Uninstalling WebObjects for Windows NT
To uninstall WebObjects on Windows NT, do the following:- Run the WebObjects Uninstaller from the WebObjects Program Manager Group/Start Menu Group. Restart the machine after the uninstallation completes.
- Clean up your system environment variables as follows:
- Click Start, select Settings, then select Control Panel.
- Within the Control Panel window, double-click the System icon.
- Select the Environment tab. This panel is where you can alter the environment variable settings that Windows NT uses.
- Select NEXT_ROOT in the System Environment Variables section.
- Click Delete.
- If developer software was installed, select the lib (or Lib) system-environment variable definition. Highlight that portion of the definition that names the directories NextLibrary or NextDeveloper, and press the Delete key (do not click Delete). Click Set to register the change.
- Select the Path system-environment variable definition. Highlight that portion of the definition that names the directory NextDeveloper or NextLibrary and press the Delete key (do not click Delete).
- Click Set to register the change.
- Click OK in the System dialog.
- Clean up your services as follows:
- Within the Control Panel window, double-click the Services icon. The Services panel appears. This panel is where you can alter NT services.
- Check for entries titled NeXT Mach Daemon or NeXT Netname Server. If there are no entries by these names, skip the rest of this step.
- Launch the MS-DOS shell.
- Go to the %NEXT_ROOT%/NextLibrary/System directory (%NEXT_ROOT% is the root directory where NeXT software is installed-typically it is C:\NeXT or c:\)
- Enter these two commands:
> machd -remove
> nmserver -remove
- Search for the directories and files listed below. If any of these directories exist, delete them.
<DocRoot>/WebObjects (where <DocRoot> is your HTTP server's document root)
%SYS_ROOT%/Profiles/Administrator/Startup Menu/Programs/WebObjects
%SYS_ROOT%/Profiles/All Users/Startup Menu/Programs/WebObjects
%SYS_ROOT%/Profiles/Default User/Startup Menu/Programs/WebObjects
<cgi-bin>/WebObjects (where <cgi-bin> is your HTTP server's cgi-bin directory)
<cgi-bin>/WebObjects.exe - Clean up the Windows NT Registry. This step is not required.
Note: You must take great care when editing the Windows Registry; it's possible to alter your configuration so that your computer will no longer boot. If you aren't comfortable working with the Windows NT Registry, skip this step.
- Start the Windows Registry Editor. This program is named REGEDIT.EXE, and is typically found in your WINNT directory.
- Select Find from the Edit menu. In the Find What field, type "NeXT". Click Find Next to locate the first key.
- Examine the key. If it appears to be one that was created for use with OPENSTEP or D'OLE, press the Delete key to delete it. Press F3 to find the next key.
- Repeat until Find indicates that there are no keys that contain the string "NeXT".
- Clean up the HKEY_CLASSES section of the registry. The Find utility will not find any of the keys that need to be deleted from this section; you must search through it by hand.
When cleaning this section of the registry you will need to occasionally look at the actual values of the registry keys. Ensure that the window is 'split' - keys are listed on the left side, key values are listed on the right. There is an option under the 'View' menu.
- Double-lick the CLSID key in HKEY_CLASSES. This should expand the folder.
- Using the down arrow key, scroll through the list of keys under CLSID and check the key data/values that are displayed in the right side of the window. There are up to 3 entries that have a string containing the words "NeXT ORB" in the data field. Delete each of these entries. Make sure that the left side of the window has focus because you are actually deleting the key entry in the CLSID key structure, not just the single data/value entry.