Dynamic Hyperlinks
Dynamic hyperlinks (WOHyperlink) allow you to specify the link's destination at run time rather than at compile time. There are several ways to do this:
- You can specify the name of a page in your application as the destination of the link. To do this, bind the name to the WOHyperlink's pageName attribute. This is useful since pages in a WebObjects application don't have predictable URLs that you can specify in an HTML hyperlink.
- You can specify an action to be performed when the hyperlink is clicked by binding WOHyperlink's action attribute to an action method in your code. This method can perform any sort of action, as well as returning a page as the destination.
- You can also specify a URL as the destination by binding to the href attribute.
in the toolbar.
- Replace the word Hyperlink with the text of the link.
- Create the element's bindings.