Transferring Data With URL Access Manager

This document describes how to use URL Access Manager to transfer data to and from a network resource specified with a uniform resource locator (URL).


URL Access Manager includes support for:

URL Access Manager allows you to use any of the following protocols during download operations: File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTPS), or the local file protocol (a URL beginning with file:/// that represents a local file). You could use the local file protocol to test your application on a computer that does not have access to a HTTP or FTP server.

For upload operations, you must use an FTP URL. URL Access Manager allows you to upload data using either anonymous or authenticated FTP sessions and supports both passive and active FTP connections. You can use FTP to download and upload files and directories, as well as to set and obtain URL properties.

If you use HTTP or HTTPS when downloading data, you will be able to perform data transfer with 40-bit RSA encryption, send HTML form information to a URL, and set and obtain URL properties.

URL Access Manager is designed to run in Mac OS 8.6 and later. URL Access Manager is part of Carbon 1.0.2, and is part of the Carbon framework in Mac OS X.

In Mac OS 8 and 9, the implementation of URL Access Manager is stored in a shared library called URL Access. You install it in the Extensions folder in the System Folder. The initial implementation of the data store is a local file.

Setting and Determining URL Properties

To use URL Access Manager, you must first make sure that it is installed, and find out which version is installed. Your application can call the functions URLAccessAvailable and URLGetURLAccessVersion to determine this information.

In order to set and obtain URL properties, you must create a URL reference. To do this, call the function URLNewReference. URL Access Manager uses a URL reference to uniquely identify a URL and its associated data to be transferred. When you are finished with a URL, make sure you deallocate its memory by calling the function URLDisposeReference.

You can call the functions URLGetProperty and URLSetProperty to obtain and set information associated with a URL. You must pass the correct data type and size of the property value you wish to set in the propertyBuffer parameter of URLSetProperty. Before calling these functions, you should call the function URLGetPropertySize to determine the size of the buffer to allocate for the property value.

You may wish to call these functions before calling the functions URLDownload and URLUpload to get and set information associated with the specified URL in the urlRef parameter.

Once you have created a URL reference, you can create a function to display the properties of that reference. In Listing 1-1, the function displayProperties first creates a propertyList array of Apple-defined URL properties, obtains the corresponding sizes and values of these properties by calling URLGetPropertySize and URLGetProperty, respectively, and then displays each property value.

Listing 1-1  Displaying the value of each URL property

void displayProperties (URLReference urlRef)
    OSErr err = noErr;
    int propCount = 0;
    const char* propertyList[21];
    Size propertySize = 0;
    Handle theProperty = NULL;
    propertyList[0]  = kURLURL;
    propertyList[1] = kURLResourceSize;
    propertyList[2] = kURLLastModifiedTime;
    propertyList[3] = kURLMIMEType;
    propertyList[4] = kURLFileType;
    propertyList[5] = kURLFileCreator;
    propertyList[6] = kURLCharacterSet;
    propertyList[7] = kURLResourceName;
    propertyList[8] = kURLHost;
    propertyList[9] = kURLAuthType;
    propertyList[10] = kURLUserName;
    propertyList[11] = kURLPassword;
    propertyList[12] = kURLStatusString;
    propertyList[13] = kURLIsSecure;
    propertyList[14] = kURLCertificate;
    propertyList[15] = kURLTotalItems;
    propertyList[16] = kURLHTTPRequestMethod;
    propertyList[17] = kURLHTTPRequestHeader;
    propertyList[18] = kURLHTTPRequestBody;
    propertyList[19] = kURLHTTPRespHeader;
    propertyList[20] = kURLHTTPUserAgent;
    // Get the size of each property, allocate a handle to store the
    // property’s value, get the property value, and display it.
    for( propCount = 0; propCount < 21; propCount++)
        // Get the size of the property’s value.
        err = URLGetPropertySize (urlRef, propertyList[propCount], &propertySize);
        if(err != noErr)
            printf("Error %d getting property size %s. Size returned was: %d\n", err, propertyList[propCount], propertySize);
            printf("Property size is %d: %s\n", propertySize, propertyList[propCount]);
        // Now get a handle for the property value.
        theProperty = NewHandleClear (propertySize + 1);
        err = MemError();
        if(err != noErr)
            printf("Error %d getting property handle %s\n", err, propertyList[propCount]);
            printf("Got handle for %s\n", propertyList[propCount]);
        // Now get the property’s value.
        err = URLGetProperty (urlRef, propertyList[propCount], *theProperty, propertySize);
        if(err != noErr)
            printf("Error %d getting property %s\n", err, propertyList[propCount]);
            printf("Property %s: %s\n", propertyList[propCount], *theProperty);
        // Clean up.
        DisposeHandle (theProperty);

