Document Revision History

This table describes the changes to Using Ink Services in Your Application.


Made changes to the text and source code in the section Handling Phrase Termination to reflect the use of the iSource input parameter to the functions InkSetPhraseTerminationMode and InkTerminateCurrentPhrase.


In the section Implementing a Correction Model changed “Menu items” to “Text alternates” in the sentence “Text alternates supplied by Ink Services can be identified by the command ID 'inka'.” This reflects the addition to the Ink Services API of two command IDs for the separator 'inks' and Ink data 'inkd' menu items. See the Ink Services Reference for more information.


Made a change to the section Implementing Deferred Recognition to reflect the use of the iSource input parameter to the function InkTerminateCurrentPhrase.


First release of this document. This is a preliminary version.