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Web Components

A component is a web page, or a portion of one, that has both content and behavior. Usually a component represents an entire page, so the word "page" is used interchangeably with the word "component." Components don't always represent an entire page, however. For example, a component might represent only a header or footer of a page; you can nest it inside of a component that represents the rest of the page.

Components are made up of:

Typically, components consist of some form of these three files, but any given component might contain more or fewer parts. For example, a component may not need a code file at all; it may need only a template file and a set of bindings. Another component might have a code file but no template file or bindings. Plus, if you create a component using Project Builder or WebObjects Builder, you'll get a fourth file, Component.api, which contains API that should be made public to other components.

Note that the various parts of a component are actually located in various Project Builder suitcases: the template and bindings files are located under WebComponents, the code files are located under Classes, and API files (if you have any) wind up under a suitcase named Resources.

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