Component Description
This Direct to Web reusable component displays an edit component. See the "Direct to Web" chapter of WebObjects Tools and Techniques for information about the behavior and appearance of this component.
D2WEdit { [action=anAction;] [displayKeys=keyArray;] entityName=nameString; object=anEnterpriseObject; [pageConfiguration=configurationName;] };Bindings
- action
- The action method to invoke when the user clicks Save or Cancel. This method is invoked after the object is saved or discarded.
- displayKeys
- The properties of the entity to edit (NSArray). You can also represent the array as a string: "(prop1, prop2, ...)".
- entityName
- The name of the entity for this record (String).
- object
- The object edited by this component.
- pageConfiguration
- The named configuration containing the Web Assistant settings for this component (String). If this binding is not specified, the "*all*" configuration for the edit task and the entityName entity is used. See the "Direct to Web" chapter of WebObjects Tools and Techniques for more information about named configurations.
myEdit : D2WEdit { entityName = "Movie"; object = displayGroup.selectedObject; action = editAction; pageConfiguration = "userEditMovieConfig"; }

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