Support for the OpenBase Lite Database
Enterprise Objects Framework 3.0 adds support for a new database, OpenBase Lite, which ships with Enterprise Objects Framework 3.0 as an unsupported demo.If you install OpenBase Lite, it installs the following two frameworks in Local/Library/Frameworks:
- OpenBaseLiteAPI.framework, the proprietary database implementation
- OpenBaseLiteEOAdaptor.framework, the OpenBase Lite adaptor
OpenBase Lite is intended to be used as a single-user, single-machine database convenient for development, not as a deployment database. Only one process can access an OpenBase Lite database at a time (other processes are locked out until the first process releases the OpenBase Lite database). For more information on OpenBase Lite or if you are interested in the full-featured, client-server OpenBase database (as opposed to the bundled "Lite" version), contact OpenBase International:
58 Greenfield Road
Francestown, NH 03043 USA
TEL: (603) 547-8404
FAX: (603) 547-2423
e-mail: info@openbase.com
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