Generic WebObjects
You can use the generic WebObject element to create a dynamic version of any HTML element.To create a dynamic version of a standard HTML element):
- Create the element (say, a heading).
- In the Inspector, click Make Dynamic.

If the element has no specific dynamic counterpart, it becomes a generic WebObject element.

in the toolbar.
- Bring up the Inspector.
- Type BLOB between the quotes in the Binding column.
- Check "Element is container".
- Use the Add Attribute button to specify any additional properties of the element.

A generic WebObject element has one required attribute, elementName, which specifies what type of element should be generated at run time.
For example, imagine that a future version of HTML adds a container element called <BLOB>, which you would like to generate dynamically in your component. You would:
If the name isn't in quotes, WebObjects assumes it is a binding that should be resolved at run time. You might use that technique if you wanted to choose the type of element programmatically rather than specifying it in advance.