Retired Document
Important: This document acts as an archive for all previous versions of the Final Cut Pro X XML Interchange Format (FCPXML) Document Type Definitions (DTDs). For the current FCPXML DTD, see Final Cut Pro X XML Format.
FCPXML Version 1.6 DTD
The following is the DTD for the Final Cut Pro X XML Interchange Format v1.6.
<!-- FCP X XML Interchange Format, Version 1.6 --> |
<!-- Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. --> |
<!-- 'time' attributes are expressed as a rational number of seconds (e.g., "1001/30000s") --> |
<!-- with a 64-bit numerator and 32-bit denominator. --> |
<!-- Integer 'time' values, such as 5 seconds, may be expressed as whole numbers (e.g., '5s'). --> |
<!ENTITY % time "CDATA"> |
<!-- A 'timelist' is a semi-colon-separated list of time values --> |
<!ENTITY % timelist "CDATA"> |
<!ENTITY % collection_item "collection-folder | keyword-collection | smart-collection"> |
<!ENTITY % event_item "clip | audition | mc-clip | ref-clip | sync-clip | asset-clip | %collection_item; | project"> |
<!-- FCPXML --> |
<!ELEMENT fcpxml (import-options?, resources?, (library | event* | (%event_item;)*))> |
<!ATTLIST fcpxml version CDATA #FIXED "1.6"> |
<!-- Element that contain options on how the import should be conducted (e.g. whether to copy assets, etc.) --> |
<!ELEMENT import-options (option*)> |
<!ELEMENT option EMPTY> |
<!ATTLIST option value CDATA #REQUIRED> |
<!ELEMENT library (event | smart-collection)*> |
<!ATTLIST library location CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST library colorProcessing (standard | wide) #IMPLIED> |
<!-- EVENT ELEMENT --> |
<!ELEMENT event (%event_item;)*> |
<!ATTLIST event name CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ELEMENT project (sequence)> |
<!ATTLIST project name CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST project uid CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST project id ID #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST project modDate CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!-- A 'resource' is a project element potentially referenced by other project elements. --> |
<!-- To support such references, all resource instances require a local ID attribute. --> |
<!ELEMENT resources (asset | effect | format | media)*> |
<!-- A 'media' defines a reference to new or existing media via an FCP-assigned unique identifier ('uid'). --> |
<!-- If 'uid' is not specified, FCP creates a new media object as specified by the optional child element. --> |
<!-- If 'projectRef' is not specified, FCP uses the default instance. --> |
<!ELEMENT media (multicam | sequence)?> |
<!ATTLIST media id ID #REQUIRED> |
<!ATTLIST media name CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST media projectRef IDREF #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST media modDate CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!-- A 'format' describes video properties. --> |
<!ELEMENT format EMPTY> |
<!ATTLIST format id ID #REQUIRED> |
<!ATTLIST format name CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST format frameDuration %time; #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST format fieldOrder CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- (progressive | upper first | lower first ) --> |
<!ATTLIST format width CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST format height CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST format paspH CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST format paspV CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!-- An 'asset' defines a reference to external source media (i.e., a local file). --> |
<!-- 'uid' is an FCP-assigned unique ID; if not specified, FCP creates a new default clip for the asset. --> |
<!ELEMENT asset (bookmark?,metadata?)> |
<!ATTLIST asset id ID #REQUIRED> |
<!ATTLIST asset name CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST asset src CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- file: URL --> |
<!ATTLIST asset start %time; #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST asset duration %time; #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST asset hasVideo CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST asset format IDREF #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST asset hasAudio CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST asset audioSources CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST asset audioChannels CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST asset audioRate CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST asset customLogOverride CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST asset colorSpaceOverride CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!-- ("Rec. 601 (NTSC)" | "Rec. 601 (PAL)" | "Rec. 709" | "sRGB IEC61966-2.1" | "Adobe RGB (1998)" | "Rec. 2020")--> |
