Overriding the Job Specification Function

The easiest way to create an Xgrid client application is to override the job specification function in the GridSample sample code. This chapter shows you how to accomplish this.

How the GridSample Code Is Organized

The GridSample application is organized into several modules. All the modules are part of the GridSample project, found in your Developer/Examples/Xgrid/GridSample/ directory.

Some modules consist entirely of .nib files that open in Interface Builder. Most of the modules are paired .h and .m files that open in the code editor—GridSampleApplicationDelegate.h and GridSampleApplicationDelegat.m, for example.

The GridSample modules form an outline of the main tasks any Xgrid client must perform:

The GridSample application is general purpose. In addition to modifying the job submission module, you may want to streamline other behaviors. For example:

Most of these modifications are fairly straightforward. Examining the source code of the appropriate module should provide you with much of the information you need, and referring the XgridFoundation Reference should answer remaining questions. The job submission module deserves special attention, however.

Changing the Job Specification

To override the job specification function in Grid Sample, you need to make modifications in four places:

For example, if you examine the GridCalendar sample code, found at http://developer.apple.com/samplecode/GridCalendar/, you will see that it is a copy of the GridSample application, with the following modifications:

Here are the steps in more detail:

You should proceed in a similar manner, using the code in GridCalendar as a guide. The process is broken down into four steps:

Step One: Create a New Job Submission UI

Create a new job submission UI by modifying and saving NewJob.nib.

Note that the GridSample project contains three NewJob.nib files, one for each target: GridSample, GridFeeder, and GridMPI. Open the .nib file GridSample > Sample > Resources > Nibs, as shown in Figure 5-1.

Figure 5-1  Locating the right NewJob.nib file
Grid Sampe .nib filesGrid Sampe .nib files

Figure 5-2 and Figure 5-3show the NewJob.nib file from GridSample and the modified NewJob.nib file for GridCalendar. Since GridCalendar always uses the same command, the command field and job name field have been removed, and a date selector field has been added for the cal command.

Figure 5-2  GridSample job submission .nib file
The GridSample NewJob.nib file
Figure 5-3  GridCalendar job submission .nib file
GridCalendar NewJob.nib file

Assuming your application always submits the same type of job to Xgrid, you should make similar changes to the user interface: keep the pop-up window to select the grid, but replace the job name and command fields with input fields that allow the user to set the parameters for each instance of your particular job.

Step Two: Add the Support Code

Create a new file that contains the support logic to create a job specification based on the returned state from your UI. Override jobSpecification, as defined in GridSampleNewJobWindowController.m, by creating a new class of the same name, encapsulating your code. This file supplements GridSampleNewJobWindowController, so name it appropriately (in GridCalendar, it’s named GridCalendarNewJobWindowController).

Figure 5-4  GridSampleNewJobWindowContoller files
New Job Window Controller moduleNew Job Window Controller module

To see how this is done, compare GridSampleNewJobWindowController.m and with GridCalendarNewJobWindowController.m. Notice that GridCalendarNewJobWindowController.m contains only the modified job specification code, and that the main function is named jobSpecification, overriding the jobSpecification defined in GridSampleNewJobWindowController.m. This way, the new window controller inherits all the functionality of the old window controller, such as selecting a grid, submitting the job, retrieving the action monitor, and setting up callbacks for status. Only the job specification function is overridden.

Step Three: Create an Application Delegate

Supplement GridSampleApplicationDelegate.m with your own application delegate that sublasses classForNewJobWindowController to point to your new window controller, thereby overriding GridSampleNewJobWindowController with your own window controller.

Listing 5-1 shows the contents of the GridCalendarApplicationDelegate.m file in its entirety.

Listing 5-1  GridCalendarApplicationDelegate

#import "GridCalendarApplicationDelegate.h"
#import "GridCalendarNewJobWindowController.h"
@implementation GridCalendarApplicationDelegate
#pragma mark *** Accessor methods ***
- (Class)classForNewJobWindowController;
    return [GridCalendarNewJobWindowController self];

As you can see, the code is quite simple. As the implementation of your application delegate, define classForNewJobWindowController to return an instance of the window controller you added in step 2.

Step Four: Change the Application Delegate’s Class in MainMenu.nib

Finally, change the application delegate’s class in MainMenu.nib to point to the new application delegate you added in step 3.

  1. Open MainMenu.nib (There are three .nib files by this name in GridSample—one for each target. Open the MainMenu.nib file for GridSample.)

  2. Select the Classes tab and highlight GridSampleApplicationDelegate, as shown in Figure 5-5.

    Figure 5-5  Classes tab in MainMenu.nib
    The GridSample Main Menu nib file
  3. Press the Return key. This creates a new subclass, MyGridSampleApplicationDelegate. Double-click the new entry to select it, then type the name of your application delegate from step 3. You will see your new application delegate subclass, similar to Figure 5-6.

    Figure 5-6  GridCalendarApplicationDelegate subclass
    The GridCalendar MainMenu nib file
  4. Save your changes, then click the Build and Go icon to compile and run your application. You should have a customized Xgrid client application that submits your job to Xgrid.


To summarize: you have created a .nib file with a new UI for job specification; you have subclassed jobSpecification to create a window controller that builds a job specification based on your UI; you have created an application delegate and subclassed classForNewJobWindowController to point to your window controller; and you have subclassed the application delegate in the MainMenu.nib file to use your new application delegate.

Congratulations. Unless you need to further customize the look and feel of your application, you’re done. If you do need to go further, see Writing a Cocoa Xgrid Client.