Adding the MovieDetails Page
The MovieDetails page shows you the detailed information about a movie you select in the Main page. For this to work, the Main page has to tell the MovieDetails page which movie the user selected. The MovieDetails page keeps track of the selected movie in its own instance variable. In this section, you'll:- Create a new component whose interface you'll create yourself.
- Assign Main's selected movie to a variable in the MovieDetails page.
- Create a way to navigate from Main to MovieDetails and back.
Creating the MovieDetails Component
- In Project Builder, choose File
New in Project.
- In the New File panel, click the Web Components suitcase.
- Type MovieDetails in the Name field.
- Click OK.
- In the wizard panel, choose None from the available assistance.
- Choose Java as the component language.
- Click Finish.
- Open the new component in WebObjects Builder.
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