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WebObjects Tools Changes

This chapter describes changes to the WebObjects tools between release 4.0.1 and 4.5. It describes changes to existing features and new features that you might want to start using. The WebObjects tools include the Project Builder application, the WebObjects Builder application, and the Direct to Web framework.

Project Builder Changes

Project Builder has received changes in this release in the areas of NSProjectSearchPath support, indentation, and the Build, Launch, and Find panels.

Project Builder now includes a Searchpath preferences panel to specify the project's NSProjectSearchPath user default. If your project uses framework projects that reside in a directory in the NSProjectSearchPath, you can access the source files for the frameworks through the Frameworks suitcase. Using the Build Options panel in the Build panel, you can specify whether to build the frameworks when you build the project. In the Find panel you can specify whether to search the project and frameworks or just the project.

Project Builder's automatic indentation has been upgraded. You can control its behavior with the Indentation preferences panel.

Project Builder's Build, Launch (with debugger) and Find panels now have an extra pane where you can edit code. You no longer need to switch between the main Project Builder window and the Build panel when you are editing compile errors. Likewise, you can search for text within the project and edit it without leaving the Find panel.

Project Builder is documented in WebObjects Tools and Techniques.

WebObjects Builder Changes

WebObjects Builder's user interface has received major changes for 4.5, specifically in the main window toolbar, the user interface for binding keys, and the table editing user interface. A path view, an API editor, and component validation have been added. WebObjects Builder is documented in WebObjects Tools and Techniques.

Main Window Changes

The editing modes from WebObjects 4.0.1 have been renamed. Graphical Editing Mode is now called the layout view. Source Editing Mode is now called the source view. A new view called the preview view has been added.

Layout View Changes

The toolbars have been reorganized. All tools are now available in a single click. You don't have to choose a toolbar. The WOComponentContent dynamic element is now available from the toolbar. In addition, the toolbar also contains an alert icon, which opens a window displaying the validation errors on the page and a puzzle piece icon, which opens the API editor. The API editor is described below.

WebObjects Builder now optionally displays HTML tags with opening and closing tag icons, which makes the HTML structure of the page more transparent. You can choose which tags are marked this way with the Layout preferences panel.

In the center of the window is a path view, which replaces the path view in the inspector and provides extra functionality. The path view displays the elements in the path as HTML tags rather than icons.

The object browser has column headings. Each heading displays the class of the object selected in the previous column. This class also contains the keys in the column.

Double clicking an element's icon no longer collapses the element. Use the preview view instead (described below).

Preview View

A new preview view, similar to the layout view, displays the page so it matches what the user sees in the browser as closely as possible. WebObjects Builder renders elements (for example, WORepetitions) in their collapsed form and hides comments and HTML tags.

Source View

Syntax coloring is new for WebObjects 4.5. By default, WebObjects Builder displays unmatched tags in red, markers in purple, comments in grey, and WebObjects in blue. You can change the colors using the preferences panel.

You can match a tag in the source view by triple-clicking on it. For example, if you want to select a <FONT FACE=...> tag, the closing </FONT> tag, and everything in between, triple click on <FONT, >, or </FONT>. You can also drag the mouse after you have triple-clicked, which expands the selection by whole containers.

Changes to the Binding Process

The process of binding is more flexible, streamlined, and intuitive in this version of WebObjects Builder.

Inspector Appearance

The inspector now has a horizontal aspect, which is more convenient to tile with the main window than before.


Documentation for static dynamic elements is now available from the inspector by clicking the book icon. The documentation appears in the WOInfoCenter.

Binding by Dragging

Binding by dragging from a variable to an element is now different. Instead of opening the inspector when you release the mouse button, WebObjects Builder now opens a menu with the element's attributes. You can click one of these attributes or click "Connect to new binding..." which adds a new binding.

Binding With the Element's Context Menu

You can bind a variable to an element's attribute by selecting the key in the object browser and Control-clicking (right-click in Windows NT) an element in the upper pane of the main window. A menu appears containing a submenu with the element's attributes. Click one of the attributes to connect it to the selected key. You can also create a new binding by clicking "Connect to a new binding..."

