Build System

This chapter discusses the Project Builder build system, which determines how applications are built. Project Builder uses the Jam software build tool as its build engine. Jam allows Project Builder to easily manage dependencies between a project’s elements. It can also take advantage of computers with two or more central processing units (CPUs).

Build Settings

Build settings are similar to Java properties: They store values that Project Builder uses to build products. Project Builder facilitates configuring some build settings through specialized panes (see Target Information Panes). However, you can set the value of any build setting directly through expert panes. Expert panes show the configuration build settings as a list of key-value pairs. Through these panes you can set the values of build settings for which the more user-friendly specialized panes do not provide a user interface.

The following tables list some of the build settings you may have to use in your projects. Build Settings Reference has a complete list of Java-related settings. See the Project Builder release notes for a complete list of all settings.

Table 2-1 lists build settings that identify a project and tell Project Builder where to put temporary files generated during product building.

Table 2-1  Project build settings

Build setting



Name of the project. For example, MyProject. You should not modify this setting directly.


Base location for built products. For example, MyProject/build.


Base location for the temporary files generated by a project’s targets. For example, MyProject/build. You should not modify this setting directly.


Base location for built products. It’s set to $BUILD_DIR in development builds (for example, MyProject/build), $INSTALL_DIR (for example, /tmp/MyProject.dst/usr/bin) in deployment builds when the product is installed, and $BUILD_DIR/UninstalledProducts when the product is not installed.

Table 2-2 lists build settings that determine where files are placed when you use pbxbuild to install a product.

Table 2-2  Deployment build settings

Build setting



Base location for the installed product. For example, /tmp/MyProject.dst/.


Location of the installed product. For example usr/bin.


Fully qualified path for the installed product. By default, it concatenates DSTROOT and INSTALL_PATH. So, with the example values, it evaluates to /tmp/MyProject.dst/usr/bin. You should not modify this setting directly.

Table 2-3 lists build settings that identify a target and tell Project Builder where to put the files it generates.

Table 2-3  Target build settings

Build setting



Name of the target. For example, MyProject. You should not modify this setting directly.


The action being performed on a target. Its possible values are build, clean, or install (through pbxbuild). You should not modify this setting directly.


Location for a target’s temporary files. For example, MyProject/build/

Table 2-4 lists build settings used to call javac or jikes to compile Java source files.

Table 2-4  Java compiler build settings

Build setting



Base location for Java class files. For example, MyProject/build/


Defines the Java virtual machine version that javac compiles Java source files to—for example, 1.4. By default, this setting is undefined.

Table 2-5 lists the build setting that defines the archive of Java class files and the creation of the application package.

Table 2-5  Java application build setting

Build setting



Path (relative to the project’s root directory) to a manifest file to use when archiving Java class files into a JAR file. For example, Manifest.


Project Builder targets represent a product, such as an application or a framework. A project can produce more than one product. For example, a project can contain Java source files, which are compiled into Java class files by javac, and Objective-C source files, which are compiled into object files by gcc. Such a project must contain at least two targets, one that compiles the Java sources files and another that compiles the Objective-C source files. The build settings introduced in Build Settings are what Project Builder uses to determine how to build a product.

Each target has its own set of build setting values; they are autonomous entities within a project. However, you can tell Project Builder that a target depends on one or more additional targets. That way you can guarantee, for example, that when target A needs files produced by target B, target B is executed before target A. In addition, if there’s a problem with target B, target A doesn’t get executed.

In addition, Project Builder provides the ability to add aggregate targets to a project. An aggregate target contains no product-building instructions; instead, it groups other targets. The operations you perform on aggregate targets are carried out on all the targets they enclose.

Each target can contain some or all of the following types of elements:

For more information on targets, see Project Builder Help.

Target Information Panes

Target information panes group information about how a product is built. They contain a user-friendly view of the values of certain build settings. These information panes are grouped in three major groups: Summary, Settings and Info.plist Entries.

Target Summary

The Summary pane shows summary information for a project, including its name, type, and developer comments; it’s shown in Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1  Target Summary pane of the target editor in Project Builder
Target Summary pane of the target editor in Project Builder

Table 2-6 describes the elements of the Target Summary pane.

Table 2-6  Elements of the Target Summary pane

Element label


Corresponding build setting

Product type

Indicates the type of project. Can be Application, Tool, Framework, and so on.


Base product name

Name of the generated product file without an extension.



Developer comments about the target.


