Inherits From:
Conforms To:
NSObject (NSObject)
Declared In:
Class At A Glance
- An NSValue object serves as an object wrapper for a standard C or Objective-C data item, allowing it to be stored in a collection object such as an NSArray or NSDictionary.
+ value:withObjCType: Returns an NSValue containing any C or Objective-C data item. + valueWithBytes:objCType: Returns an NSValue containing any Objective-C data item, which is interpreted as being of the specified Objective-C type. + valueWithNonretainedObject: Returns an NSValue containing an Objective-C object, without retaining the Objective-C object. + valueWithPointer: Returns an NSValue that contains a pointer. Commonly Used Methods
- objCType Returns the Objective-C type for the data contained in an NSValue. - getValue: Copies an NSValue's contents into a buffer. - nonretainedObjectValue Returns an NSValue's contents as an id
.- pointerValue Returns an NSValue's contents as a pointer to void
.Primitive Methods
- - getValue:
- - objCType
- - getValue:
Class Description
An NSValue object is a simple container for a single C or Objective-C data item. It can hold any of the scalar types such asint
, float
, and char
, as well as pointers, structures, and object id
s. The purpose of this class is to allow items of such data types to be added to collection objects such as NSArrays and NSSets, which require their elements to be objects. NSValue objects are always immutable.
To create an NSValue object with a particular data item, you provide a pointer to the item along with a C string describing the item's type in Objective-C type encoding. You get this string using the @encode()
compiler directive, which returns the platform-specific encoding for the given type (See the section "Types Encoding" in the chapter "Objective-C Extensions" in the book
Object-Oriented Programming and the Objective-C Language for more information about @encode() and a list of type codes
). Fore example, this code excerpt creates theValue
containing an NSRange:
NSRange myRange = {4, 10};
NSValue *theValue = [NSValue valueWithBytes:&myRange objCType:@encode(NSRange)];
Note that the type you specify must be of constant length. C strings, variable-length arrays and structures, and other data types of indeterminate length can't be stored in an NSValue. You should use NSString or NSData objects for these. If you must store a variable-length item in an NSValue, you have to store a pointer to the item, not the item itself. This code excerpt incorrectly attempts to place a C string directly into an NSValue object:
char *myCString = "This is a string.";
NSValue *theValue = [NSValue value:myCString withObjCType:@encode(char *)];
In this code excerpt the contents of myCString
are interpreted as a pointer to a char
, so that the first four bytes contained in the string are treated as a pointer (the actual number of bytes used may vary with the hardware architecture). That is, the sequence "This" is interpreted as a pointer value, which is unlikely to be a legal address. The correct way to store such a data item, short of using an NSString object, is to pass the address of its pointer, not the pointer itself:
/* Correct. */
char *myCString = "This is a string.";
NSValue *theValue = [NSValue value:&myCString withObjCType:@encode(char *)];
Here the address of myCString
is passed, so that the address of the first character of the string is stored in theValue
. Note that the NSValue doesn't copy the contents of the string, but the pointer itself. If you create an NSValue with an allocated data item, don't deallocate its memory while the NSValue object exists.
Adopted Protocols
- NSCoding
- - encodeWithCoder:
- - initWithCoder:
- - encodeWithCoder:
- NSCopying
- - copyWithZone:
Method Types
- Creating an NSValue
- - initWithBytes:objCType:
- + valueWithBytes:objCType:
- + value:withObjCType:
- + valueWithNonretainedObject:
- + valueWithPointer:
- + valueWithPoint:
- + valueWithRect:
- + valueWithSize:
- + valueWithBytes:objCType:
- - initWithBytes:objCType:
- Accessing data
- - getValue:
- - nonretainedObjectValue
- - objCType
- - pointValue
- - pointerValue
- - rectValue
- - sizeValue
- - nonretainedObjectValue
- - getValue:
- Comparing objects
- - isEqualToValue:
Class Methods
+ (NSValue *)value:
(const void *)value withObjCType:
(const char *)type
Creates and returns an NSValue containing value, which is interpreted as being of the Objective-C type type. type should be created with the Objective-C @encode()
compiler directive; it shouldn't be hard-coded as a C string. See the class description for other considerations in creating an NSValue object and code examples.
See also:
+ valueWithBytes:objCType:
+ (NSValue *)valueWithBytes:
(const void *)value objCType:
(const char *)type
Creates and returns an NSValue containing value, which is interpreted as being of the Objective-C type type. type should be created with the Objective-C @encode()
compiler directive; it shouldn't be hard-coded as a C string. This method is equivalent to value:withObjCType:
, which is part of OpenStep. See the class description for other considerations in creating an NSValue object and code examples.
See also:
- initWithBytes:objCType:
+ (NSValue *)valueWithNonretainedObject:
Creates and returns an NSValue containing anObject, but doesn't retain it. This method is equivalent to invoking value:withObjCType:
in this manner:
NSValue *theValue = [NSValue value:&anObject withObjCType:@encode(void *)];
This method is useful for preventing an object from being retained when it's added to a collection object (such as an NSArray or NSDictionary).
See also:
- nonretainedObjectValue
+ (NSValue *)valueWithPoint:
Creates and returns an NSValue object that contains the specified NSPoint structure (which represents a geometrical point in two dimensions).
See also:
- pointValue
+ (NSValue *)valueWithPointer:
(const void *)aPointer
Creates and returns an NSValue object that contains aPointer. This method is equivalent to invoking value:withObjCType:
in this manner:
NSValue *theValue = [NSValue value:&aPointer withObjCType:@encode(void *)];
This method doesn't copy the contents of aPointer, so you should be sure not to deallocate that memory while the NSValue object exists. NSData objects may be more suited for arbitrary pointers than NSValue objects.
See also:
- pointerValue
+ (NSValue *)valueWithRect:
Creates and returns an NSValue object that contains the specified NSRect structure (which represents the coordinates of the rectangle's origin).
See also:
- rectValue
+ (NSValue *)valueWithSize:
Creates and returns an NSValue that contains the specified NSSize structure (which represents the width and height of a rectangle).
See also:
- sizeValue
Instance Methods
- (void)getValue:
(void *)buffer
Copies the NSValue's contents into
buffer. buffer should be large enough to hold the value.
- (id)initWithBytes:
(const void *)value objCType:
(const char *)type
Initializes a newly created NSValue to contain value, which is interpreted as being of the Objective-C type type. type should be created with the Objective-C @encode()
compiler directive; it shouldn't be hard-coded as a C string. See the class description for other considerations in creating an NSValue object.
This is the designated initializer for the NSValue class. Returns self
(NSValue *)aValue
Returns YES if the receiver and aValue are equal, otherwise returns NO. For NSValue objects, the class, type, and contents are compared to determine equality.
- (id)nonretainedObjectValue
For an NSValue object created to hold a pointer-sized data item, returns that item as an id.
For any other NSValue object the result is undefined.
See also:
- getValue:
- (const char *)objCType
Returns a C string containing the Objective-C type of the data contained in the receiver, as encoded by the @encode()
compiler directive.
- (NSPoint)pointValue
Returns an NSPoint structure (which represents a geometrical point in two dimensions).
See also:
- rectValue, - sizeValue
- (void *)pointerValue
For an NSValue object created to hold a pointer-sized data item, returns that item as a pointer to void
. For any other NSValue object the result is undefined.
See also:
- getValue:
- (NSRect)rectValue
Returns an NSRect structure (which represents the coordinates of the rectangle's origin).
See also:
- pointValue, - sizeValue
Returns an NSSize structure (which represents the width and height of a rectangle).
See also:
- pointValue, - rectValue
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