Binding Validation

WebObjects Builder checks for required bindings that are missing and mutually exclusive bindings that are specified. Invalid bindings display in red in the inspector. By clicking the alert icon in the inspector, you can access a description of the missing bindings.

Adding and Deleting Bindings with the Inspector

A pull-down list in the top right corner of the inspector allows you add and delete bindings. You can also add a binding by selecting the inspector and pressing Enter. You can delete a binding by selecting the binding and pressing the delete key.

Binding Aids in the Inspector

Creating bindings for date formats, number formats, booleans, image file names, framework names, page names, direct actions, and direct action classes is now easier. When WebObjects Builder can determine a set of possible values for an attribute, it displays a combo box for the attribute that allows you to choose one of these values. For example, boolean attributes have a combo box which allows you to choose YES or NO.

Binding Name Completion

When you inspect an element, double-click in the binding column, and start typing a key, WebObjects completes the name for you based on the keys in the object browser. For example, to bind to "application.allGuests.count," you simply type "a.a.c" and the inspector fills in the rest. The object browser also selects the key as you type it.

Working with Keys

The keys pull-down list at the bottom left corner of the main window manipulates keys in the component's script file only. It does not affect keys in the application or session files. You can add keys to the application (or session) with the application's context menu by selecting application (or session) and Control-clicking (right-clicking in Windows NT) in the next column of the object browser.

You can now rename and delete keys in the component's script file using the keys pull-down list. To delete or rename a application or session key, Control-click (right-click in Windows NT) on the key and choose Delete key or Rename key from the pop-up menu.

Changes to Keyboard Actions

The tables below show the changes to the keys you need to press to perform certain WebObjects Builder functions.

Layout View Keyboard Actions
Pre-WebObjects 4.5 WebObjects 4.5
Insert Paragraph (<P>) Shift-Enter Enter
Insert Line Break (<BR>) Enter Shift-Enter
Delete Text Backspace, Delete, or Del unchanged
Delete Structures Backspace, Delete, or Del Shift-Backspace, Shift-Delete, or Shift-Del
Add New List Item Shift-Enter Enter

Working with Tables

Creating and editing tables is substantially changed and more intuitive in this version of WebObjects Builder.

Creating Tables

To create a table, click the table icon in the toolbar. You can set the dimensions, size, layout, and other parameters for your table in the panel that appears. Press OK to insert the table.

Making Selections

In previous versions of WebObjects Builder, the inspector had a path view. In this version, the path view is in the main window. Thus, selecting the entire table or a single row is done differently in this version. If you select a table cell, you can inspect the row (by clicking <TR> in the path view) or the table itself (by clicking <TABLE> in the path view).

You can select multiple cells by

The first two selection methods ensure that the selected cells form a contiguous region.

Note: selecting all of the cells in a row or table is not the same as selecting the row or table!

Editing Tables

The structure/content table editing modes have been eliminated. Click in a cell to edit its contents. The table data and table row inspectors now have buttons to edit the table's structure.

Working with Fonts

In HTML, the FACE attribute for the FONT tag specifies a comma separated list of font names in order of preference. The browser searches for an installed font with a corresponding name in the list. WebObjects Builder provides a font panel which manipulates these lists. This font panel is available from the font pull-down list in the toolbar.

To delete a font list, select it in the font panel and press the delete key.

Path View Menu

Control-clicking (right-clicking on Windows NT) an element in the path view brings up a menu from which you can

Context Menus

The path view menu is one example of context menus. These menus appear when you control-click (right-click on Windows NT) on elements or keys in the WebObjects Builder window. The following parts of the user interface have context menus:

API Editor

A graphical API editor is now accessible by clicking the puzzle piece icon on the toolbar. It allows you to define the attributes and binding rules for a reusable component. The editor has three panels, one for creating bindings and setting attributes on them, one for creating validation rules, and one for associating an icon and documentation file with the component.

The Bindings tab allows you set up the attributes of your reusable component. WebObjects Builder displays these attributes in the inspector in WebObjects Builder. You can also tell WebObjects Builder which attributes must be bound, which attributes must be bound to a key that can be set, and the kind of values each attribute takes (such as page names, MIME types, or frameworks).

