Creating a WebObjects Application Project
A WebObjects application project contains all the files needed to build and maintain your application. You use Project Builder to create a new project.- Launch Project Builder.
On Windows NT, you can launch Project Builder from the WebObjects program group in the Start menu. On other platforms, you can launch the application by navigating to the directory NeXT_ROOT/NextDeveloper/Apps/ and launching ProjectBuilder.app. NeXT_ROOT is an environment variable defined when you installed WebObjects. On Windows NT systems, it is C:\NeXT by default. On Mach systems, it is the root directory /.
- Choose Project
- In the New Project panel, select WebObjectsApplication from the Project Type pop-up list.
- Click Browse.
- In the Save panel, navigate to the DocumentRoot/WebObjects directory.
DocumentRoot is your HTTP server's document root, which you specified when you installed WebObjects.
- Type the name of the project you want to create (GuestBook).
- Click Save.
The New Project panel shows the path you specified.
- Click OK.
The WebObjects Application Wizard starts.
- For Available Assistance, choose None.
If you are developing an application that accesses a database, you may wish to use one of the levels of assistance that WebObjects provides. For more information on these options, see "Creating a WebObjects Database Application".
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