
OS X v10.4 provides a new failover mechanism composed of two nodes – a master node and a backup node – forming a failover pair.

The following rules govern whether a node can be configured as a master or as a backup:

Intra-host communication between processes running on the master and backup nodes is accomplished through the NSDistributedNotificationCenter. Third-party software can use the NSDistributedNotificationCenter to receive notification of changes such as a configuration change or a failover event. Inter-host communication is accomplished through a custom, proprietary protocol managed by the cluster daemon (clusterd).

Failover Architecture

Figure 1-1 shows the typical hardware scenario in which the new failover mechanism is used.

Figure 1-1  Failover hardware scenario
Failover hardware scenario

In Figure 1-1, FireWire connects two Xserve G5 cluster nodes and forms a private, FireWire network. Both Xserve G5 cluster nodes are connected to an Xserve RAID device through a Fibre Channel switch. Each node has a public name and IP address defined in DNS. In Figure 1-1, the public address is assigned in DNS to, and the public address is assigned to In addition to public addresses, private addresses ( and, respectively), are also assigned to each node. The public address is also assigned in DNS to but is not permanently assigned to a particular computer. This type of assignment is sometimes called a virtual IP address.

Figure 1-2 shows the interaction of the failover components installed on the master and the backup node.

Figure 1-2  Interaction of failover components
Interaction of failover components

On the master node, the launchd daemon starts and monitors the server manager daemon (servermgrd) and the cluster daemon (clusterd). Administrators provide configuration input to servermgrd through the Server Admin application.

The servermgr_clusterd module of servermgrd reads and writes the clusterd settings and also sends cluster events, such as refresh, failover, and terminate, to the clusterd daemon.

The servermgr_afp module of servermgrd reads and writes the AFP settings. A change to the AFP settings causes a notification to be sent to the NSDistributedNotificationCenter. The clusterd daemon has registered with NSDistributedNotificationCenter to receive notification of AFP settings changes, so it gets the notification when an AFP setting changes.

The clusterd daemon on the master node communicates with the clusterd daemon on the backup node using IP over the dedicated, secure FireWire link.

For this release, the servermgrd daemon also has a servermgr_nfs module and a servermgr_smb module that perform the same functions as the servermgr_afp module.

The backup node’s interactions are similar to the master node’s. However, certain server administration operations, such as modifying file service settings, are not allowed.

Failover Messages

The master and backup nodes exchange messages that are actually plists. The messages involve the use of two node record types:

For this release, a single peer can be identified by querying the public node.

Table 1-1  Message commands




This message requests the list of public nodes the target is monitoring, as well as the target’s list of private addresses. A response is expected. For more information on this command, see Configuration Command.


This message is sent by a node that is giving up a public node to a backup node. In the case of a manual failover on the network shown in Figure 1-1, the master ( releases the monitored public node to the backup ( When the transition is complete, the master still has its own public node (, but the other public node ( is hosted on the backup (


This message notifies the clusterd daemon of a significant event. No response is expected but this message may trigger other messages. The clusterd daemon processes but does not forward certain internal notifications, such as heartbeat notifications, which provide status and performance data to nodes that are listening.

Any of the commands listed in Table 1-1 can be accompanied by any of the standard attributes listed in Table 1-2.

Table 1-2  Message attributes



data (data or dictionary)

Packet content describing notification or requested data. This attribute appears in notifications and may appear in replies.

errorCodes (array of integer)

List of errors generated as a result of a corresponding request. This attribute only appears in replies.

version (integer)

Cluster plist format version number. This may appear in any message.

Configuration Command

The configuration command is the first command sent by the backup node. It queries the public nodes of interest to determine the current owner. Here is an example of the request would send to

<?xml version-”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC “-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN”  “http://www.applecom/ DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd”>
<plist version=”1.0”>

Configuration Reply

The reply to a configuration command is a dictionary containing identifying information, including a UUID (valid for the life of the process), a list of private names and addresses, and the list of hosted public nodes. Here is an example of the response from (currently hosted on to the request from

<?xml version-”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC “-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN”  “http://www.applecom/ DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd”>
<plist version=”1.0”>

In the example above,

  • E773FBDD-5CFE-4CF0-9F4C-10B6604064D7 is a UUID valid for the life of the clusterd process. It is used to quickly identify a node.

  • The addresses key always specifies at least one valid address, which is the private IP address of the target that is being monitored, which, in this case is

  • The names key is guaranteed to contain a least one value, the node’s Bonjour name. In this example, master.local is the Bonjour name that corresponds to

  • The publicNodes key is a dictionary instead of an array because each node can have just one DNS name and multiple IP addresses. In this example, is the DNS name of a node the target is monitoring.

  • is the IP address for


The server manager daemon (servermgrd) posts messages using the NSDistributedNotificationCenter mechanism. The cluster daemon (clusterd) registers for notifications posted by servermgrd and uses them to trigger synchronization actions. Third-party software can register to receive notification of messages. For additional information, see NSDistributedNotificationCenter.

Failover messaging uses two notification types:

Configuration Changed Notification

This notification is posted when a service’s configuration changes. The related dictionary indicates the name of the service. For example, here is a configuration changed notification for AFP:


For this release, the possible values for ServiceName are:

  • afp

  • nfs

  • smb

  • sharepoints

The sharepoints value is not actually a service but is used to notify interested parties of a change in the set of sharepoints.

Service Status Changed Notification

This notification is posted when a service is stopped or started. The related dictionary indicates the name of the service and its new state. For example, here is a service status changed notification for AFP:


For this release, the possible values for ServiceName are:

  • afp

  • nfs

  • smb

The possible values for state are:







The header file /usr/include/NSFailoverEvents.h contains the following failover messaging definitions for use by third-party applications that want to receive notifications. It contains definitions for symbolic names for the notifications and keys and values for the dictionaries included in the notifications.

#define NSFailoverServiceStatusChanged  @""
#define NSFailoverServiceConfigurationChanged  @""
#define NSFailoverServiceNameKey        @"ServiceName"
#define NSFailoverServiceStateKey       @"State"
#define NSFailoverServiceStateRunning   @"RUNNING"
// Any value other than NSFailoverServiceStateRunning means "not  running".
#define NSFailoverServiceStateStopped   @"STOPPED"
#define NSFailoverServiceStateStarting  @"STARTING"
#define NSFailoverServiceStateStopping  @"STOPPING"
#define NSFailoverServiceStateUnkonwn   @"UNKNOWN"
#define NSFailoverServiceNameAFP        @"afp"
#define NSFailoverServiceNameSMB        @"smb"
#define NSFailoverServiceNameNFS        @"nfs"
#define NSFailoverServiceNameWeb        @"web"
#define NSFailoverServiceNameMail       @"mail"
// NSFailoverServiceNameSharepoints is a virtual service that reflects  the
// set of file service sharepoints
#define NSFailoverServiceNameSharepoints@"sharepoints"
#define NSFailoverPathToScriptsDir      @"/Library/Failover"
#define NSFailoverPathToDefaultScriptsDir@"/Library/Failover/Default  Scripts"