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Using woservice on Mac OS X Server

On Mac OS X Server wotaskd is started automatically upon boot time under the control of woservice , which will restart wotaskd in the event that it is killed or crashes for any reason. This is done in 3100_WebObjects , which is a script within /etc/startup .

You can use woservice to control Monitor in a similar fashion, thus ensuring that it is always running. You can enter the woservice tool on a shell command line (such as provided by ), start it from a shell script, or configure it to launch Monitor automatically at boot time.

When invoking woservice from the command-line, pass as arguments the path to the application you want to be launched followed by any arguments you want to launch it with. So to start woservice for Monitor, you might give the following command:

woservice /System/Library/WebObjects/Applications/Monitor.woa/Monitor

To have Monitor launched at system boot time, you must add a startup script to /etc/startup . The scripts in /etc/startup follow a naming convention whereby the first four characters of the script filename are numbers. These numbers signify the order in which the system runs the scripts in /etc/startup . You should start Monitor near the end of the boot cycle.

You could add the following script, named 3200_Monitor , to /etc/startup to start woservice when the system boots and have it keep Monitor running:


# Start Monitor using woservice for WebObjects Deployment
. /etc/rc.common
# the following is one line:
/System/Library/WebObjects/Applications/Monitor.woa/woservice /System/Library/WebObjects/Applications/Monitor.woa/Monitor &


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