Document Revision History

This table describes the changes to Sync Services Programming Guide.


Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.7.


Minor edits throughout.


Updated for Mac OS X v10.6.


Updated sync schema description to reflect the addition of the UIHelperClass key.


Updated for Mac OS X v10.5. Added "Using Sync Anchors," "Using a Session Driver," "Syncing Core Data Applications", and "Syncing Preferences" articles to the guide. Fixed miscellaneous errors and typos.


Fixed client description example.


Minor edits throughout. Linked methods and constants to API reference.


Added more information on creating a schema--for example, explains the difference between weak vs. strong ordering and when DataClasses and ExtensionName are required. Otherwise, minor editorial corrections throughout.


Added description of the Parent, Subtype and EnumType keys to the schema description.


Added content on filtering, schema extensions, and localization of data alert panels. Minor editorial corrections throughout. First public version.


Added the Filtering Records article, Creating a Schema Extension section in the Creating a Sync Schemaarticle, and details on alert messages to the Localizing Property Names section in Creating a Sync Schema.


Changed the title from Sync Services to be consistent with the titles of similar documentation. Added Formatting Records, updated Creating a Sync Schema per schema, attribute types and localization changes, added and updated code samples throughout. Refined some of the API descriptions.


Added these new articles: Syncing Relationships and Syncing with Other Clients. Added more details and examples to these articles: Creating a Sync Schema (formerly called “Schema Design”), and Registering Clients. Made minor edits to these articles: Sync Services Overview, Managing Your Sync Session and Registering Schemas.


First release of conceptual and task material covering Sync Services framework available in Mac OS X 10.4 and later.