NSButtonCell Bindings

Related class
Available in OS X v10.3 and later.

Action Invocation Bindings


A multiple-value binding that specifies the object passed as a parameter to the selector.

When argument is bound, a new binding, argument2, is exposed and can be bound. Binding to argument2 causes argument3 to be exposed, and so on.

The objects specified in the argument bindings are passed as parameters to the selector specified in the target binding when the NSButtonCell is clicked.

Available in OS X v10.3 and later.
Binding is Read-Only.

Binding Options
OptionBinding option constantValue class
Allows Null ArgumentNSAllowsNullArgumentBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean)
Conditionally Sets EditableNSConditionallySetsEditableBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean)
Conditionally Sets EnabledNSConditionallySetsEnabledBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean)
Invokes Separately with Array ObjectsNSInvokesSeparatelyWithArrayObjectsBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean)
Raises for Not Applicable KeysNSRaisesForNotApplicableKeysBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean)
Selector NameNSSelectorNameBindingOption NSString


An object that receives a message corresponding to selector name when the NSButtonCell is clicked.

Available in OS X v10.3 and later.
Binding is Read-Only.

Binding Options
OptionBinding option constantValue class
Always Presents Application Modal Alerts. Available in OS X v10.4 and later.NSAlwaysPresentsApplicationModalAlertsBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean)
Conditionally Sets EditableNSConditionallySetsEditableBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean)
Conditionally Sets EnabledNSConditionallySetsEnabledBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean)
Raises for Not Applicable KeysNSRaisesForNotApplicableKeysBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean)
Selector NameNSSelectorNameBindingOption NSString

Availability Bindings


A multiple-value binding that determines if the NSButtonCell is editable in the user interface.

When editable is bound, a new binding, editable2, is exposed and can be bound. Binding to editable2 causes editable3 to be exposed, and so on.

The contents of the NSButtonCell are editable if a logical AND operation on all the editable bindings results in a Boolean value of YES.

Available in OS X v10.3 and later.
Binding is Read-Only.

Binding Options
OptionBinding option constantValue class
Raises for Not Applicable KeysNSRaisesForNotApplicableKeysBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean)

DescriptionPlaceholder constantValue class
Multiple Values PlaceholderNSMultipleValuesPlaceholderBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean) or NSNull
No Selection PlaceholderNSNoSelectionPlaceholderBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean) or NSNull
Not Applicable PlaceholderNSNotApplicablePlaceholderBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean) or NSNull
Null PlaceholderNSNullPlaceholderBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean) or NSNull


A multiple-value binding that determines if the NSButtonCell is enabled in the user interface.

When enabled is bound, a new binding, enabled2, is exposed and can be bound. Binding to enabled2 causes enabled3 to be exposed, and so on.

The NSButtonCell is enabled if a logical AND operation on all the enabled bindings results in a Boolean value of YES.

Available in OS X v10.3 and later.
Binding is Read-Only.

Binding Options
OptionBinding option constantValue class
Raises for Not Applicable KeysNSRaisesForNotApplicableKeysBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean)

DescriptionPlaceholder constantValue class
Multiple Values PlaceholderNSMultipleValuesPlaceholderBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean) or NSNull
No Selection PlaceholderNSNoSelectionPlaceholderBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean) or NSNull
Not Applicable PlaceholderNSNotApplicablePlaceholderBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean) or NSNull
Null PlaceholderNSNullPlaceholderBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean) or NSNull

Font Bindings


An NSFont used to display the NSButtonCell.

If font is bound, all other Font category bindings are disabled.

Available in OS X v10.3 and later.
Binding is Read-Only.

Binding Options
OptionBinding option constantValue class
Raises for Not Applicable KeysNSRaisesForNotApplicableKeysBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean)


A Boolean value that determines if the NSFont used to display the NSButtonCell is bold. If fontBold evaluates to YES, the bold attribute is added to the font.

If fontBold is bound, the font and fontName bindings are disabled.

Available in OS X v10.3 and later.
Binding is Read-Only.

Binding Options
OptionBinding option constantValue class
Raises for Not Applicable KeysNSRaisesForNotApplicableKeysBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean)

DescriptionPlaceholder constantValue class
Multiple Values PlaceholderNSMultipleValuesPlaceholderBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean) or NSNull
No Selection PlaceholderNSNoSelectionPlaceholderBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean) or NSNull
Not Applicable PlaceholderNSNotApplicablePlaceholderBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean) or NSNull
Null PlaceholderNSNullPlaceholderBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean) or NSNull


An NSString that specifies the family name of the NSFont used to display the contents of the NSButtonCell.

If fontFamilyName is bound to a key, the font and fontName bindings are disabled.

Available in OS X v10.3 and later.
Binding is Read-Only.

Binding Options
OptionBinding option constantValue class
Raises for Not Applicable KeysNSRaisesForNotApplicableKeysBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean)

DescriptionPlaceholder constantValue class
Multiple Values PlaceholderNSMultipleValuesPlaceholderBindingOption NSString
No Selection PlaceholderNSNoSelectionPlaceholderBindingOption NSString
Not Applicable PlaceholderNSNotApplicablePlaceholderBindingOption NSString
Null PlaceholderNSNullPlaceholderBindingOption NSString


A Boolean value that determines if the NSFont used to display the NSButtonCell is italic. If fontItalic evaluates to YES, the italic attribute is added to the font.

