- Inherits from:
- Object
- Implements:
- Serializable
- Package:
Class Description
An NSSelector object (also called a selector) specifies a method signature, which is a method's name and parameter list. You can later apply a selector on any object, and it performs the method that matches the selector, if there is one.
To create a selector, use NSSelector's single constructor, which takes the method's name and an array of the parameter types. Note that to obtain a Class object for a type, append .class
to the type's name. For example, the Class object for Object is Object.class
and the Class object for boolean is boolean.class
This code sample creates a selector for the doIt method:
void doIt(String str, int i) { . . . } NSSelector sel = new NSSelector("doIt", new Class[] {String.class, int.class} );
To apply a selector on an object, use the overloaded instance method invoke. It performs the method that matches the selector and returns the result. If the target object doesn't have a method matching the selector, it throws NoSuchMethodException. The most basic form of invoke takes the target object and an Object array of the arguments. Other forms are convenience methods for selectors with no, one, or two arguments. Note that to pass an argument of a primitive type to invoke, use an object of the corresponding wrapper class. invoke converts the object back to the primitive type when it invokes the method. For example, to pass the float f
, use new Float(f)
; and to pass the boolean value true, use new Boolean(true)
This code sample gives you two ways to apply the selector sel
(defined above) to an object:
MyClass obj1 = new MyClass(), obj2 = new MyClass(); int i = 5; sel.invoke(obj1, new Object[] { "hi", new Integer(i) }); sel.invoke(obj2, "bye", new Integer(10));
To create and apply a selector in one step, use the overloaded static method invoke. The basic form takes four arguments: the method name, an array of the parameter types, the target object, and an array of the arguments. Other forms are convenience methods for selectors with one or two arguments. This code sample shows two ways to create and apply a selector for the doIt method:
void doIt(String str, int i) { . . . } MyClass obj1 = new MyClass(), obj2 = new MyClass(); int i = 5; NSSelector.invoke("doIt", new Class[] {String.class, int.class}, obj1, new Object[] {"hi", new Integer(i)}); NSSelector.invoke("doIt", String.class, int.class, obj1, "bye", new Integer(10));
Other methods return whether an object or class has a method that matches a selector ( implementedByObject and implementedByClass) and returns the method name and parameter types for a selector ( name and parameterTypes).
NSSelector is similar to java.lang.reflect.Method, which fully specifies a particular class's implementation of a method, and you can apply it only to objects of that class. NSSelector doesn't specify the method's class, so you can apply it to an object of any class. To find the java.lang.reflect.Method object for a method that matches a selector and that's in a particular object or class, use methodOnObject or methodOnClass.
Method Types
- Constructors
- NSSelector
- Static methods
- invoke
- Invoking selectors
- invoke
- Testing selectors
- implementedByClass
- implementedByObject
- Converting selectors to java.lang.reflect.Methods
- methodOnClass
- methodOnObject
- Accessing selector elements
- name
- parameterTypes
- Methods inherited from Object
- equals
- hashCode
- toString
public NSSelector(String methodName)
public NSSelector( String methodName, Class[] parameterTypes)
for parameterTypes. For an example, see the class description for this class.
Static Methods
public static Object invoke( String methodName, Class[] parameterTypes, Object target, Object[] arguments) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException
for the arrays parameterTypes and arguments. As part of its implementation, this method uses the NSSelector constructor and the instance method invoke. For more information, see those method descriptions.
public static Object invoke( String methodName, Class parameterType, Object target, Object argument) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException
public static Object invoke( String methodName, Class parameterType1, Class parameterType2, Object target, Object argument1, Object argument2) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException
Instance Methods
public boolean equals(Object anObject)
public int hashCode()
public boolean implementedByClass(Class targetClass)
public boolean implementedByObject(Object target)
public Object invoke( Object target, Object[] arguments) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException
, it returns null
. Note that the method may be a static or instance method.
invoke can't handle arguments or return values of primitive types (such as boolean, int, or float). If the method matching the selector returns a value of a primitive type, invoke returns the value in an object of the corresponding wrapper type (such as Boolean, Integer, or Float). To pass an argument of a primitive type to invoke, use an object of the corresponding wrapper class. invoke converts the object back to the primitive type when it invokes the method.
invoke throws an exception in the following cases:
- If target has no method that matches the selector, it throws NoSuchMethodException.
- If a method matches the selector but is inaccessible to target, it throws IllegalAccessException.
- If it can't convert an argument to the type specified in the selector, it throws IllegalArgumentException.
- If the invoked method throws an exception, it wraps that exception in a java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException and throws the new exception without completing.
As part of its implementation, this method uses methodOnClass.
For an example, see the class description for this class.
public Object invoke( Object target) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException
, it returns null
. Note that the method may be a static or instance method.
As part of its implementation, this method calls the invoke instance method that takes an array of arguments. For more information, see that method's description.
public Object invoke( Object target, Object argument) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException
, it returns null
. Note that the method may be a static or instance method.
As part of its implementation, this method calls the invoke instance method that takes an array of arguments. For more information, see that method's description.
public Object invoke( Object target, Object argument1, Object argument2) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException
, it returns null
. Note that the method may be a static or instance method.
As part of its implementation, this method calls the invoke instance method that takes an array of arguments. For more information, see that method's description.
public java.lang.reflect.Method methodOnClass(Class targetClass) throws NoSuchMethodException
public java.lang.reflect.Method methodOnObject(Object target) throws NoSuchMethodException
public String name()
public Class[] parameterTypes()
public String toString()
© 2001 Apple Computer, Inc. (Last Published April 17, 2001)