Performing Simple Data Transfer

URL Access Manager provides four high-level functions for performing simple upload and download operations. These functions are synchronous, meaning that they return control to your application upon completion. If you want more control over the data transfer than these functions afford, see the description of the function URLOpen in Controlling Data Transfer.

To perform simple download operations, you can call the function URLSimpleDownload or URLDownload. The difference between these functions is that URLSimpleDownload takes a character string as the URL, while URLDownload takes a URL reference. If you call URLDownload and pass a URL reference, you can perform a number of additional operations on the reference, including manipulating and obtaining its properties.

To perform simple upload operations, you can call the function URLSimpleUpload or URLUpload. Like URLSimpleDownload, URLSimpleUpload takes a character string as the URL. URLUpload takes a URL reference, and like URLDownload, allows you to perform additional operations.

You can specify the data transfer options that these functions should use by passing the appropriate bitmask in the openFlags parameter. For upload operations, the options you can specify include whether to replace an existing file, display a progress indicator bar during data transfer operations, display an authentication dialog box if URL Access Manager requires authentication, decode an encoded file and expand it if the Stuffit Engine is installed, specify that URL is a directory, or download a directory listing instead of the contents of a file or directory. For download operations, you can set any of the following masks: kURLReplaceExistingFlag, kURLExpandFileFlag, kURLExpandAndVerifyFlag, kURLDisplayProgressFlag, kURLDisplayAuthFlag, kURLIsDirectoryHintFlag, kURLDoNotTryAnonymousFlag, or kURLDirectoryListingFlag.

Prior to Mac OS X, if you want update events to be passed to your application while dialog boxes are displayed by any of these functions, you should write your own system event callback function. Pass a pointer to it in the eventProc parameter of the appropriate function.

Naming Your Destination File

Figure 1-1 shows a flowchart illustrating the factors that influence the name of your destination file when performing upload and download operations using the functions URLSimpleDownload, URLDownload, URLSimpleUpload, URLUpload, and URLOpen. These factors include the specification of the name of the destination file or directory, the existence of the destination, and the setting of the kURLReplaceExistingFlag mask in the openFlags parameter.

For upload operations performed by the functions URLSimpleUpload, URLUpload, and URLOpen, if you want to replace the destination file with the one you passed in the fileSpec parameter, set the mask constant kURLReplaceExistingFlag in the openFlags parameter and do not terminate the destination URL with a “/” character. If you specify a URL that doesn’t end with a “/” character, URL Access Manager assumes that the destination is a file, not a directory.

For downloading, the name of the destination file or directory is considered specified if the name field passed in the FSSpec is not empty. For uploading, the name of the destination is considered specified if the path portion of the URL is not terminated by a '/'. If you specify a name that already exists on the server and do not set the mask constant kURLReplaceExistingFlag, the function returns the result code kURLDestinationExistsError. If you do not specify the name of the destination file, do not set the mask constant kURLReplaceExistingFlag, and the destination file already exists on the server, URL Access Manager creates a unique name by appending a number to the original name before the extension, if any. For example, if the URL specifies a file named file.txt, URLOpen changes the filename to file1.txt. If the file exists and the kURLReplaceExistingFlag mask is set, then the file being uploaded will replace the contents of the destination file and retain the name of the destination file. For example, if you wanted to upload the file “” and replace the contents of the file specified by the URL “ftp://host/path/”, the file “” existed, and that the kURLReplaceExistingFlag mask was set, the file “” would replace “” and the resulting URL would be “ftp://host/path/”.