The Validation tab allows you to set up validation rules for the component. These rules specify which attributes must be bound together and which cannot be bound together. The "required" and "will set" checkboxes on the first tab are really shortcuts for setting up validation rules; the generated rules appear on the Validation tab when you check those checkboxes for your attributes. You can also set up more complex rules on the Validation tab. For example, you can specify that a set of attributes all control the same basic property of a component and only one of them may be bound at a time.

The Display tab allows you to choose an image that WebObjects Builder uses to display the reusable component in a document. You can also specify an HTML documentation file for the reusable component with the Display tab. WebObjects Builder displays this file in the WOInfoCenter when the user clicks the book icon in the component's inspector.

Syntactic and Semantic Constraints

WebObjects Builder optionally enforces constraints defined by the HTML 3.2 specification published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The W3C maintains the standards governing the World Wide Web. Their website is at

While mainstream browsers tolerate many HTML errors, WebObjects Builder's Layout view does not allow you to introduce semantic errors (although the Source view allows you to create and edit any HTML). If your document already has HTML errors, you can still edit it with the Layout view depending on the settings in your Validation preferences panel. This panel allows you to specify what WebObjects Builder does when it encounters semantic or syntactic errors when it tries to display the document in the Layout view.

Semantic errors occur when an HTML tag cannot be a child of another tag. For example, according to the HTML 3.2 specification, <B> cannot have <H1> as a child because <B> is a text-level tag, while <H1> is a block-level tag. Close tags without corresponding open tags and open tags without corresponding close tags are also semantic errors.

Syntactic errors occur when your HTML is malformed, for example, <//B> or <B.

Depending on the settings in the Validation preferences panel, WebObjects Builder automatically repairs each error it encounters, ignores it, or asks you what to do with it. Note that there are some errors for which WebObjects Builder cannot accommodate the settings you have chosen. For example, a document with two <BODY> tags can neither be repaired nor ignored.

If you choose to repair errors, WebObjects Builder adds missing close tags, and removes extra or malformed tags. When one tag is not allowed as a child of another, WebObjects Builder introduces an intermediate element between the two incompatible elements or adds a close tag for the parent element depending on the context. These repairs can be complicated and intrusive, so you should not routinely allow WebObjects Builder to repair all errors.

If you choose to ignore errors, WebObjects Builder does not modify your document. To see the errors in your document from the Layout view, bring up the validation panel.

If you choose to have the Builder ask about errors, it stops at every error it encounters as it tries to display your document in the Layout view and asks you whether you want to repair the error, ignore it, or stop and display the document in the source view. Note that if you repair some errors and then stop on one, the errors that you repaired revert to their original (incorrect) state; WebObjects Builder does not modify the document unless every error is either repaired or ignored.

One common semantic violation seen in WebObjects HTML templates is improperly nesting tags within a WOConditional. For example:

<WEBOBJECT NAME=Conditional1>
This text is conditionally displayed in boldface.
<WEBOBJECT NAME=Conditional1>

The corresponding entry in the bindings file is:

Conditional1: WOConditional {
    condition = myCondition;

Not only is this a semantic violation, it is also bad coding practice. It is much better to use a WOGenericContainer in such cases:

    This text is conditionally displayed in boldface.

The corresponding entry in the bindings file is:

Generic1 : WOGenericContainer {
    elementName = "B";
    omitTags = myNegatedCondition;

Note that you have to negate the original condition.

How WebObjects Builder Handles Bindings Files

WebObjects Builder now respects bindings (.wod) files that have been edited by hand. Specifically, if you edit the bindings file of your component with a text editor, open the component in WebObjects Builder, and save it, WebObjects Builder

This behavior of WebObjects Builder eases the transition from hand-editing components with a text editor to using WebObjects Builder.

Direct to Web Changes

Direct to Web has received two major changes: exposed API and support for creating your own visual style. There are many additional changes as well. This version of Direct to Web is not completely compatible with the 4.0 release. You need to run conversion scripts on your project's source files, Main.wod file, and rule (.d2wmodel) files. See "Converting Projects From Earlier Releases" .

API and Components Exposed

One of the major goals of the 4.5 release is to make more of Direct to Web available to developers. The API and components have been reviewed and streamlined and are now ready for public use. In addition, two books have been added to the documentation about Direct to Web.

