Package: com.webobjects.directtowebInherits from:EditRelationship
See Also:
Class Description
This property-level component allows the user to choose the destination object of a to-one relationship. Since the component fetches all of the objects that can appear in the relationship, this component is slower than the
You can specify whether the user interface is a browser, pop-up list, or table of radio buttons. You can also specify the size of the browser or the number of columns of radio buttons to display.
Property-level components are not accessed programmatically. Instead, you use the Web Assistant to choose the property-level component that Direct to Web uses to display a property on a particular entity and task page. See the "Direct to Web" chapter of WebObjects Tools and Techniques for more information.
If you want to create property-level component to edit a property, use
Method Types
Private Methods
public D2WEditToOneRelationship()
This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.
public String generatedToOneDescription()
This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.
public String methodNameToOneDescription()
This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.
public WOAssociation replacementAssociationForAssociation(WOAssociation oldAssociation, String oldBinding, DTWTemplate aTemplate, WOContext aContext)
This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.
public Object toOneDescription()
This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.
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