Figure 1-1  Naming your destination file
Naming your destination file

Controlling Data Transfer

URL Access Manager provides the low-level function URLOpen for more control over data transfer operations than can be achieved using the high-level functions described in Performing Simple Data Transfer. URLOpen is an asynchronous function, meaning that it returns control to your application immediately, not upon completion.

When you call URLOpen to perform an upload operation, you must specify a valid destination file. For download operations, you do not have to specify a valid destination file.

If you do not specify a valid destination file, there are several functions that you may wish to call to get information about the download operation being performed by URLOpen. To retrieve data as it is downloaded, call the function URLGetBuffer (page 48). Note that you cannot retain or modify the retrieved data. You should call URLGetBuffer repeatedly until the download is complete. This is marked by a kURLCompletedEvent or kURLErrorOccurredEvent event, or the state constants kURLCompletedState or kURLErrorOccurredState returned by the function URLGetCurrentState. Between calls to URLGetBuffer, you should call the function URLIdle to allow time for URL Access Manager to refill its buffers during download operations. After each call to URLGetBuffer, you call the function URLReleaseBuffer) to prevent URL Access Manager from running out of buffers.

You may wish to call the function URLGetDataAvailable to determine the number of bytes remaining to be handed off from URL Access Manager to your application. Calling this function tells you how much data you will obtain by a call to URLGetBuffer (that is, how much data is remaining in the buffer of URL Access Manager). This does not include the number of bytes in transit to your buffer, nor does it include the amount of data not yet transferred from URL Access Manager. To calculate the amount of data remaining to be downloaded, pass the name constant kURLResourceSize in the property parameter of the function URLGetProperty and subtract the amount of data copied.

Note that URLGetBuffer, URLReleaseBuffer, and URLGetDataAvailable only provide useful information if you specified an invalid destination file for a download operation performed by URLOpen.

You can specify the data transfer options that URLOpen should use by passing the appropriate bitmask in the openFlags parameter. For upload operations, the options you can specify to URLOpen include whether to replace an existing file, decode an encoded file, specify that URL is a directory, or download a directory listing instead of the contents of a file or directory. For download operations, you can set any of the following masks: kURLReplaceExistingFlag, kURLExpandFileFlag, kURLExpandAndVerifyFlag, kURLIsDirectoryHintFlag, kURLDoNotTryAnonymousFlag, or kURLDirectoryListingFlag.

If you wish to be notified of certain data transfer events, you can write your own data transfer event callback function and pass a pointer to it in the URLEventMask parameter of URLOpen. The data transfer events that you can receive depend on whether the destination file you specify is valid. In addition, you should pass a bitmask representing the events you wish to be notified of in the eventRegister parameter. You can then manipulate the data or write it to the destination of your choice.

Terminating Data Transfer Operations

The function URLAbort terminates a data transfer operation that was started by any function transferring data to or from a URL reference, including URLDownload, URLUpload, and URLOpen. When your application calls URLAbort, URL Access Manager changes the state returned by the function URLGetCurrentState to kURLAbortingState and passes the constant kURLAbortInitiatedEvent to your notification callback function. When data transfer is terminated, URL Access Manager changes the state returned by URLGetCurrentState to kURLCompletedState and passes the constant kURLCompletedEvent in the event parameter of your notification callback function.

Obtaining Data Transfer Information

You can use these functions to determine the error code returned when a data transfer operation fails, determine the status of a data transfer operation, yield time so that URL Access Manager can refill its buffers, or get information about a file.

You may want to call the function URLGetError when a data transfer operation fails. URLGetError passes back the error code associated with the failed transfer, which may be a system error code, a protocol-specific error code, or one of the error codes listed in “URL Access Result Codes”.

If you wish to determine the status of a data transfer operation, you should call the function URLGetCurrentState. You may wish to call URLGetCurrentState periodically to monitor the status of a download or upload operation.