<!ENTITY % md-type "( string | boolean | integer | float | date | timecode )"> |
<!ELEMENT metadata (md*)> |
<!ELEMENT md (array?)> |
<!ATTLIST md editable (0 | 1) "0"> |
<!ATTLIST md type %md-type; #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST md displayName CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST md description CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!-- An 'effect' defines a reference to a built-in or user-defined Motion effect, FxPlug plug-in, audio bundle, or audio unit. --> |
<!ELEMENT effect EMPTY> |
<!ATTLIST effect id ID #REQUIRED> |
<!ATTLIST effect name CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST effect src CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!-- The 'ao_attrs' entity declares the attributes common to 'anchorable' objects. --> |
<!-- The 'lane' attribute specifies where the object is contained/anchored relative to its parent: --> |
<!-- 0 = contained inside its parent (default) --> |
<!-- >0 = anchored above its parent --> |
<!-- <0 = anchored below its parent --> |
<!-- The 'offset' attribute defines the location of the object in the parent timeline (default is '0s'). --> |
<!ENTITY % ao_attrs " |
offset %time; #IMPLIED |
"> |
<!-- The 'clip_attrs' entity declares the attributes common to all story elements. --> |
<!-- The 'start' attribute defines a local timeline to schedule contained and anchored items. --> |
<!-- The default start value is '0s'. --> |
<!ENTITY % clip_attrs " |
%ao_attrs; |
start %time; #IMPLIED |
duration %time; #REQUIRED |
enabled (0 | 1) '1' |
"> |
<!-- Where applicable the duration attribute is implied, and comes from the underlying media. --> |
<!ENTITY % clip_attrs_with_optional_duration " |
%ao_attrs; |
start %time; #IMPLIED |
duration %time; #IMPLIED |
enabled (0 | 1) '1' |
"> |
<!ENTITY % audioHz "( 32k | 44.1k | 48k | 88.2k | 96k | 176.4k | 192k )"> |
<!-- The 'media_attrs' entity declares the attributes common to media instances. --> |
<!-- 'format' specifies a <format> resource ID. --> |
<!-- 'tcStart' specifies the timecode origin of the media. --> |
<!-- 'tcFormat' specifies the timecode display format (DF=drop frame; NDF=non-drop frame). --> |
<!ENTITY % media_attrs " |
duration %time; #IMPLIED |
tcStart %time; #IMPLIED |
tcFormat (DF | NDF) #IMPLIED |
"> |
<!ENTITY % outputChannel "( L | R | C | LFE | Ls | Rs | X )"> |
<!ENTITY % fadeType "(linear | easeIn | easeOut | easeInOut)"> |
<!-- A 'fadeIn' element animates a parameter from its min value to its implied value over a specified duration. --> |
<!ATTLIST fadeIn type %fadeType; #IMPLIED> <!-- default is 'easeIn' --> |
<!ATTLIST fadeIn duration %time; #REQUIRED> |
<!-- A 'fadeOut' element animates a parameter from its implied value to its min value over a specified duration. --> |
<!ELEMENT fadeOut EMPTY> |
<!ATTLIST fadeOut type %fadeType; #IMPLIED> <!-- default is 'easeOut' --> |
<!ATTLIST fadeOut duration %time; #REQUIRED> |
<!-- A 'keyframeAnimation' element describes an animation curve using the contained 'keyframe' elements --> |
<!ELEMENT keyframeAnimation (keyframe*)> |
<!-- A 'keyframe' element describes an point along an animation curve --> |
<!ELEMENT keyframe EMPTY> |
<!ATTLIST keyframe time %time; #REQUIRED> |
<!ATTLIST keyframe value CDATA #REQUIRED> |
<!ATTLIST keyframe interp (linear | ease | easeIn | easeOut) "linear"> <!-- interpolation type for point. --> |
<!ATTLIST keyframe curve (linear | smooth) "smooth"> <!-- whether the value changes smoothly over the keyframe, or linearly. --> |
<!-- A 'mute' element suppresses audio output for a range of source media time --> |
<!ELEMENT mute (fadeIn?, fadeOut?)> |
<!ATTLIST mute start %time; #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST mute duration %time; #IMPLIED> |
<!-- A 'param' specifies the range for a parameter over time, optionally including key-framed values. --> |
<!-- Fade-in and fade-out are optional. --> |
<!ELEMENT param (fadeIn?, fadeOut?, keyframeAnimation?, param*)> |
<!ATTLIST param key CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- key is used to identify the parameter (can include a path (delimited by /) depending on the containing element --> |
<!-- some parameters have localizable names which is why key is necessary (if the key attribute does not exist, the name is used) --> |
<!ATTLIST param value CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- initial value --> |
