Documentation Archive Developer


Inherits From:
NSCoder : NSObject

Conforms To:
NSObject (NSObject)

Declared In:

Class Description

NSUnarchiver, a concrete subclass of NSCoder, defines methods for decoding a set of Objective-C objects from an archive. Such archives are produced by objects of the NSArchiver class. See the NSCoder and NSArchiver specifications for an introduction to archiving.

General Exception Conditions

While unarchiving, NSUnarchiver performs a variety of consistency checks on the incoming data stream. NSUnarchiver raises an NSInconsistentArchiveException when:

For a description of type codes, see the discussion of the @encode() compiler directive in Object-Oriented Programming and the Objective-C Language.

Invoking inappropriate methods can also lead to errors. NSUnarchiver's superclass, NSCoder, provides methods for both encoding and decoding. However, only the decoding methods are applicable to NSUnarchiver; don't send an NSUnarchiver any encode... messages.

Method Types

Initializing an NSUnarchiver
- initForReadingWithData:
Decoding objects
+ unarchiveObjectWithData:
+ unarchiveObjectWithFile:
Managing an NSUnarchiver
- isAtEnd
- objectZone
- setObjectZone:
- systemVersion
Substituting classes or objects
+ classNameDecodedForArchiveClassName:
+ decodeClassName:asClassName:
- classNameDecodedForArchiveClassName:
- decodeClassName:asClassName:
- replaceObject:withObject:

Class Methods


+ (NSString *)classNameDecodedForArchiveClassName:(NSString *)nameInArchive

Returns the name of the class used when instantiating objects whose ostensible class, according to the archived data, is nameInArchive. This method returns nameInArchive if no substitute name has been specified using the class method (not the instance method) decodeClassName:asClassName:.

Note that individual instances of NSUnarchiver can each be given their own class name mappings by invoking the instance method decodeClassName:asClassName:. The NSUnarchiver class has no information about these instance-specific mappings, however, so they don't affect the return value of this class method (that is, classNameDecodedForArchiveClassName:).

See also: - classNameDecodedForArchiveClassName:


+ (void)decodeClassName:(NSString *)nameInArchive asClassName:(NSString *)trueName

Instructs instances of NSUnarchiver to use the class named trueName when instantiating objects whose ostensible class, according to the archived data, is nameInArchive. This method enables easy conversion of unarchived data when the name of a class has changed since the archive was created.

Note that there's also an instance method of the same name. An instance of NSUnarchiver can maintain its own mapping of class names. However, if both the class method and the instance method have been invoked using an identical value for nameInArchive, the class method takes precedence.

See also: + classNameDecodedForArchiveClassName:, - decodeClassName:asClassName:


+ (id)unarchiveObjectWithData:(NSData *)data

Decodes and returns the object archived in data. This method invokes initForReadingWithData: and decodeObject to create a temporary NSUnarchiver that decodes the object. If the archived object is the root of a graph of objects, the entire graph is unarchived.

See also: encodeRootObject: (NSArchiver)


+ (id)unarchiveObjectWithFile:(NSString *)path

Decodes and returns the object archived in the file path. This convenience method reads the file by invoking NSData's dataWithContentsOfFile: method, and then invokes unarchiveObjectWithData:.

Instance Methods


- (NSString *)classNameDecodedForArchiveClassName:(NSString *)nameInArchive

Returns the name of the class that will be used when instantiating objects whose ostensible class, according to the archived data, is nameInArchive. This method returns nameInArchive unless a substitute name has been specified using the instance method (not the class method) decodeClassName:asClassName:.

See also: + classNameDecodedForArchiveClassName:


- (void)decodeClassName:(NSString *)nameInArchive asClassName:(NSString *)trueName

Instructs the receiver to use the class named trueName when instantiating objects whose ostensible class, according to the archived data, is nameInArchive. This method enables easy conversion of unarchived data when the name of a class has changed since the archive was created.

Note that there's also a class method of the same name. The class method has precedence in case of conflicts.

See also: - classNameDecodedForArchiveClassName:, + decodeClassName:asClassName:


- (id)initForReadingWithData:(NSData *)data

Initializes an NSUnarchiver object from the data object data, decoding the system version number that was archived in data and preparing the NSUnarchiver for a subsequent invocation of decodeObject. Raises an NSInvalidArgumentException if data is nil.

See also: - systemVersion


- (BOOL)isAtEnd

Returns YES if the NSUnarchiver has reached the end of the encoded data while decoding, NO if more data follows. You can invoke this method after invoking decodeObject to discover whether the archive contains extra data following the encoded object graph. If it does, you can either ignore this anomaly or consider it an error.


- (NSZone *)objectZone

Returns the memory zone used to allocate decoded objects.

See also: - setObjectZone:


- (void)replaceObject:(id)object withObject:(id)newObject

Causes the NSUnarchiver to substitute newObject for object whenever object is extracted from the archive. newObject can be of a different class from object, and the class mappings set by the two decodeClassName:asClassName: methods are ignored.


- (void)setObjectZone:(NSZone *)zone

Set the memory zone used to allocate decoded objects. If zone is NULL, or if this method is never invoked, the default zone will be used, as given by NSDefaultMallocZone().

See also: - objectZone


- (unsigned int)systemVersion

Returns the system version number that was in effect when the archive was created. This information is available as soon as the NSUnarchiver has been initialized.

The version numbers aren't the usual release designations (such as 2.0 or 3.1). By convention, version numbers under 1000 refer to early versions of NEXTSTEP that didn't conform to the OpenStep specification.

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