Adjusting the Page Cache Size
As noted in "WebObjects Viewed Through Its Classes", except for the first request, a request to a WebObjects application contains a session ID, page name, and context ID. The application uses this information to ask the appropriate session object for the page identified by the name and context ID. As long as the page is still in the cache, it can be retrieved and enlisted in handling the request.To reduce the resource requirements for an application, you could set the page cache to a smaller number. However, doing so increases the possibility that a request could address a page that is no longer in the cache. For example, if you set the page cache size to four, a user could backtrack five pages to an order form, make some changes, and resubmit the form. The result would be an error page like this:

To keep users from encountering this error, your application should maintain a moderate sized cache of pages. (Another strategy is to limit the number of identical page instances that your application creates; see "pageWithName: and Page Caching" for one way to do this.) The default cache size of 30 pages is a reasonable value that protects users from reaching the backtracking limit under normal conditions; however, you can adjust the limit to any positive value you like or even zero.
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