Each dynamic element specification that follows is divided into two sections: a synopsis and a description. The synopsis is designed to give you ready reference to the element's attributes, showing which ones are mandatory and which ones optional. The description explains the purpose of the element and each of its attributes.
The element synopses use several conventions that you should be aware of, for example:
WOSubmitButton { action=submitForm
; value=aString
; [disabled=YES|NO;] [name=aName
;] ... };
denotes words that represent something else or that can be varied. For example, submitForm
represents a method in your script---the exact name of the method is your choice.
Another point to note concerns the capitalization of attribute names (action, value, disabled above). In the specifications that follow, compound attribute names are shown with the first letter of each embedded word capitalized. For example, WOActiveImage has an imageMapFile attribute. You can capitalize attributes exactly as shown in these specifications, or you can use all lowercase letters (imagemapfile). No other capitalization is allowed.