The function URLGetFileInfo obtains the file type and creator codes for a specified filename. The type and creator codes are determined by the Internet configuration mapping table and are based on the filename extension. For example, if you pass the filename "jane.txt", URLGetFileInfo will return 'TEXT' in the type parameter and 'ttxt' in the creator parameter.

Responding to Data Transfer Events

During a call to URLOpen, data transfer events are generated after:

If you want to be notified of data transfer events, pass a Universal Procedure Pointer (UPP) to your notification callback function in the notifyProc parameter of URLOpen. To create a UPP to your notification callback, you must call the function NewURLNotifyUPP. You must also specify which data transfer events you want to receive as a bitmask in the eventRegister parameter of URLOpen. You can then manipulate the data or write it to the destination of your choice.

Your application’s notification callback function should process the event record passed by URL Access Manager in the event parameter and return 0. The only restriction that URL Access Manager imposes on the functionality of your notification callback function is that it should not call the function URLDisposeReference. For information on how to write a notification callback, see URLNotifyProcPtr.

Responding to System Events During Data Transfer

Prior to Mac OS X, if you want update events to be passed to your application while a dialog box is displayed by the functions URLSimpleDownload, URLDownload, URLSimpleUpload, and URLUpload, you should write your own system event callback function. (In Mac OS X, this is not necessary, since all dialog boxes are moveable). In order for these functions to display a dialog box, you must set the mask constant kURLDisplayProgressFlag or kURLDisplayAuthFlag in the bitmask passed in the openFlags parameter. If you write your own callback to handle update events in these dialog boxes, you should pass a Universal Procedure Pointer (UPP) to your callback in the eventProc parameter of these functions. Call the function NewURLSystemEventUPP to create a UPP to your callback function.

If you do not create a callback function to handle update events when a dialog box is displayed, these functions will display a nonmovable modal dialog box when warranted.

Using URL Access Manager with AppleScript

You can use AppleScript to call URL Access Manager functions. If your AppleScript application uses URL Access Manager for operations that may take a substantial amount of time, such as transferring large amounts of data over a low-speed connection, be sure to set the timeout to a large value. Setting the timeout to a large value, such as 60,000 seconds, will avoid unnecessary AppleEvent errors.

For information about the standard scripting addition commands distributed with AppleScript, see the AppleScript section of the Mac OS Help Center, or visit the AppleScript website.

Case Study: Downloading Data From a URL

This section describes how the sample application SamplePost posts information to an HTTP URL and download the URL’s response using URL Access Manager function URLDownload.

Listing 1-2 shows the header file for the application, SamplePost.h, which contains definitions of the URL from which data is to be downloaded (kSampleURL) and the structure urlDownInfo, as well as declarations of the function DoSamplePost, which calls URLDownload, and a system event callback function, MyURLCallbackProc, which is a place holder for code that handles system events that occur during the download.

Listing 1-2  SamplePost.h

#define kSampleURL""
typedef struct urlDownInfo {
    URLReference urlRef;
    FSSpec * destination;
    Handle destinationHandle;
    URLOpenFlags openFlags;
    URLSystemEventProcPtr eventProc;
    void * userContext;
    Boolean done;
    OSStatus errorCode;
} URLDownloadInfo;
typedef struct urlDownInfo *URLDownInfoPtr;
static void DoSamplePost();
pascal OSStatus MyURLCallbackProc (void*, EventRecord *);

SamplePost is a multi-threaded application. As a result, in Listing 1-3, SamplePost’s main function calls the Memory Manager functions MaxApplZone and MoreMasters in its main function. Note that all URL Access Manager functions are threaded with Thread Manager cooperative threads. These threads are nonreentrant on PowerPC.

Listing 1-3  SamplePost initialization

#include <stdio.h>
#include <Events.h>
#include <Threads.h>
#include <Processes.h>
#include <Files.h>
#include "URLAccess.h"
#include "SamplePost.h"
int main (void)
    OSStatus err = noErr;
    // Call MaxAppleZone() when using the Thread Manager.
    for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {

Listing 1-4 shows SamplePost calling the functionURLAccessAvailable to verify that URL Access Manager is available. If URL Access Manager is available, DoSamplePost is called.

