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(informal protocol)

Category Of: NSObject

Declared in: EOControl/EOEditingContext.h

Category Description

The EOEditors informal protocol defines methods for objects that act as higher-level editors of the objects an EOEditingContext contains. An editing context sends messages to its editors to determine whether they have any changes that need to be saved, and to allow them to flush pending changes before a save (possibly raising an exception to abort the save). See the EOEditingContext and EODisplayGroup (EOInterface) class specifications for more information.


- (void)editingContextWillSaveChanges: (EOEditingContext *)anEditingContext

Invoked by anEditingContext in its saveChanges method, this method allows the receiver to flush any pending edits and, if necessary, prohibit a save operation. The receiver should validate and flush any unprocessed edits it has, raising an exception if it can't do so to prevent anEditingContext from saving.


- (BOOL)editorHasChangesForEditingContext: (EOEditingContext *)anEditingContext

Invoked by anEditingContext, this method should return YES if the receiver has any unapplied edits that need to be saved, NO if it doesn't.

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