Component Description
This Direct to Web reusable component displays a query component. See the "Direct to Web" chapter of WebObjects Tools and Techniques for information about the behavior and appearance of this component.
D2WQuery { [action=anAction;] [displayKeys=keyArray;] entityName=nameString; queryDataSource=aDataSource; [pageConfiguration=configurationName;] };Bindings
- action
- The action method to invoke when the user clicks Search DB. This method is invoked after the D2WQuery component fetches the objects matching the query.
- displayKeys
- The properties of the entity to query (NSArray). You can also represent the array as a string: "(prop1, prop2, ...)".
- entityName
- The name of the entity to query for (String).
- queryDataSource
- An EODataSource containing the objects that match the query.
- pageConfiguration
- The named configuration containing the Web Assistant settings for this component (String). If this binding is not specified, the "*all*" configuration for the query task and the entityName entity is used. See the "Direct to Web" chapter of WebObjects Tools and Techniques for more information about named configurations.
myQuery : D2WQuery { entityName = "Movie"; displayKeys = "(title, roles)"; queryDataSource = displayGroup.dataSource; action = displayGroup.fetch; }

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