Inherits from: EOQualifier
Implements: EOQualifierSQLGeneration EOSQLExpression.SQLValue
Package: com.webobjects.eoaccess
Class Description
EOSQLQualifier is a subclass of EOQualifier that contains unstructured text that can be transformed into an SQL expression. EOSQLQualifier provides a way to create SQL expressions with any arbitrary SQL. EOSQLQualifier formats are not parsed, they simply perform substitution for keys and format characters. The qualifying information is expressed in the database server's query language (nearly always SQL), and you're responsible for ensuring that the query language statement is valid for your database server. EOSQLQualifiers can't be evaluated against objects in memory. As a result, you should use EOQualifier whenever possible and only use EOSQLQualifier in cases that absolutely require it.
To create an EOSQLQualifier, provide to the constructor a root entity for the qualifier and a format string like that used with the EOQualifier creation method qualifierWithQualifierFormat. (You can't use the qualifierWithQualifierFormat method because it doesn't take an entity as an argument and an SQL qualifier must be rooted to an entity.)
public EOSQLQualifier( EOEntity entity, String qualifierFormat)
Static Methods
public static com.webobjects.EOQualifier qualifierMigratedFromEntityRelationshipPath( com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier aQualifier, EOEntity entity, String relationshipPath)
public static com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat(String format)
Instance Methods
public com.webobjects.EOQualifier qualifierWithBindings( NSDictionary aDictionary, boolean flag)
public Throwable validateKeysWithRootClassDescription( com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOClassDescription classDesc)
if an unknown key is found, otherwise it returns null to indicate that the keys contained by the qualifier are valid.
© 2001 Apple Computer, Inc. (Last Published April 13, 2001)