- Inherits from:
- EOValueSelectionAssociation.ValueSelectionPlugin (EOInterface) : EOWidgetAssociation.WidgetPlugin (EOInterface) : Object
- Implements:
- EOWidgetAssociation.WidgetPlugin.Formatting
- (EOInterface)
- NSDisposable
- Package:
- com.webobjects.eointerface.cocoa
Class Description
An EOCocoaRadioMatrixPlugin allows you to populate an NSMatrix's cells. EOCocoaRadioMatrixPlugin supports connections for both cell titles and icons, depending on the matrix's prototype cell. You define the prototype in Interface Builder (to display an icon only, text only, or both).
Usable With |
NSMatrix ( |
Aspects | |
selectedTitle |
An attribute of the selected object whose values can be represented as strings. |
selectedTag |
An integer attribute of the selected object. |
enabled |
A boolean attribute of the selected object, which determines whether the matrix is enabled. |
Object Keys Taken | |
target |
When the user chooses an item in the matrix, the EORadioMatrixAssociation updates the selected object's property with the item's title or tag. |
Suppose that you want to display actors' names and pictures in an NSMatrix. Start with a TalentPhoto display group (where a TalentPhoto object has a relationship to its Talent object). In Interface Builder, create a button containing both an image and text. Then, alternate(option)-drag to create a matrix of buttons. Control-drag from the matrix to the photo display group. In the Connections inspector, choose EOCocoaRadioMatrixPlugin, and bind the image aspect to the photo attribute. Repeat, binding the title aspect to the talent.lastName attribute.
Note that you can group the matrix in a scroll view. An EOCocoaRadioMatrixPlugin will automatically manage the size of the matrix for this (for vertical scrolling only).
Interfaces Implemented
- NSDisposable
- dispose
- EOWidgetAssociation.WidgetPlugin.Formatting
- setValueFormatter
- valueFormatter
Method Types
- All methods
- EOCocoaRadioMatrixPlugin
- breakConnection
- establishConnection
- selectionIndex
- setSelectionIndex
- setTitlesFromObjects
- titles
- widgetKeysTaken
public EOCocoaRadioMatrixPlugin( com.webobjects.eointerface.EOWidgetAssociation anEOWidgetAssociation, Object widget)
Instance Methods
public void breakConnection()
public void dispose()
public void establishConnection()
public int selectionIndex()
public void setSelectionIndex( int value, boolean enabled)
public void setTitlesFromObjects(Object[] objects[])
public void setValueFormatter(Object anObject)
public String[] titles()
public Object valueFormatter()
public String[] widgetKeysTaken()
© 2001 Apple Computer, Inc. (Last Published April 21, 2001)