If fontItalic is bound, the font and fontName bindings are disabled.

Available in OS X v10.3 and later.
Binding is Read-Only.

Binding Options
OptionBinding option constantValue class
Raises for Not Applicable KeysNSRaisesForNotApplicableKeysBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean)

DescriptionPlaceholder constantValue class
Multiple Values PlaceholderNSMultipleValuesPlaceholderBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean) or NSNull
No Selection PlaceholderNSNoSelectionPlaceholderBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean) or NSNull
Not Applicable PlaceholderNSNotApplicablePlaceholderBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean) or NSNull
Null PlaceholderNSNullPlaceholderBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean) or NSNull


An NSString that specifies the full name of the NSFont that is used to display the contents of the NSButtonCell. The full font name includes the family and the style of the font — for example, "Helvetica-Bold".

If fontName bound to a key, the font, fontBold, fontFamilyName and fontItalic bindings are disabled.

Available in OS X v10.3 and later.
Binding is Read-Only.

Binding Options
OptionBinding option constantValue class
Raises for Not Applicable KeysNSRaisesForNotApplicableKeysBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean)

DescriptionPlaceholder constantValue class
Multiple Values PlaceholderNSMultipleValuesPlaceholderBindingOption NSString
No Selection PlaceholderNSNoSelectionPlaceholderBindingOption NSString
Not Applicable PlaceholderNSNotApplicablePlaceholderBindingOption NSString
Null PlaceholderNSNullPlaceholderBindingOption NSString


An integer value that determines the size, in points, of the font used to display the NSButtonCell.

If fontSize is bound, the font binding is disabled.

Available in OS X v10.3 and later.
Binding is Read-Only.

Binding Options
OptionBinding option constantValue class
Raises for Not Applicable KeysNSRaisesForNotApplicableKeysBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean)

DescriptionPlaceholder constantValue class
Multiple Values PlaceholderNSMultipleValuesPlaceholderBindingOption NSNumber
No Selection PlaceholderNSNoSelectionPlaceholderBindingOption NSNumber
Not Applicable PlaceholderNSNotApplicablePlaceholderBindingOption NSNumber
Null PlaceholderNSNullPlaceholderBindingOption NSNumber

Parameters Bindings


An NSImage that is displayed by the NSButtonCell when it is in its alternate state. Note that some button types don't display an alternate image.

Available in OS X v10.3 and later.
Binding is Read-Only.

Binding Options
OptionBinding option constantValue class
Raises for Not Applicable KeysNSRaisesForNotApplicableKeysBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean)


An NSString that is displayed by the NSButtonCell when it is in its alternate state. Note that some button types don't display an alternate title.

Available in OS X v10.3 and later.
Binding is Read-Only.

Binding Options
OptionBinding option constantValue class
Raises for Not Applicable KeysNSRaisesForNotApplicableKeysBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean)

DescriptionPlaceholder constantValue class
Multiple Values PlaceholderNSMultipleValuesPlaceholderBindingOption NSString
No Selection PlaceholderNSNoSelectionPlaceholderBindingOption NSString
Not Applicable PlaceholderNSNotApplicablePlaceholderBindingOption NSString
Null PlaceholderNSNullPlaceholderBindingOption NSString


An NSImage that specifies the image displayed by the NSButtonCell.

Available in OS X v10.3 and later.
Binding is Read-Only.

Binding Options
OptionBinding option constantValue class
Raises for Not Applicable KeysNSRaisesForNotApplicableKeysBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean)


An NSString value that is displayed as the label of the NSButtonCell.

Available in OS X v10.3 and later.
Binding is Read-Only.

Binding Options
OptionBinding option constantValue class
Raises for Not Applicable KeysNSRaisesForNotApplicableKeysBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean)

DescriptionPlaceholder constantValue class
Multiple Values PlaceholderNSMultipleValuesPlaceholderBindingOption NSString
No Selection PlaceholderNSNoSelectionPlaceholderBindingOption NSString
Not Applicable PlaceholderNSNotApplicablePlaceholderBindingOption NSString
Null PlaceholderNSNullPlaceholderBindingOption NSString

Value Bindings


An integer value that specifies the current state of the NSButtonCell.

If the value binding represents a multiple value selection, and both YES and NO values are represented in the bound key, the button is temporarily set to allow mixed states if it doesn't already. If the button is already configured to allow mixed states, the setting is unchanged.

Available in OS X v10.3 and later.

Binding Options
OptionBinding option constantValue class
Allows Editing Multiple Value SelectionNSAllowsEditingMultipleValuesSelectionBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean)
Always Presents Application Modal Alerts. Available in OS X v10.4 and later.NSAlwaysPresentsApplicationModalAlertsBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean)
Conditionally Sets EnabledNSConditionallySetsEnabledBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean)
Conditionally Sets HiddenNSConditionallySetsHiddenBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean)
Raises for Not Applicable KeysNSRaisesForNotApplicableKeysBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean)
Validates ImmediatelyNSValidatesImmediatelyBindingOption NSNumber (Boolean)