Setting a Stepper’s Behavior

To set the minimum and maximum values for a stepper, use setMinValue: and setMaxValue:. To choose how much the stepper changes its value when an arrow is pressed, use setIncrement:. Pressing the upper arrow increments the value by increment. Pressing the bottom arrow decrements the value by increment.

To choose what happens when the user presses the mouse button and holds it down, use setAutoRepeat:. If autoRepeat is YES, the stepper changes its value at a regular interval. If autoRepeat is NO, the stepper changes its value once after the mouse button is released.

To choose what happens when the user continues to press the stepper after its value has reached its minimum or maximum value, use setValueWraps:. If valueWraps is YES, the stepper wraps around to the minimum or maximum value. If valueWraps is NO, the stepper doesn’t change its value.