Build Settings

The Build Settings pane groups views of the build settings of a project. It includes two views: Simple View and Expert View. The Simple View provides a easy-to-use user interface to various build settings. The Expert View lists all the build settings. You can use this view when the other views don’t provide a way of configuring a particular build setting.

General Settings

The General Settings pane, depicted in Figure 2-2, shows information that pertains to the entire project. Table 2-7 describes its elements.

Figure 2-2  General Settings pane of the target editor in Project Builder
General Settings pane of the target editor in Project Builder
Table 2-7  Elements of the General Settings pane

Element label


Corresponding build setting

Product type

Indicates the type of project. Can be Application, Tool, Framework, and so on.


Product name

Name of the generated product file without an extension.


Installation Settings

The Installation Settings pane, depicted in Figure 2-3, shows installation information for the selected target. Table 2-8 describes its elements.

Figure 2-3  Installation Settings pane of the target editor in Project Builder
Installation Settings pane of the target editor in Project Builder
Table 2-8  Elements of the Installation Settings pane

Element label


Corresponding build setting


When selected, the product doesn’t get installed.



When selected, the product gets installed in the directory entered in the text input field.


Search Paths

The Search Paths pane, depicted in Figure 2-4, determines the places Project Builder searches for frameworks, libraries, Java classes, and headers (in the case of a JNI application) to build the selected target. Table 2-9 describes its elements.

Figure 2-4  Search Paths pane of the target editor in Project Builder
Search Paths pane of the target editor in Project Builder
Table 2-9  Elements of the Search Paths pane

Element label


Corresponding build setting


Search paths for Objective-C header files.



Search paths for frameworks.



Search paths for libraries.


Java Classes

Search paths for Java class files or JAR files.


Java Compiler Settings

The Java Compiler Settings pane, depicted in Figure 2-5, determines some compiler settings for the selected target. Table 2-10 describes its elements.

Figure 2-5  Java Compiler Settings pane of the target editor in Project Builder
Java Compiler Settings pane of the target editor in Project Builder
Table 2-10  Elements of the Java Compiler Settings pane

Element label


Corresponding build setting

Java Compiler

Determines the compiler to use to compile Java source files. The options are javac and jikes.


Disable warnings

When selected, the compiler doesn’t produce warnings.


Show usage of deprecated API

When selected, the compiler warns about deprecated API use.


Generate debugging symbols

When selected, the compiler generates debugging symbols.


Target VM version

The virtual machine version the compiler is to produce Java class files for.


Source file encoding

Specifies the character encoding used in all the Java source files that are to be compiled.


Other Java Compiler Flags

Additional compiler options.


Java Archive Settings

The Java Archive Settings pane, depicted in Figure 2-6, determines how Java class files in the selected target are archived. Table 2-11 describes its elements.

Figure 2-6  Java Archive Settings pane of the target editor in Project Builder
Java Archive Settings pane of the target editor in Project Builder
Table 2-11  Elements of the Java Archive Settings pane

Element label


Corresponding build setting

Product type

Determines whether Java class files are archived in a JAR file.



When unselected, the Java class files are stored in the JAR file, but are not compressed.


Archive file extension

The extension to use for the JAR file. The options are .jar, .war, and .ear.


Manifest file

Name of the supplemental manifest file.


Information Property List Entries

Information property lists (Info.plist files) contain information an application can access at runtime. This is similar to Java’s system properties. Information property lists, however, specify Mac OS X–specific application details, such as the application type and its icon. In addition, some Java-specific settings are also stored there; for example, the Java VM version that Mac OS X uses to run the application.

The following sections describe the simple views of information property list entries. See Mac OS X Developer Release Notes: Information Property List at for more information about information property lists.

Basic Information

The Basic Information pane, depicted in Figure 2-7, encapsulates identification information about the application package. Table 2-12 describes its elements.

Figure 2-7  Basic Information pane of the target editor in Project Builder
Basic Information pane of the target editor in Project Builder
Table 2-12  Elements of the Basic Information pane

Element label


Corresponding Info.plist entry


Name of the file containing the application’s executable code.



Package-style name (for example, used to uniquely identify the application or bundle.



Four-letter type indicator for the bundle. For example, APPL for applications, FMWK for frameworks, and so on.



Four-letter creator code for the bundle.



Version number for the bundle. For example, 10.2.3.


Display Information

The Display Information pane, depicted in Figure 2-8, encapsulates display information about the application package file. Table 2-13 describes its elements.