Listing 1-4  Verifying the availability of URL Access Manager

    // Make sure URL Access Manager is available.
    if ( URLAccessAvailable()) {
    else {
        // Call error handling function.

In Listing 1-5, DoSamplePost defines a URLDownloadInfo structure named myRef that is uses to store information for calling URLDownload. The DoSamplePost function then calls NewHandle to allocate the memory in which the downloaded information will be stored, creates a URL reference, and stores it in myRef.urlRef.

Listing 1-5  Allocating memory and creating a URL reference

OSStatus err = noErr;
static void DoSamplePost (void) {
    ThreadID threadID = 0;
    URLDownloadInfo myRef;
    Handle downloadHandle = NULL;
    long downloadSize = 0;
    downloadHandle = NewHandle(0);
    if ( downloadHandle == NULL) {
        // Call error handling function.
    //  Create a URLReference
    err = URLNewReference( kSampleURL, &myRef.urlRef );
    if ( err != noErr) {
        // Call error handling function.

As shown in Listing 1-6, DoSamplePost calls the function URLSetProperty to set the HTTP request method property value to the 4-byte string "POST" and the value of the HTTP request body property value to the 19-byte string "". When you set the property identified by kURLHTTPRequestBody, URL Access Manager automatically adds the length of the value identified by kURLHTTPRequestHeader to the request, so you do not need to set the request header explicitly.

Listing 1-6  Setting URL properties

URLSetProperty (myRef.urlRef, kURLHTTPRequestMethod, "POST", 4);
URLSetProperty (myRef.urlRef, kURLHTTPRequestBody, "", 19);

Next, DoSamplePost uses the remaining fields of the myRef structure to store values that will be used as parameters for calling URLDownload.

Listing 1-7 illustrates setting these values.

Listing 1-7  Setting the URLDownload parameters

myRef.destination = NULL;
myRef.destinationHandle = downloadHandle;
myRef.openFlags = kURLDisplayProgressFlag;
myRef.eventProc = &MyURLCallbackProc;
myRef.userContext = &myRef;
myRef.errorCode = 0;

Once the URL reference has been created, its properties set, and the parameters for URLDownload prepared, DoSamplePost is ready to call URLDownload, as shown in Listing 1-8. If the download is successful, DoSamplePost calls the function URLGetProperty to obtain the size of the downloaded data using the downloadSize parameter.

Listing 1-8  Calling the URLDownload function

err = URLDownload (
myRef.errorCode = err;
if (  myRef.errorCode != noErr) {
    // Call error handling function.
else {
    // Successful download. Get the size of the downloaded data.
    err = URLGetProperty(myRef.urlRef, kURLResourceSize, &downloadSize, 4);
if ( err != noErr) {
    // Call error handling function.

In Listing 1-9DoSamplePost calls SetHandleSize to set the size of downloadHandle to downloadSize + 1 and sets the value of the last byte of downloaded data to NULL. DoSamplePost calls printf to display the data, and concludes by disposing of the URL reference.

Listing 1-9  Displaying the downloaded data

downloadSize = GetHandleSize(downloadHandle);
SetHandleSize(downloadHandle, (downloadSize+1));
(*myRef.destinationHandle)[downloadSize] = NULL;
printf( "<•>==================== Downloaded Data ==================\n" );
printf( "%s", *myRef.destinationHandle );

Listing 1-10 shows a placeholder for SamplePost’s system event callback function. The userContext parameter can be used to associate any particular call of URLDownload with any particular call of the system event callback function.

Listing 1-10  SamplePost’s system event callback function

pascal OSStatus MyURLCallbackProc (void *userContext, EventRecord *event)
    printf("<•>System callback thread fired! Thread: %u\n", userContext);
    return 0;

Case Study: Downloading Data From Multiple URLs

This section describes how the sample application Downloader downloads data from multiple URLs and stores it in multiple files using URL Access Manager function URLDownload. Downloader obtains the URLs to be downloaded by reading a text file in which they have been stored.

