Run the application
If you look at your application in the file system, you can see the files WebObjects Builder created for you. The Application.wos script is directly under the GuestBook.woa directory, and there are three files under Main.wo: an HTML file, a script file, and a declarations file, which holds the bindings between the script and the HTML file. You might also see files with a .woo extension or files named API.table. These are files created and used internally by WebObjects and WebObjects Builder. You'll also see a Session.wos file (for the session script) directly under GuestBook.woa, but it is an empty file because GuestBook does not need a session script.- Launch your web browser (for example, Netscape Navigator).
- Load a URL with the following form:
It's common to store all of your application in one directory under WebObjects. If you do this, you must give the path to the application. For example, if you stored the GuestBook.woa directory in the directory <DocumentRoot>/WebObjects/MyApps, the URL would be:http://Gandhi/cgi-bin/WebObjects/MyApps/GuestBook
To learn what happens when you run a WebObjects application, see "Connecting to a WebObjects Application" in the introduction to the WebObjects Developer's Guide.Troubleshooting
If you have trouble running the application, try running it manually. To do so, open a DOS command window and enter this command:
%NEXT_ROOT%\NextLibrary\Executables\WODefaultApp -d
DocumentRoot application_directory
where NEXT_ROOT is usually c:\NeXT, server/
DocumentRoot is the full path of the server's document root directory, and application_directory is the application's directory (relative to the WebObjects directory). For example:
c:\NeXT\NextLibrary\Executables\WODefaultApp -d c:/netscape/ns-home/docs GuestBook
Note: Be sure to use forward slashes in the arguments to WODefaultApp.
This command starts up the WebObjects default executable, which runs the GuestBook application and connects it to the WebObjects Framework. Once you have started this executable, go back to your Web browser and reload the URL. Make sure that the URL actually reloads. If necessary, quit the browser and start it up again.