Figure 2-8  Display Information pane of the target editor in Project Builder
Display Information pane of the target editor in Project Builder
Table 2-13  Elements of the Display Information pane

Element label


Corresponding Info.plist entry

Display name

In application packages, localized name that is displayed in the menu bar.


Get-Info string

Localized string that appears in Info windows or the Inspector in the Finder.


Short version

Localized string with bundle-version information. This is the string displayed in Info windows or the Inspector in the Finder when CFBundleGetInfoString is undefined.


Application Icon

The Application Icon pane, depicted in Figure 2-9, identifies the icon file to be used for the application package’s icon, which is the icon the Finder displays to the user. Table 2-14 describes its elements.

Figure 2-9  Application Icon pane of the target editor in Project Builder
Application Icon pane of the target editor in Project Builder
Table 2-14  Elements of the Application Icon pane

Element label


Corresponding Info.plist entry

Icon file

Name of the icon file for the bundle.


Cocoa Java–Specific

The Cocoa Java–Specific pane, depicted in Figure 2-10, contains information specific for Cocoa applications written in Java. Table 2-15 describes its elements.

Figure 2-10  Cocoa Java–Specific pane of the target editor in Project Builder
Cocoa Java–Specific pane of the target editor in Project Builder
Table 2-15  Elements of the Cocoa Java–Specific pane

Elements label


Corresponding Info.plist entry

Needs Java

When selected, indicates that a Cocoa application needs to instantiate a Java virtual machine.


Root Directory

The directory where the application’s JAR files are stored in the application bundle. For example, Contents/Resources/Java.



List of JAR files contained in the root directory.


Pure Java–Specific

The Pure Java Specific pane, depicted in Figure 2-11, contains settings that are specific to Pure Java. Table 2-16 describes its elements.

Figure 2-11  Pure Java–Specific pane of the target editor in Project Builder
Pure Java–Specific pane of the target editor in Project Builder
Table 2-16  Elements of the Pure Java–Specific pane

Element label


Corresponding Info.plist entry

Main Class

Fully qualified name of an application’s main class.


Class Path

List of paths to Java class files of JAR files the application uses.


Place JFrame menu bars at top of screen

When selected, the application’s menu bar follows Mac OS X style: It’s placed at the top of the screen instead of within each application window.


Growbox intrudes

When selected, the resize control is part of the window pane. When unselected, a white band is added to the bottom of the window, so that the resize control doesn’t intrude in the windows’ content.


Set cwd to Contents/Resources/Java subdirectory

When selected, the application’s working directory is set to the bundle’s Contents/Resources/Java directory.


Anti-alias text

Toggles text anti-aliasing.


Live resizing

Toggles live resizing of windows.


Target VM Version

Version of the Java runtime the application requires. For example, 1.4+.


Additional VM Options

Command-line options to add to the java invocation. For example, -Xfuture -Xprof.


Additional Properties

Additional Java system properties, which you can access through System.getProperty.


Build Styles

During development, you may want to include debugging information in Java class files, but would rather not include it in the final version of those files. For example, the JAVA_COMPILER_DEBUGGING_SYMBOLS build setting determines whether debugging symbols are added to class files. So, a project could have a target called MyAppDebug that sets that build setting to YES and a target called MyApp that sets it to NO. However, when you need to set another build setting that affects the building of the application, you would have to make the change in two targets instead of one. To solve this situation, Project Builder includes build styles.

Build styles contain build setting configurations that override target build settings. So, instead of having two targets to produce an application, one for debugging and another for your customers, a project would contain one target that builds both types of products and a couple of build styles, one called Development and another named Deployment. The Development build style would contain the JAVA_COMPILER_DEBUGGING_SYMBOLS = YES build configuration, while the Deployment build style would have JAVA_COMPILER_DEBUGGING_SYMBOLS = NO.

To add a build style to a project, choose Project > New Build Style and name it. Then add the build settings that the build style is to override. For example, the build style shown in Figure 2-12 tells javac to optimize code for execution time.

Figure 2-12  Build style definition
Build style definition

Build Phases

Build phases define concrete tasks that Project Builder performs to build a product. These are the build phases you use in Java application projects:

Figure 2-13 is an example of inserting a shell script phase to confirm the value of a build setting. It shows a script that displays the value of the JAVA_COMPILER_FLAGS build setting. Figure 2-14 shows the script’s output.

Figure 2-13  Build-setting display script
Build-setting display script
Figure 2-14  Output of a build-setting display script
Output of a build-setting display script