<!ATTLIST param enabled (0 | 1) "1"> |
<!-- A 'data' specifies a chunk of data --> |
<!ELEMENT data (#PCDATA)> |
<!-- A 'crop-rect' specifies crop values as a percentage of original frame height. --> |
<!ELEMENT crop-rect (param*)> |
<!ATTLIST crop-rect left CDATA "0"> |
<!ATTLIST crop-rect top CDATA "0"> |
<!ATTLIST crop-rect right CDATA "0"> |
<!ATTLIST crop-rect bottom CDATA "0"> |
<!-- A 'trim-rect' specifies trim values as a percentage of original frame height. --> |
<!ELEMENT trim-rect (param*)> |
<!ATTLIST trim-rect left CDATA "0"> |
<!ATTLIST trim-rect top CDATA "0"> |
<!ATTLIST trim-rect right CDATA "0"> |
<!ATTLIST trim-rect bottom CDATA "0"> |
<!-- A 'pan-rect' specifies the initial or final crop values for a "Ken Burns" animation. --> |
<!-- The attributes of a pan-rect cannot be keyframed. --> |
<!ELEMENT pan-rect EMPTY> |
<!ATTLIST pan-rect left CDATA "0"> |
<!ATTLIST pan-rect top CDATA "0"> |
<!ATTLIST pan-rect right CDATA "0"> |
<!ATTLIST pan-rect bottom CDATA "0"> |
<!-- An 'info-asc-cdl' describes a primary color correction in the form of an ASC CDL (American Society of Cinematographers Color Decision List). --> |
<!-- In FCPX XML v1.5, the ASC CDL information is placed under 'filter-video' element as comment, for example: --> |
<!-- info-asc-cdl: slope="1.0 1.0 1.0" offset="0 0 0" power="1.0 1.0 1.0" --> |
<!-- Each component is a vector of "red green blue" adjustments. --> |
<!-- The 'adjust-crop' element modifies the visible image width and height. --> |
<!-- This element contains an optional adjustment for each crop mode, although only one mode is active. --> |
<!ELEMENT adjust-crop (crop-rect?, trim-rect?, (pan-rect, pan-rect)?)> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-crop mode (trim | crop | pan) #REQUIRED> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-crop enabled (0 | 1) "1"> |
<!ELEMENT adjust-corners (param*)> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-corners enabled (0 | 1) "1"> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-corners botLeft CDATA "0 0"> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-corners topLeft CDATA "0 0"> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-corners topRight CDATA "0 0"> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-corners botRight CDATA "0 0"> |
<!-- The absence 'adjust-conform' element implies "fit" --> |
<!ELEMENT adjust-conform EMPTY> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-conform type (fit | fill | none) "fit"> |
<!ELEMENT adjust-transform (param*)> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-transform enabled (0 | 1) "1"> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-transform position CDATA "0 0"> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-transform scale CDATA "1 1"> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-transform rotation CDATA "0"> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-transform anchor CDATA "0 0"> |
<!ELEMENT adjust-blend (param*, reserved?)> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-blend amount CDATA "1.0"> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-blend mode CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ELEMENT adjust-stabilization (param*)> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-stabilization type (automatic | inertiaCam | smoothCam) "automatic"> |
<!ELEMENT adjust-rollingShutter EMPTY> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-rollingShutter amount (none | low | medium | high | extraHigh) "none"> |
<!ELEMENT adjust-loudness EMPTY> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-loudness amount CDATA #REQUIRED> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-loudness uniformity CDATA #REQUIRED> |
<!ELEMENT adjust-noiseReduction EMPTY> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-noiseReduction amount CDATA #REQUIRED> |
<!ELEMENT adjust-humReduction EMPTY> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-humReduction frequency (50 | 60) #REQUIRED> |
<!ELEMENT adjust-EQ (param*)> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-EQ mode (flat | voice_enhance | music_enhance | loudness | hum_reduction | bass_boost | bass_reduce | treble_boost | treble_reduce) #REQUIRED> |
<!ELEMENT adjust-matchEQ (data)> |
<!-- The 'adjust-audio-enhancements' entities declare audio enhancement adjustments. --> |
<!ENTITY % adjust-audio-enhancements "(adjust-loudness?, adjust-noiseReduction?, adjust-humReduction?, (adjust-EQ | adjust-matchEQ)?)"> |
<!ELEMENT adjust-volume (param*)> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-volume amount CDATA "0dB"> |
