Designing the Main Page
Every WebObjects application has at least one component-usually named Main-that represents the first page the application displays. In Movies, the Main component represents the MovieSearch page.To design the Main component, you'll use the WebObjects Application Wizard. The wizard performs all the setup that's necessary to fetch database records and display them in a web page. Specifying different wizard options yields different pages: The MovieSearch page is an example of one of the many different layouts you can generate with the wizard.
Starting the WebObjects Application Wizard
- In Project Builder, choose Project
- In the New Project panel, select WebObjects Application from the Project Type pop-up list.
- Click Browse.
- In the Open panel, navigate to a directory under DocumentRoot/WebObjects, where you want to create your new project.
- Type Movies in the "File name" field.
- Click Save.
- In the New Project panel, click OK.
This starts the WebObjects Application Wizard.
- Choose Wizard under Available Assistance.
With this option, the wizard guides you through the creation of a Main component for your application. When you finish, you can immediately build and run your application without performing any additional steps and without adding any code.
- Choose Java as the primary language.
- Click Next.
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