screenBits global variable, this information may become invalid after the user changes the display configuration. Therefore, your application should update its internal values accordingly after a display configuration change.

To determine whether the Display Manager is available, use the Gestalt function with the gestaltDisplayMgrAttr selector. Test the bit field indicated by the gestaltDisplayMgrPresent constant in the response parameter. If the bit is set, then the Display Manager is present.

Presence of the Display Manager does not guarantee that a computer also supports video mirroring. To determine whether QuickDraw supports video mirroring on the user’s computer system, use the DMQDIsMirroringCapable function.

Handling Events in Response to Display Manager Changes

Users indirectly inform the Display Manager of changes they wish to make to their display environment by using the Monitors control panel, or by attaching or removing additional displays. The Display Manager in turn sends an Apple event—the Display Notice event—to notify applications that the display environment has changed.

After changing the display environment, the Display Manager also generates an update event to notify all current applications to update their windows.

Your application should always handle update events for its windows. However, your application needs to respond to the Display Notice event only if your application repositions its own windows, uses nonstandard windows, or must update any display information that it stores internally.

To receive the Display Notice event informing you of changes to the user’s display configuration, you must either

If you write a utility—such as a control panel—that does not handle events through a normal event loop, or if you want your application to handle the Display Notice event as soon as it is issued instead of waiting for it to appear in the event queue, you should use the DMRegisterExtendedNotifyProc function.

Here is a summary of the Display Notice event (remember that you must use Apple Event Manager functions to obtain the information contained in Apple events such as this):

Display Notice—respond to display configuration changes

Event class


Event ID


Required parameter


Descriptor type:



A list of descriptor structures, each specified by the keyword kDisplayID. Each kDisplayID descriptor structure contains information about a video device attached to the user’s system. Within each kDisplayID descriptor structure are a pair of additional keyword-specified descriptor structures: keyDisplayOldConfig and keyDisplayNewConfig. A description of the video device’s previous state is saved in the keyDisplayOldConfig descriptor structure, and a description of the video device’s current state is saved in the keyDisplayNewConfig descriptor structure.

Descriptions of these keyword-specified descriptor structures are in Table 2-1.

Requested action

Ensure that all windows appear to the user, and update any necessary display information that your application or utility stores internally.

Table 2-1  Keyword-specified descriptor structures.








The depth mode for the video device; that is, the value of the gdMode field in the GDevice structure for the device




The attributes for the video device as maintained in the gdFlags field of the GDevice structure for the device




The boundary rectangle of the video device; that is, the value of the gdRect field in the GDevice structure for the device




A handle to the GDevice structure for the video device




The display ID for the video device




The sResource number from the video device for this display mode




The version number for this Display Notice event




Reserved for future use




The number of components used to represent a color for a pixel; that is, the value of the cmpCount field in the PixMap structure for the GDevice structure for the device




The size in bits of each component for a pixel; that is, the value of the cmpSize field in the PixMap structure for the GDevice structure for the device




The value of the ctSeed field of the ColorTable structure for the PixMap structure for the GDevice structure for the video device




he horizontal resolution of the pixel image in the PixMap structure for the GDevice structure for the video device




Pixel depth for the device; that is, the value of the pixelSize field in the PixMap structure for the GDevice structure for the video device




The storage format for the pixel image on the device; that is, the value of the pixelType field in the PixMap structure for the GDevice structure for the video device




The boundary rectangle into which QuickDraw can draw; that is, the bounds field in the PixMap structure for the GDevice structure for the video device




Reserved for future use




Reserved for future use




The vertical resolution of the pixel image in the PixMap structure for the GDevice structure for the video device

Handling the Display Notice Event as a High-Level Event

To handle the Display Notice event as a high-level event like any other Apple event, you need to

If you want your application to handle all window positioning itself (that is, if you do not want the Display Manager to automatically move any of your windows), you should also set the isDisplayManagerAware bit in the 'SIZE' resource.

Listing 2-1  Handling Apple events in the event loop

void MyDoEvent(EventRecord *event)
    short           part, err;
    WindowPtr       window;
    char            key;
    switch ( event->what ) {
        /* here, handle null, mouse down, key down, update, and
            other necessary events */
        case kHighLevelEvent:
void DoHighLevelEvent(EventRecord *event)
    OSErr   myErr;
        /* handling only Apple-event types of high-level events */
        myErr = AEProcessAppleEvent(event);

Your application must use the AEInstallEventHandler function to add an entry to your application’s Apple event dispatch table. This entry is the function that responds to the Display Notice event. For example, the following code fragment illustrates how to use AEInstallEventHandler to install an application-defined function called DoAEDisplayUpdate.

err = AEInstallEventHandler (kCoreEventClass,
                            (ProcPtr)DoAEDisplayUpdate, 0, false);

Listing 2-2 shows an application-defined function called DoAEDisplayUpdate that uses Apple Event Manager functions to obtain information about the various video devices reported by the Display Notice event. The function DoAEDisplayUpdate uses this information to update its internal data structures for its windows and then calls another application-defined function that ensures that its windows are displayed optimally in the new configuration environment.