<!ELEMENT adjust-panner (param*)> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-panner mode CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-panner amount CDATA "0"> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-panner original_decoded_mix CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-panner ambient_direct_mix CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-panner surround_width CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-panner left_right_mix CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-panner front_back_mix CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-panner LFE_balance CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-panner rotation CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-panner stereo_spread CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-panner attenuate_collapse_mix CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST adjust-panner center_balance CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!-- The 'intrinsic-params' entities declare intrinsic video and audio adjustments. --> |
<!ENTITY % intrinsic-params-video "(adjust-crop?, adjust-corners?, adjust-conform?, adjust-transform?, adjust-blend?, adjust-stabilization?, adjust-rollingShutter?)"> |
<!ENTITY % intrinsic-params-audio "(adjust-volume?, adjust-panner?)"> |
<!ENTITY % intrinsic-params "(%intrinsic-params-video;, %intrinsic-params-audio;)"> |
<!-- The 'timing-params' entity declare rate conform and time mapping adjustments. --> |
<!ENTITY % timing-params "(conform-rate?, timeMap?)"> |
<!-- The 'anchor_item' entity declares the valid anchorable story elements. --> |
<!-- When present, anchored items must have a non-zero 'lane' value. --> |
<!ENTITY % anchor_item "audio | video | clip | title | mc-clip | ref-clip | sync-clip | asset-clip | audition | spine"> |
<!-- The 'clip_item' entity declares the primary story elements that may appear inside a clip. --> |
<!ENTITY % clip_item "audio | video | clip | title | mc-clip | ref-clip | sync-clip | asset-clip | audition | gap"> |
<!ENTITY % marker_item "(marker | chapter-marker | rating | keyword | analysis-marker)"> |
<!ENTITY % video_filter_item "(filter-video | filter-video-mask)"> |
<!-- An 'audio-channel-source' element adjusts playback settings for a single channel-based audio component in a clip's primary audio layout --> |
<!-- The primary audio layout is comprised of all audio from elements in the primary (lane 0) storyline. --> |
<!ELEMENT audio-channel-source (%adjust-audio-enhancements;, %intrinsic-params-audio;, filter-audio*, mute*)> |
<!ATTLIST audio-channel-source srcCh CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- source audio channels (comma separated, 1-based index) --> |
<!ATTLIST audio-channel-source outCh CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- output audio channels (comma separated, from: L,R,C,LFE,Ls,Rs,X) %outputChannel --> |
<!ATTLIST audio-channel-source role CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- output role assignment --> |
<!ATTLIST audio-channel-source start %time; #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST audio-channel-source duration %time; #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST audio-channel-source enabled (0 | 1) '1'> |
<!ATTLIST audio-channel-source active (0 | 1) '1'> |
<!-- An 'audio-role-source' element adjusts playback settings for a single role-based audio component in a clip --> |
<!ELEMENT audio-role-source (%adjust-audio-enhancements;, %intrinsic-params-audio;, filter-audio*, mute*)> |
<!ATTLIST audio-role-source role CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- role the audio component is associated with --> |
<!ATTLIST audio-role-source start %time; #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST audio-role-source duration %time; #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST audio-role-source enabled (0 | 1) '1'> |
<!ATTLIST audio-role-source active (0 | 1) '1'> |
<!-- An 'audition' is a container with one active story element followed by alternative story elements. --> |
<!ELEMENT audition (audio | video | title | ref-clip | asset-clip | clip | sync-clip)+ > |
<!ATTLIST audition %ao_attrs;> |
<!ATTLIST audition modDate CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!-- A 'spine' is a container for elements ordered serially in time. --> |
<!-- Only one story element is active at a given time, except when a transition is present. --> |
<!ELEMENT spine (%clip_item; | transition)* > |
<!ATTLIST spine %ao_attrs;> |
<!ATTLIST spine name CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST spine format IDREF #IMPLIED> <!-- default is same as parent --> |
<!-- A 'sequence' is a container for a spine of story elements in a sequence project. --> |
<!ELEMENT sequence (note?, spine, metadata?)> |
<!ATTLIST sequence %media_attrs;> |
<!ATTLIST sequence audioLayout (mono | stereo | surround) #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST sequence audioRate %audioHz; #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST sequence renderFormat CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST sequence keywords CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST sequence renderColorSpace CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- ("Rec. 601 (NTSC)" | "Rec. 601 (PAL)" | "Rec. 709" | "Rec. 2020")--> |
<!-- A 'multicam' is a container for multiple "angles" of related content. --> |
<!ELEMENT multicam (mc-angle*, metadata?)> |
<!ATTLIST multicam %media_attrs;> |
<!ATTLIST multicam renderFormat CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST multicam renderColorSpace CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- ("Rec. 601 (NTSC)" | "Rec. 601 (PAL)" | "Rec. 709" | "Rec. 2020")--> |
<!-- An 'mc-angle' is a container for elements ordered serially in time for one angle of a multicam clip.--> |
<!-- Only one story element is active at a given time, except when a transition is present. --> |
<!ELEMENT mc-angle ((%clip_item; | transition)*) > |
<!ATTLIST mc-angle name CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST mc-angle angleID CDATA #REQUIRED> |
<!-- An 'mc-clip' element defines an edited range of a/v data from a source 'multicam' media. --> |
<!ELEMENT mc-clip (note?, %timing-params;, %intrinsic-params-audio;, mc-source*, (%anchor_item;)*, (%marker_item;)*, filter-audio*, metadata?)> |
<!ATTLIST mc-clip ref IDREF #REQUIRED> <!-- 'media' ID --> |
<!ATTLIST mc-clip %clip_attrs;> |
<!ATTLIST mc-clip srcEnable (all | audio | video) "all"> |
<!ATTLIST mc-clip audioStart %time; #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST mc-clip audioDuration %time; #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST mc-clip modDate CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!-- An 'mc-source' element defines custom settings and filters to apply to an angle of a multicam clip or edit. --> |
<!ELEMENT mc-source (audio-role-source*, %intrinsic-params-video;, (%video_filter_item;)*)> |
<!ATTLIST mc-source angleID CDATA #REQUIRED> |
<!ATTLIST mc-source srcEnable (all | audio | video | none) "all"> |
<!-- A 'clip' is a container for other story elements. --> |
<!-- Clips have only one primary item, and zero or more anchored items. --> |
<!-- Use 'audioStart' and 'audioDuration' to define J/L cuts (i.e., split edits) on composite A/V clips. --> |
<!ELEMENT clip (note?, %timing-params;, %intrinsic-params;, (spine | (%clip_item;))*, (%marker_item;)*, audio-channel-source*, (%video_filter_item;)*, filter-audio*, metadata?)> |
<!ATTLIST clip %clip_attrs;> |
<!ATTLIST clip format IDREF #IMPLIED> <!-- default is same as parent --> |
<!ATTLIST clip audioStart %time; #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST clip audioDuration %time; #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST clip tcStart %time; #IMPLIED> <!-- clip timecode origin --> |
<!ATTLIST clip tcFormat (DF | NDF) #IMPLIED> <!-- timecode display format (DF=drop frame; NDF=non-drop frame) --> |
<!ATTLIST clip modDate CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!-- A 'ref-clip' is a clip that references (rather than contains) other story elements. --> |
<!-- Clips have a media reference and zero or more anchored items. --> |
<!-- Use 'audioStart' and 'audioDuration' to define J/L cuts (i.e., split edits) on composite A/V clips. --> |
<!ELEMENT ref-clip (note?, %timing-params;, %intrinsic-params;, (%anchor_item;)*, (%marker_item;)*, audio-role-source*, (%video_filter_item;)*, filter-audio*, metadata?)> |
<!ATTLIST ref-clip ref IDREF #REQUIRED> <!-- 'media' ID --> |
<!ATTLIST ref-clip %clip_attrs;> |
<!ATTLIST ref-clip srcEnable (all | audio | video) "all"> |
<!ATTLIST ref-clip audioStart %time; #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST ref-clip audioDuration %time; #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST ref-clip useAudioSubroles (0 | 1) '0'> |
<!ATTLIST ref-clip modDate CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!-- A 'sync-clip' is a container for other story elements that are used as a synchronized clip. --> |
<!-- Use 'audioStart' and 'audioDuration' to define J/L cuts (i.e., split edits) on composite A/V clips. --> |
<!ELEMENT sync-clip (note?, %timing-params;, %intrinsic-params;, (spine | (%clip_item;))*, (%marker_item;)*, sync-source*, (%video_filter_item;)*, filter-audio*, metadata?)> |
