Forming Relationships in the Relationship Inspector
Creating a relationship with the Relationship Inspector is a more manual process than creating one in the diagram view. The inspector provides only the ability to configure a relationship that already exists. Consequently, unlike with the diagram view, you have to create a relationship before you can edit it with the Relationship Inspector.- Select a source entity in the Model Editor, such as Movie.
- Choose Property
Add Relationship.
- Select the new relationship in the Model Editor.
- Open the Relationship Inspector, either from the toolbar or by choosing Tools
- In the Inspector, select the destination entity (Studio) in the Destination browser.
Typically, you form a relationship by connecting a primary key in one entity and a corresponding foreign key in another entity. In a to-one relationship, the source entity usually holds the foreign key, while the destination entity holds the primary key. The opposite is true for a to-many relationship. For example, studioId is a foreign key for Movie, while it's the primary key for Studio.
- Select the source attribute (studioId) in the Source Attributes browser.
- Select the destination attribute (studioId) in the Destination Attributes browser
- Make sure the relationship has the proper cardinality (in this example it should be set to To One since a movie has only one Studio).
- Click Connect.
EOModeler assigns the relationship a default name; in this example it's "studio." You can edit this name if desired using either the Inspector or the table view.
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