Developing WebObjects Applications With Direct to Web discusses the Direct to Web architecture and how to customize your Direct to Web application.

The Direct to Web Reference covers the classes and reusable components in the Direct to Web Framework.

You can access these documents from the WOInfoCenter.

Modifying the Visual Style

It is now possible to create your own Direct to Web-style dynamic template. When generating a 'task' page (for example, the List Page for all entities) Direct To Web generates a page that is not specific to a particular entity (unlike freezing a page). Instead, the page retains its dynamic capabilities and reacts to the entities it encounters at runtime. You can also access and modify its template, binding, and Java source files. By creating a set of these for all the common tasks (query, list, edit, etc.) you can create your own look.

Note that you can still freeze a Direct to Web page for a particular task and entity as you could in previous releases.

Modifying the D2W Menu

The Navigation tool of Direct to Web is now part of your project when you create it. This allows you to tailor its look and functionality.

Neutral Look

A new look, called the Neutral look, is now available when you create a Direct to Web project. It is ideal for adding your own logo because it contains no Apple or WebObjects logos.

Custom Components

It is now possible to embed regular WebObjects components in a Direct to Web page. Two components, D2WCustomComponent and D2WQueryCustomComponent, have been added for this purpose.

From the Web Assistant, you can configure Direct to Web to use your component for a particular task and property. See Developing WebObjects Applications with Direct to Web for more information.

Named Configurations

Once you have configured a given page (for example, List page for Movies) you can save those settings under a name (for example, ListRentedMovies) and use this configuration from your code (either by API or as an embedded component). This lets you have several pages for the same task/entity pair which display different sets of properties. For example, the Rental Store example uses different List Pages for Movies depending whether you are a customer or a clerk, and whether you are renting a movie or just browsing.

Tab Panel Page

A tab panel inspect and edit page has been introduced in the WebObjects and Neutral looks, which lets you group property keys in different tabs. This page is not available in the Basic look.

Better Support for Key Paths in the Web Assistant

The Web Assistant now sports a key-path browser which lets you add a property based on a key path to any D2W page.

Web Assistant Support for EOProject Parser

The Web Assistant now uses EOProject to parse your source code (much like WebObjects builder does) and display custom keys available on your Enterprise Objects in its key-path browser.

Confirmation Page

A new confirmation page has been introduced. The list page uses it before deleting an object. It can be frozen like any other D2W page.

Deployment Performance

The caching mechanism for D2W dynamic components has been rewritten resulting in a twofold to fivefold deployment performance improvement.

Converting Projects From Earlier Releases

Since the D2W components are now public, the Java source files, the Main.wod file, and the rule files have changed in this release. Two scripts are provided to ease the conversion process.

The first script, located in $(NEXT_ROOT)/Developer/Java/Conversion/WebObjects/D2W4_5codechanges.tops, modifies the code to conform to Direct to Web's API changes (see API Changes). You need to execute it on

A ReadMe file in the script's directory explains how to execute the script.

The second script, located in $(NEXT_ROOT)/Developer/Java/Conversion/WebObjects/D2W4_5modelchanges.tops, modifies the rule files to use renamed property-level components. You need to execute it on all files in your project ending in .d2wmodel. See the ReadMe file in the script's directory to see how to execute the script.

API Changes

The NextPageCallback interface has been renamed to NextPageDelegate. This change affects any code that uses this interface including code generated when you freeze a component with WebObjects 4.0. The following methods are changed.

Removed API Replacement API
setConfirmCallback setConfirmDelegate
setCancelCallback setCancelDelegate

EditPageInterface, EditRelationshipPageInterface, InspecPageInteface, ListPageInterface, and QueryPageInterface
Removed API Replacement API
setNextPageCallback setNextPageDelegate

Removed API Replacement API
nextPageCallback nextPageDelegate
setNextPageCallback setNextPageDelegate

References to the Live Assistant have been changed to Web Assistant. Consequently, the following methods are deprecated.

Deprecated API New API or Workaround
isLiveAssistantEnabled isWebAssistantEnabled
setLiveAssistantEnabled setWebAssistantEnabled

Deprecated API New API or Workaround
isLiveAssistantEnabled isWebAssistantEnabled