Deploy the application
When your application is ready to be deployed, move it from the document root to <NextRoot>/NextLibrary/WOApps.You place the directory in WOApps to ensure its privacy; if you place the .woa under the document root and outside users have read access on .wos, .wod, or .java files, they have access to the application's source.
If the application imports any images or sounds, you must leave a "sparse" copy of the application in the document root so that the client's browser can find these resources. In this case "sparse" means that the application's directory structure is reproduced in the document root, but the only files it contains are the static resources that the server must dispense to a client's browser.
Note: You can't autostart an application installed in WOApps. It must be started from the command line as described in the section "Run the application."
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