Listing 1-11 illustrates how Downloader’s main function sets up the main event loop and calls the function getURL to obtain a URL from a file of URLs.

Listing 1-11  The Downloader application’s main function

#include <Events.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "URLAccess.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "Memory.h"
void main (void) {
    OSStatus err = noErr;
    char url[255];
    int count, fileCount = 0;
    EventRecord ev;
    // Call MaxApplZone, MoreMasters.
    // Initialize graphics port, fonts, menus, cursor, and dialogs.
    // Clear the screen.
    while ( url != NULL )
        // Handle Events through each loop
        WaitNextEvent(everyEvent, &ev, 0, NULL);
        eventHandler( NULL, &ev );
        // Obtain a URL from the file of URLs
        result = getURL (url); // getURL function not shown
        if (result == eofErr) { // Handle error condition. }
        // Call Download function.
        result = DoDownload (url);
        if (result != noErr) { // Handle error condition. }
    printf("\n All of the URLs have been downloaded.\n");

The DoDownload function shown in Listing 1-12 does the actual work of downloading data from the URL. It creates a file specification for the data that is to be downloaded and a URL reference. It specifies the mask kURLReplaceExistingFlag in the openFlags parameter to replace an existing file (if any) with the downloaded data and to display a progress indicator during the download. Finally, it calls the function URLDownload to download the data.

Listing 1-12  Downloader’s DoDownload function

void DoDownload (void) {
    URLReference urlRef;
    FSSpec dest, *destPtr = NULL;
    destPtr = &dest;
    Handle destHandle = NULL;
    int openFlags = kURLReplaceExistingFlag + kURLDisplayProgressFlag;
    Str255 newFile;
    // Create the file specification for the download.
    sprintf((char*)newFile, "File %d", fileCount);
    err = FSMakeFSSpec(0, 0, newFile, &dest);
    // Create the URLReference.
    err = URLNewReference( theURL, &urlRef );
    if (err != noErr) printf("URLNewReference failed\n");
    // Download the data.
    err = URLDownload( urlRef, destPtr, destHandle, openFlags, &eventHandler,
        (void*)&fileCount );
    if (err != noErr) printf("URLDownload failed\n");
    // Clean up.
    err = URLDisposeReference( urlRef );
    if (err != noErr) printf("URLDisposeReference failed\n");
    return err;

Listing 1-13 illustrates Downloader’s general event handling function eventHandler. This function handles system events that might occur during calls to the functions URLSimpleDownload, URLDownload, URLSimpleUpload, and URLUpload. The userContext parameter can be used to associate any particular call of URLDownload with any particular call of the system event callback function. In this context, it is an integer.

Listing 1-13  Downloader’s system event callback function

pascal long eventHandler (void * userContext, EventRecord* eventPtr)
    EventRecord* ev;
    int what = 0;
    int context = 0;
    int* intPtr = NULL;
    // Convert the event pointer into an event record.
    ev = (EventRecord*)eventPtr;
    what = ev->what;
    // Convert the void* to an integer.
    intPtr = (int*)userContext;
    context = *intPtr;
    if (context < 0 || context > 99) {
        context = -1; // Unknown context
    switch (what) {
        case 0 : // Null Event
        case mouseDown:
            printf("Handler: mouseDown  User Context: %d\n", context);
            // Call function to handle event.
        case updateEvt:
            printf("Handler: updateEvt  User Context: %d\n", context);
            // Call function to handle event.
        case activateEvt:
            printf("Handler: activateEvt  User Context: %d\n", context);
            // Call function to handle event.
        case keyDown:
            printf("Handler: keyDown  User Context: %d\n", context);
            // Call function to handle event.
            printf("Handler: Default  User Context: %d\n", context);
    return NULL;

See Also

These documents in the ADC Reference Library contain additional information about URL Access Manager: