Element Description
WOActionURL enables the creation of URLs to invoke methods or specify pages to return. You can use this element for a variety of purposes, but it is primarily intended to support JavaScript within a WebObjects application.
WOActionURL { action=aMethod | pageName=aString; | directActionName=anActionName; actionClass=className; [fragmentIdentifier=anchorFragment;] [queryDictionary=aDict; ?key=value;]... };Bindings
- action
- Action method to invoke when the URL is accessed. This method must return a an object that conforms to the WOActionResults protocol such as WOComponent or WOResponse.
- pageName
- The name of a WebObjects page to display when the URL is accessed.
- directActionName
- The direct action method to invoke when the URL is accessed (minus the "Action" suffix).
- actionClass
- The name of the class in which the directActionName can be found. Defaults to "DirectAction".
- fragmentIdentifier
- Named location to display in the destination page (that is, an anchor in the destination page).
- queryDictionary
- NSDictionary with keys/value pairs to be placed into the URL's query string.
- ?key
Adds a key/value pair to the specified queryDictionary (or replaces an existing key) by prefixing the key with a "?". For example:
?x = y;
puts the key "x" into the query dictionary with the value of the keypath y.