Listing 2-2  Responding to the Display Notice event

pascal OSErr DoAEDisplayUpdate
(AppleEvent theAE,AppleEvent reply,long ref) {
    #pragma unused(theAE,reply,ref)
    AEDescList      DisplayList;
    AEDescList      DisplayID;
    AERecord        OldConfig,NewConfig;
    AEKeyword       tempWord;
    AEDesc          returnType;
    OSErr           myErr;
    long            result;
    long            count;
    Rect            oldRect, newRect;
    Size            actualSizeUnused;
/* get a list of the displays from the Display Notice event */
    myErr =
/* count the elements in the list */
    myErr = AECountItems(&DisplayList,&count);
    while (count >0)        /* decode the Display Notice event */
        myErr = AEGetNthDesc(&DisplayList, count, typeWildCard,
            &tempWord, &DisplayID);
        myErr = AEGetNthDesc(&DisplayID, 1, typeWildCard, &tempWord,
        myErr = AEGetKeyPtr(&OldConfig, keyDeviceRect, typeWildCard,
            &returnType, &oldRect, 8, actualSizeUnused);
        myErr = AEGetNthDesc(&DisplayID, 2, typeWildCard, &tempWord,
        myErr = AEGetKeyPtr(&NewConfig, keyDeviceRect, typeWildCard,
            &returnType, &newRect, 8, actualSizeUnused);
/* update internal info about the gdRects for the devices */
        MyUpdateWindowStructures(oldRect, newRect);
/* move and resize windows as necessary*/
    return (noErr);

Handling the Display Notice Event Outside of an Event Loop

You may want your application to handle the Display Notice event as soon as it is issued instead of waiting for it to appear in the event queue. You can use the DMRegisterExtendedNotifyProc function to register a function to which the Display Manager directly sends the Display Notice event. By using DMRegisterExtendedNotifyProc, and by not setting the isHighLevelEventAware bit in the 'SIZE' resource, you cause the Display Manager to send a Display Notice event directly to your handling function; your application or utility then receives no high-level Display Notice event.

To remove your Display Notice event-handling function, use the DMRemoveExtendedNotifyProc function.

Managing Windows In Response to the Display Notice Event

Using the Monitors control panel, the user can switch displays to use a different display mode and to change the display configurations. When your application receives the Display Notice event as described in the previous section, your application must determine whether it needs to reposition and perhaps resize its windows.

Listing 2-3 illustrates how an application can check whether its nonstandard window appears onscreen after Display Manager configuration changes have occurred. In this example, the application has a window with a title bar on its left side, as shown in the tool palette illustrated in Figure 1-4. After receiving the Display Notice event as shown in Listing 2-2, the application calls its MyDisplayWindows function, which in turn calls its MyMakeToolWindowVisible function. If MyMakeToolWindowVisible determines that the nonstandard title bar does not appear on any displays (in which case the user cannot move the window), MyMakeToolWindowVisible moves the entire window to the main screen where the user has access to the window.

Listing 2-3  Ensuring that a nonstandard window appears onscreen

static pascal OSErr MyMakeToolWindowVisible (WindowPeek window) {
    if (window->windowKind == applicationFloatKind) {
        Rect        checkRect;
        Rect        mainRect;
        GDHandle    maxAreaDevice;
        short       theWVariant;
        Rect        windowRect;
        theWVariant = GetWVariant(&window->port);
        MyGetWindowGlobalRect(window, &windowRect);
        /*get rectangle of window, in global coordinates, here */
        if (0 != (kVerBarFW & theWVariant))
        /* check if this is the window with a vertical title bar */
        /* following line gets the rectangle of the title bar */
        SetRect(&checkRect, windowRect.left-kMyVertTitleWidth+kMyMinVisX,
        /* following line calls an application-defined function that
        determines which screen contains the largest amount of the title
        bar */
        maxAreaDevice = MyFindMaxCoverageDevice(&checkRect);
        if (nil == maxAreaDevice)
        /* if the title bar doesn't appear on any screen, move window to
        the main screen */
        {   mainRect = (*GetMainDevice()) -> gdRect;
            MoveWindow(&Window->port, mainRect.left+10+kMyVertTitleWidth,
            mainRect.bottom-10-(, FALSE);
        } }
        MyKeepWindowOnscreen(window, nil);
        /* handle other nonstandard window variants here */
        return noErr;

Your application may find it useful to resize a window after moving it, or to optimize the color for its newly configured video device. You can use Display Manager functions to determine the characteristics of video devices, as explained in the next section.