<!ATTLIST sync-clip %clip_attrs;> |
<!ATTLIST sync-clip format IDREF #IMPLIED> <!-- default is same as parent --> |
<!ATTLIST sync-clip audioStart %time; #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST sync-clip audioDuration %time; #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST sync-clip tcStart %time; #IMPLIED> <!-- clip timecode origin --> |
<!ATTLIST sync-clip tcFormat (DF | NDF) #IMPLIED> <!-- timecode display format (DF=drop frame; NDF=non-drop frame) --> |
<!ATTLIST sync-clip modDate CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!-- A 'sync-source' element defines the role-based audio components to be used for a source of a synchronized clip. --> |
<!ELEMENT sync-source (audio-role-source*)> |
<!ATTLIST sync-source sourceID (storyline | connected) #REQUIRED> |
<!-- An 'asset-clip' is a clip that references an asset. --> |
<!-- All available media components in the asset are implicitly included. --> |
<!-- Clips have a media reference and zero or more anchored items. --> |
<!-- Use 'audioStart' and 'audioDuration' to define J/L cuts (i.e., split edits) on composite A/V clips. --> |
<!ELEMENT asset-clip (note?, %timing-params;, %intrinsic-params;, (%anchor_item;)*, (%marker_item;)*, audio-channel-source*, (%video_filter_item;)*, filter-audio*, metadata?)> |
<!ATTLIST asset-clip ref IDREF #REQUIRED> <!-- 'asset' ID --> |
<!ATTLIST asset-clip %clip_attrs_with_optional_duration;> <!-- duration defaults to that of the respecctive asset --> |
<!ATTLIST asset-clip srcEnable (all | audio | video) "all"> |
<!ATTLIST asset-clip audioStart %time; #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST asset-clip audioDuration %time; #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST asset-clip format IDREF #IMPLIED> <!-- default is same as parent --> |
<!ATTLIST asset-clip tcStart %time; #IMPLIED> <!-- clip timecode origin --> |
<!ATTLIST asset-clip tcFormat (DF | NDF) #IMPLIED> <!-- timecode display format (DF=drop frame; NDF=non-drop frame) --> |
<!ATTLIST asset-clip modDate CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST asset-clip audioRole CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST asset-clip videoRole CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- default is 'video' --> |
<!-- An 'audio' element defines a range of audio data in a source asset. --> |
<!ELEMENT audio (note?, %timing-params;, adjust-volume?, (%anchor_item;)*, (%marker_item;)*, filter-audio*)> |
<!ATTLIST audio ref IDREF #REQUIRED> <!-- 'asset' or 'effect' ID --> |
<!ATTLIST audio %clip_attrs;> |
<!ATTLIST audio srcID CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- source/track identifier in asset (if not '1') --> |
<!ATTLIST audio role CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST audio srcCh CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- source audio channels in asset (comma separated, 1-based index) --> |
<!ATTLIST audio outCh CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- output audio channels (comma separated, from: L,R,C,LFE,Ls,Rs,X) %outputChannel --> |
<!-- A 'video' element defines a range of video data in a source asset. --> |
<!ELEMENT video (param*, note?, %timing-params;, %intrinsic-params-video;, (%anchor_item;)*, (%marker_item;)*, (%video_filter_item;)*, reserved?)> |
<!ATTLIST video ref IDREF #REQUIRED> <!-- 'asset' or 'effect' ID --> |
<!ATTLIST video %clip_attrs;> |
<!ATTLIST video srcID CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- source/track identifier in asset (if not '1') --> |
<!ATTLIST video role CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- default is 'video' --> |
<!-- A 'gap' element defines a placeholder with no associated media. --> |
<!-- Gaps cannot be anchored to other objects. --> |
<!ELEMENT gap (note?, (%anchor_item;)*, (%marker_item;)*, metadata?)> |
<!ATTLIST gap offset %time; #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST gap start %time; #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST gap duration %time; #REQUIRED> |
<!ATTLIST gap enabled (0 | 1) "1"> |
<!-- A 'title' element contains one or more 'text' elements that customize a referenced effect. --> |
<!ELEMENT title (param*, text*, text-style-def*, note?, %intrinsic-params-video;, (%anchor_item;)*, (%marker_item;)*, (%video_filter_item;)*, metadata?)> |
<!ATTLIST title ref IDREF #REQUIRED> <!-- 'effect' ID for a Motion template --> |
<!ATTLIST title %clip_attrs;> |
<!ATTLIST title role CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!-- A 'text' element defines an unformatted text string for a 'title' element. --> |
