New site organization
Information: Information about changes made to the site.
Essentials: General documentation about WebObjects.
Related Resources: Additional resources, such as technical notes
and hardcopy versions of some of some of the books.
Development: Application-development–related documentation.
Deployment: Application-deployment–related documentation.
Reference: Reference documentation.
Developer Tools: Documentation on developer tools.
application development or deployment.
Release Notes: Information about known bugs and workarounds,
and changes make to the software that have not been documented elsewhere.
WebObjects Applications [Updated]
Content expanded to include a detailed explanation of the WebObjects
deployment architecture. Diagrams and screen shots have been added to
clarify concepts and procedures. A Deployment Settings Reference chapter
contains information on the deployment properties and command-line arguments
needed to customize your site.
Differences between WO4.5 and 5
Differences between WO4.5 and 5.0, by Malcolm Crawford, covers changes in WebObjects between Release 4.5 and 5.0. Information in this document includes:
- Upgrading from 4.5
- Finding deprecated methods in 5.0
- Handling EO validation
- Handling logging and debugging information
The document also provides information on JDBC and database adaptors, which methods to use in place of the deprecated methods, and other details related to the new release.