Inherits from: Object
Package: com.webobjects.appserver
Class Description
The WOElement class is the abstract superclass of all objects that represent static and dynamic UI elements on a World Wide Web page (currently, HTML and PDF elements). You cannot directly instantiate objects from WOElement; you must create a concrete subclass of WOElement and generate objects from it.
Note: For custom dynamic elements, you need to create a subclass of WODynamicElement. |
WOElement declares the three methods corresponding to the phases of the request-response loop (invoked in the following order), but WOElement's implementations do nothing:
The first argument of these messages is an object that represents the HTTP request or response (WORequest or WOResponse). The second argument is a WOContext object that represents the context of the transaction.
Concrete subclasses of WOElement (or WODynamicElement) must, at minimum, implement appendToResponse. Subclasses of WODynamicElement must implement one or both of the remaining methods.
protected WOElement()
Instance Methods
public void appendToResponse( WOResponse aResponse, WOContext aContext)
See Also: WOResponse class
public WOActionResults invokeAction( WORequest aRequest, WOContext aContext)
See Also: WOContext class for a description of element IDs
public void takeValuesFromRequest( WORequest aRequest, WOContext aContext)
See Also: WORequest class for methods used to extract form data
public String toString()
© 2001 Apple Computer, Inc. (Last Published April 15, 2001)