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Creating Attributes

An attribute may be simple, derived, or flattened. A simple attribute typically corresponds to a single column in the database, and may be read or updated directly from or to the database. A simple EOAttribute may also be set as read-only with its setReadOnly: method. Read-only attributes of enterprise objects are never updated.

A derived attribute doesn't necessarily correspond to a single database column in its entity's database table, and is usually based on some other attribute, which is modified in some way. For example, if an Employee entity has a simple monthly salary attribute, you can define a derived annualSalary attribute as "salary * 12". Derived attributes, since they don't correspond to actual values in the database, are effectively read-only; it makes no sense to write a derived value.

A flattened attribute of an entity is actually an attribute of some other entity that's fetched through a relationship with a database join. A flattened attribute's external definition is a data path ending in an attribute name. For example, if the Employee entity has the relationship toAddress and the Address entity has the attribute street, you can define streetName as an attribute of your Employee EOEntity by creating an EOAttribute for it with a definition of "toAddress.street".

Creating a Simple Attribute

A simple attribute needs at least the following characteristics:

You also have to set whether the attribute is part of its entity's primary key, is a class property, or is used for locking. See the EOEntity class description for more information on these three groups of attributes. This code excerpt gives an example of creating a simple EOAttribute and adding it to an EOEntity:

EOEntity *employeeEntity;    /* Assume this exists. */

EOAttribute *salaryAttribute;

NSArray *empClassProps;

NSArray *empLockAttributes;

BOOL result;

salaryAttribute = [[EOAttribute alloc] init];

[salaryAttribute setName:@"salary"];

[salaryAttribute setColumnName:@"SALARY"];

[salaryAttribute setExternalType:@"money"];

[salaryAttribute setValueClassName:"NSDecimalNumber"];

[employeeEntity addAttribute:salaryAttribute];

[salaryAttribute release];

empClassProps = [[employeeEntity classProperties] mutableCopy];

[empClassProps addObject:salaryAttribute];

[employeeEntity setClassProperties:empClassProps];

[empClassProps release];

empLockAttributes = [[employeeEntity attributesUsedForLocking]


[empLockAttributes addObject:salaryAttribute];

result = [employeeEntity setAttributesUsedForLocking:empLockAttributes];

[empLockAttributes release];

Creating a Derived Attribute

A derived attribute depends on another attribute, so you base it on a definition including that attribute's name rather than on an external name. Because a derived attribute isn't mapped directly to anything in the database, you shouldn't include it in the entity's set of primary key attributes or attributes used for locking:

EOEntity *employeeEntity;    /* Assume this exists. */

EOAttribute *bonusAttribute;

NSArray *empClassProps;

BOOL result;

bonusAttribute = [[EOAttribute alloc] init];

[bonusAttribute setName:@"bonus"];

[bonusAttribute setDefinition:@"salary * 0.5"];

[bonusAttribute setValueClassName:@"NSDecimalNumber"];

[employeeEntity addAttribute:bonusAttribute];

[bonusAttribute release];

empClassProps = [[employeeEntity classProperties] mutableCopy];

[empClassProps addObject:bonusAttribute];

result = [employeeEntity setClassProperties:empClassProps];

[empClassProps release];

Creating a Flattened Attribute

A flattened attribute depends on a relationship, so you base it on a definition including that relationship's name rather than on an external name. Because a flattened attribute doesn't correspond directly to anything in its entity's table, you don't have to specify an external name, and shouldn't include it in the entity's set of primary key attributes or attributes used for locking:

EOEntity *employeeEntity;    /* Assume this exists. */

EOAttribute *deptNameAttribute;

NSArray *empClassProps;

BOOL result;

deptNameAttribute = [[EOAttribute alloc] init];

[deptNameAttribute setName:@"departmentName"];

[deptNameAttribute setValueClassName:"NSString"];

[deptNameAttribute setExternalType:@"varchar"];

[employeeEntity addAttribute:deptNameAttribute];

[deptNameAttribute setDefinition:@""];

[deptNameAttribute release];

empClassProps = [[employeeEntity classProperties] mutableCopy];

[empClassProps addObject:deptNameAttribute];

result = [employeeEntity setClassProperties:empClassProps];

[empClassProps release]; 

Instead of flattening attributes in your model, a better approach is often to directly traverse the object graph through relationships. See the chapter "Using EOModeler" in the Enterprise Objects Framework Developer's Guide for a discussion on when to use flattened attributes.

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