Determining the Characteristics of the Video Devices

To determine the characteristics of available video devices, your application can use the DMGetFirstScreenDevice function to obtain a handle to the GDevice structure for the first video device in the device list. The DMGetFirstScreenDevice function is similar to the QuickDraw function GetDeviceList, except that when returning GDevice structures, GetDeviceList does not distinguish between the GDevice structures for video devices and the GDevice structures associated with no video devices. (For example, if system software uses the function DMDisableDisplay to disable the last remaining device in the device list, then DMDisableDisplay inserts into the device list a GDevice structure that is not associated with any video device. The DMGetFirstScreenDevice function will not return this GDevice structure, but GetDeviceList might.)

After using the DMGetFirstScreenDevice function to obtain a handle to the first GDevice structure for a display in the device list, your application can use the DMGetNextScreenDevice function to loop through all of the video devices in the device list. The DMGetNextScreenDevice function is similar to the QuickDraw function GetNextDevice, except that when returning GDevice structures, GetNextDevice does not distinguish between the GDevice structures for video devices and the GDevice structures associated with no video devices.

Another important difference between these two Display Manager functions (DMGetFirstScreenDevice and DMGetNextScreenDevice) and their related QuickDraw functions (GetDeviceList and GetNextDevice) is that with both Display Manager functions, your application can specify that the Display Manager return handles only to active video devices. (An active device is a video device whose display area is included in the user’s desktop; the display area of an inactive device does not appear on the user’s desktop.)

To get a handle to the GDevice structure for a video device that mirrors another, your application can use the DMGetNextMirroredDevice function.

Your application can pass the GDevice handle returned for any of these video devices to a QuickDraw function like TestDeviceAttribute or HasDepth to determine various characteristics of the video device, or your application can examine the gdRect field of the GDevice structure to determine the dimensions of the screen it represents.

Macintosh system software uses the DMCheckDisplayMode function to determine whether a video device supports a particular display mode and pixel depth. Typically, your application does not need to know whether a display mode is supported, but only whether a specific pixel depth is supported, in which case your application can use the Color QuickDraw function HasDepth.

To determine whether QuickDraw supports video mirroring on the user’s computer system, your application can use the DMQDIsMirroringCapable function. Your application can use the DMCanMirrorNow function to determine whether video mirroring can activate. And to determine whether the user’s computer system currently uses video mirroring, your application can use the DMIsMirroringOn function.

Finally, your application can use the DMGetDisplayIDByGDevice function to determine the display ID for a video device. A display ID is a long integer used by the Display Manager to uniquely identify a video device. Associating a display by its display ID is helpful when using functions such as DMRemoveDisplay that could change the GDevice structure associated with a video device. You can first determine the display ID for a device by using the DMGetDisplayIDByGDevice function. To later retrieve that device’s GDevice structure after calling various Display Manager functions, your application can use the DMGetGDeviceByDisplayID function. Display IDs are not guaranteed to be persistent across reboots or sleep.

Setting Configurations and Display Modes for Video Devices

The Monitors control panel is the user interface for changing the pixel depth, color capabilities, and positions of video devices. Because the user can control the capabilities of the video devices, your application should be flexible. For instance, although your application may have a preferred pixel depth, it should do its best to accommodate less than ideal conditions.

Your application can use Display Manager functions to change the display mode and display configuration of the user’s video devices, but your application should do so only with the consent of the user.

If your application must have a specific pixel depth, for example, it can display a dialog box that offers the user a choice between changing to that depth or canceling display of the image. This dialog box saves the user the trouble of going to the control panel before returning to your application. If it is absolutely necessary for your application to draw on a video device of a specific pixel depth, your application can then use either the SetDepth function or the DMSetDisplayMode function.

With the possible exception of the DMSetDisplayMode function and the DMMirrorDevices and DMUnmirrorDevice functions, applications should not need to use any of the Display Manager functions that change the user’s display configuration. However, they are described for completeness, in case you find a compelling need for your application to change the user’s display configuration. If your application must use multiple Display Manager calls that configure the user’s displays, your application should first use the DMBeginConfigureDisplays function to postpone Display Manager configuration checking, the rebuilding of desktop regions, and Apple event notification of Display Manager changes. When finished configuring the user’s displays, use the DMEndConfigureDisplays function. Using DMBeginConfigureDisplays and DMEndConfigureDisplays allows your application to wait until it has made all display changes before managing its windows in response to a single Display Notice event. It is important to pass the displayState variable obtained in DMBeginConfigureDisplays to the DMEndConfigureDisplays function.