Documentation > WebObjects 4.5 >
EOF Developer's Guide
Using Application Kit applications as examples, this chapter answers the following questions about what Enterprise Objects Framework does behind the scenes:
Enterprise Objects Framework provides hooks so that your code can intervene in each of these scenarios. In addition to describing what happens behind the scenes in an Enterprise Objects Framework application, this chapter lists the delegate methods and notifications your code can use at every stage of an application to do custom processing.
Most of the information in this chapter can also be applied to other types of applications (command-line and web applications), but some of the details vary from what's illustrated here with Application Kit applications.
Fetching Objects
EODisplayGroup Receives a fetch Message
Inside EODatabaseContext
Inside EODatabaseChannel
Flow of Data During a Fetch
Uniquing, Snapshots, and Faults
How Changes are Distributed and Applied
How an EOEditingContext Manages Changes to Its Objects
Saving Changes
Locking and Update Strategies
Transactions and Optimistic Locking
Transactions and Pessimistic Locking
Transactions and On-Demand Locking
First Section