Adding a Talent Display Group
The browser you just created is going to display a list of Talent objects. Like a repetition element, a browser has list and item attributes. As the browser moves through its list, the browser sets item to the object at the current index. The Movies application uses a display group to provide the browser with a list of Talent objects, so now you need to create the new display group and a variable to bind to the browser's item attribute.- Use the Add Variable/Method command to create two new instance variables:
You don't need to add set and get methods for the variables.
- Using the Display Group Options panel, assign talentDisplayGroup's entity to Talent.
Remember that to open the Display Group Options panel, simply
double-click the talentDisplayGroup variable in the object browser. Theicon initially displayed next to the variable indicates that initialization parameters have not yet been set.
- Configure talentDisplayGroup to sort its objects alphabetically (ascending) by lastName.
- Configure it to fetch on load.
After you configure talentDisplayGroup, the object browser shows a
icon next to the variable.
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