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Executing Arbitrary SQL Statements


Describes how to execute arbitrary SQL statements, including statements with GROUP BY and HAVING .


Enterprise Objects Framework (EOF) allows you to send arbitrary SQL statements using the EOUtilities category on EOEditingContext in Objective C. EOUtilities is an abstract class in Java.

Executing Arbitrary SQL Using EOUtilities

To execute the SQL, use the code listed below and make sure that the objects are cached in memory by

    · checking the Cache in Memory option in the Advanced Entity Inspector for the entity using EOModeler.

    · setting it programmatically using the EOEntity method setCachesObjects.

Figure 1. Objective-C Code
- (NSArray *)evaluateSQLString:(NSString *)sqlString
    withModel:(NSString *)modelName
    NSArray *results;
        results = [[[self session] defaultEditingContext]
             rawRowsWithSQL:sqlString modelNamed:modelName];
        results = nil;
        NSLog(@"Exception: %@", localException);
    return results;

The result is returned as an array of rows. The rows are NSDictionaries whose keys are NSStrings and whose values correspond to the values returned in the SQL statement. The keys are database dependent. In Oracle, the keys are generated sequentially starting with "Attribute0 " corresponding to the first value that is returned in your SQL SELECT statement, "Attribute1" corresponding to the second, and so on. The types of the values are defined in the model using EOModeler.

SQL Topics

The following are some SQL statements that are useful to send directly to the database server:

GROUP BY allows the user to group several rows sharing a particular pattern and compute some statistics on the aggregate (such as the total number of rows, the average, or the variance). For example, the following statement selects the number of movies produced by a given studio:

Select count(*), from movie t0, studio t1 where t0.studio_id=t1.studio_id GROUP BY

You can also compute the average and variance of a particular column. The following returns the list of the averages of revenue for each studio_id:

Select avg(revenue), studio_id from movie GROUP BY studio_id

HAVING allows you to select rows based on the result of an aggregate function such as count or avg . This example selects only the number of movies from studios that have produced more than three movies.

Select count(*), from movie t0, studio t1 where t0.studio_id=t1.studio_id GROUP BY HAVING count(*)>=3

Oracle has a feature called sequences. Suppose movie_seq is a name of a sequence. To get the value of a sequence, you send the following statement:

Select movie_seq.nextval from dual

See Also



Revision History

21 July, 1998. Jean-Luc Marsolier. First Draft.
12 November, 1998. Clif Liu. Second Draft.