(informal interface)
Implemented by:EOEnterpriseObject EOCustomObject EOGenericRecord
Implements: EOKeyValueCoding NSKeyValueCodingAdditions
Package: com.webobjects.eocontrol
Interface Description
The EOKeyValueCodingAdditions interface defines extensions to the basic EOKeyValueCoding interface. One pair of methods, takeValuesFromDictionary and valuesForKeys, gives access to groups of properties. Another pair of methods, takeValueForKey and valueForKey give access to properties across relationships with key paths of the form; for example, "". EOCustomObject and EOGenericRecord provide default implementations of EOKeyValueCodingAdditions, which you rarely (if ever) need to override.
EONullValue in Collections
Because collection objects such as NSArray and NSDictionary can't contain null as a value, null must be represented by a special object, EONullValue. EONullValue provides a single instance that represents the NULL value for object attributes. The default implementations of takeValuesFromDictionary and valuesForKeys translate EONullValue and null
between NSDictionaries and enterprise objects so your objects don't have to explicitly test for EONullValues.
Instance Methods
public abstract void takeValuesFromDictionary(NSDictionary aDictionary)
public abstract NSDictionary valuesForKeys(NSArray keys)
© 2001 Apple Computer, Inc. (Last Published April 19, 2001)