
Performance is important to all graphics programs, whether they are based on QuickDraw or Quartz. When you rewrite your application to use only Quartz, you’ll want to pay particular attention to performance issues. Although Quartz optimizes its operations “under the hood,” there are coding practices you can adopt to ensure that your code works in concert with Quartz optimization strategies.

As you develop your application, you can analyze its performance using the debugging tools (Shark, Quartz Debug, Sampler, and so on) provided with Mac OS X. In particular, Quartz Debug is useful for identifying issues related to drawing performance.

Adopting Good Coding Practices

Part of adopting good coding practices is to understand how Quartz works. Your code may be performing some task that either isn’t necessary or is working at cross-purposes with Quartz.

Consider following these guidelines:

Relevant Resources

For more information, see: