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Inherits from:

Class Description

The WOAssociation class declares the programmatic interface to objects that represent the values of WebObject attributes, as specified in a declarations file. You rarely need to create subclasses of WOAssociation, except in situations where you need to subclass WODynamicElement.

The purpose of a WOAssociation object is to provide a unified interface to values of different types. For example, consider these declarations:

TREENAME1:WOString {value = "Ash"};
TREENAME2:WOString {value = treeName};
TREENAME3:WOString {value =};

At runtime, the WebObjects parser scans an HTML template and these declarations and creates three WOString dynamic element objects. In the first case, the WOString's value attribute is assigned a constant string. In the second, it's associated with the treeName variable of the component in which the dynamic element is declared. In the third, value is associated with the name attribute of the component's selectedTree variable. The search path for the value can be arbitrarily deep, depending on the needs of your application:

MAYOR:WOString {value =};

To resolve a path such as this, WebObjects accesses each part in turn. First, it looks for the component's country variable. If the component responds to a country message, it sends one to determine the value; otherwise, it directly accesses the component's country instance variable to determine the value. Next, it checks the country object for a state attribute, using the same strategy of looking for an accessor method named state and then, if necessary, accessing the state variable's value directly. It continues in this way until the ultimate value is determined.

WOAssociation objects present the WebObjects framework with a unified interface to attribute values, whether their values are static or dynamic. The value attribute for TREENAME1 in the example above will never change during the course of program execution, but the other WOStrings have values that are potentially dynamic, and so will have to be determined at runtime. Since the value of any WOAssociation can be determined by sending it a valueInComponent message, objects that use WOAssociation objects don't have to be concerned with how values are resolved. The WODynamicElement class makes extensive use of this feature. See the WODynamicElement class specification for more information.

Method Types

Obtaining association attributes
Setting and retrieving value



protected WOAssociation()

Description forthcoming.

Static Methods


public static WOAssociation associationWithKeyPath(String aKeyPath)

Creates and returns a WOAssociation object whose value is determined by evaluating aKeyPath. This method is used when a dynamic element's attribute is set to a variable from the component's script. For example, when the WebObjects parser sees a declaration of this sort,

TREENAME3:WOString {value =};

it invokes associationWithKeyPath to create a WOAssociation whose key is "". When the resulting WOAssociation is asked for its value, it searches for the value of the name attribute of in the current component's selectedTree attribute.

If aKeyPath is null, the value of the WOAssociation is also null.

See Also: associationWithValue


public static WOAssociation associationWithValue(Object aValue)

Creates and returns a WOAssociation object whose value is aValue, a constant value. This method is used when a dynamic element's attribute is set to a constant. For example, when the WebObjects parser sees a declaration of this sort,
TREENAME3:WOString {value = "Time Flies!"};

it invokes this method to create a WOAssociation whose value is "Time Flies!".

See Also: associationWithKeyPath

Instance Methods


public abstract String bindingInComponent(WOComponent aComponent)

This abstract method is implemented by WOAssociation subclasses to return, as a String, the binding string as seen in the declarations file.


public boolean booleanValueInComponent(WOComponent aComponent)

Returns the value of the association as a boolean. This method returns false if the binding is to a boolean variable or constant with a value of false, the binding is to a null value, the binding is to a numeric value equivalent to zero, the binding is to a string that can be interpreted as a number whose value is zero, or the binding is to a string whose value is "false" or "no" (independent of case). Otherwise, this method returns true.


public boolean isValueConstant()

Returns true if the WOAssociation's value is a constant, false otherwise.

See Also: associationWithValue, isValueSettable


public boolean isValueConstantInComponent(WOComponent aComponent)

Returns false when the association is "constant." Use this for checking bindings at runtime.

See Also: associationWithValue, isValueSettableInComponent


public boolean isValueSettable()

Returns false if the receiver's value is constant, true otherwise.

See Also: associationWithKeyPath, isValueConstant


public boolean isValueSettableInComponent(WOComponent aComponent)

Returns true when the association is "settable." Use this for checking bindings at runtime.

See Also: associationWithKeyPath, isValueConstant


public abstract String keyPath()

This abstract method is implemented by WOAssociation subclasses to return, as a String, the keypath that the association binds to the component attribute-if there is one. If the association doesn't contain a keypath, as is the case when the association binds a constant value, the string "<none>" is returned.


public void setDebugEnabledForBinding(String aBindingName, String aDeclarationName, String aDeclarationType)

Enables logging whenever binding values are pushed to or pulled from the parent component. The three String parameters are included in the log, and allow you to specify the binding name, the declaration name, and the declaration type, respectively.


public void setValue( Object aValue, WOComponent aComponent)

Finds the attribute of aComponent pointed to by the left-hand-side of the receiver and sets its value to aValue. This method throws an exception if the receiver's value is not settable. For example, sending a setValue message to a WOAssociation created from this declaration,

USER:WOTextField {value = userName};

sets the current component's userName variable to the value typed into the WOTextField.

One way in which the WebObjects framework uses this method is to synchronize the values of nested components. When attributes in child and parent components are associated with one another and changes occur in one component, this method is invoked to migrate those changes to the other component. See the reusable components chapter in the WebObjects Developer's Guide for more information.

See Also: valueInComponent


public String toString()

Description forthcoming.


public Object valueInComponent(WOComponent aComponent)

Returns a value based on the receiver's association and the current component. For example, sending a value message to a WOAssociation created from this declaration,

DOWNPAYMENT:WOString {value = downpayment};

returns the value of the current component's downpayment variable.

Sending a value message to a WOAssociation created from this declaration,

DOWNPAYMENT:WOString {value = "$5000.00"};

returns the value "$5000.00" (independent of the current component).

This method raises an exception if it cannot resolve the WOAssociation's value with the current component.

One way in which the WebObjects framework uses this method is to synchronize the values of nested components. When attributes in child and parent components are associated with one another and changes occur in one component, this method is invoked to migrate those changes to the other component. See the reusable components chapter in the WebObjects Developer's Guide for more information.

See Also: setValue

© 2001 Apple Computer, Inc. (Last Published April 15, 2001)

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