<!ELEMENT text (#PCDATA | text-style)*> |
<!ELEMENT text-style-def (text-style)> |
<!ATTLIST text-style-def id ID #REQUIRED> |
<!ATTLIST text-style-def name CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!-- A 'text-style-def' element defines the style for a formatted text string in a 'text' element. --> |
<!ELEMENT text-style (#PCDATA | param)*> |
<!ATTLIST text-style ref IDREF #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST text-style font CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST text-style fontSize CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST text-style fontFace CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST text-style fontColor CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST text-style bold (0 | 1) #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST text-style italic (0 | 1) #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST text-style strokeColor CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST text-style strokeWidth CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST text-style baseline CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST text-style shadowColor CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST text-style shadowOffset CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST text-style shadowBlurRadius CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST text-style kerning CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST text-style alignment (left | center | right | justified) #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST text-style lineSpacing CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST text-style tabStops CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST text-style baselineOffset CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!-- A 'transition' element defines an effect that overlaps two adjacent story elements. --> |
<!-- For example, |
<video ref="1" duration="5s"/> |
<transition duration="2s"/> |
<video ref="3" duration="5s"/> |
Here, the transition element overlaps the last 2 seconds of the previous video (ref="1") and the first 2 seconds of the next video (ref="3"). --> |
<!ELEMENT transition (filter-video?, filter-audio?, (%marker_item;)*, metadata?, reserved?)> |
<!ATTLIST transition name CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST transition offset %time; #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST transition duration %time; #REQUIRED> |
<!-- A 'filter-video' defines a video effect including intrinsic color filter effect that's applied to its parent element. --> |
<!-- Video filters are concatenated in the order in which they appear. --> |
<!-- There may be a comment in the form of 'info-asc-cdl' element that describes the correction, if it's the Final Cut Pro X's intrinsic color correction filter. --> |
<!ELEMENT filter-video (info-asc-cdl?, data?, param*)> |
<!ATTLIST filter-video ref IDREF #REQUIRED> <!-- 'effect' ID --> |
<!ATTLIST filter-video name CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST filter-video enabled (0 | 1) "1"> |
<!ENTITY % mask_item "(mask-shape | mask-isolation)"> |
<!-- A 'filter-video-mask' defines a video effect with a mask applied to its parent element. --> |
<!-- The mask may consist of multple shapes or color isolation. --> |
<!-- For a color correction filter, in addition to the correction applied inside the mask, --> |
<!-- There may be another set of correction parameters applied outside the mask. --> |
<!-- For example, |
<filter-video-mask> |
<mask-shape name="Shape Mask" blendMode="add"> |
<param name="Radius" key="160" value="750 150"/> |
<param name="Curvature" key="159" value="0.7"/> |
<param name="Feather" key="102" value="170"/> |
<param name="Transforms" key="200"> |
<param name="Position" key="201" value="10 110"/> |
<param name="Rotation" key="202" value="14"/> |
</param> |
</mask-shape> |
<filter-video ref="100"/> |
</filter-video-mask> |
This represents a masked video filter with a single shape mask. --> |
<!-- Another example, |
<filter-video-mask> |
<mask-shape name="Shape Mask" blendMode="add"> |
<param name="Curvature" key="159" value="0.7"/> |
<param name="Transforms" key="200"> |
<param name="Position" key="201" value="260 -30"/> |
</param> |
</mask-shape> |
<filter-video ref="1000"> |
<param name="color_global" value="0.2 0.8"/> |
</filter-video> |
<filter-video ref="1000"/> |
<param name="color_highlight" value="0.3 0.6"/> |
</filter-video> |
</filter-video-mask> |
This represents a color correction filter with a single shape mask and different correction parameters applied inside and outside of the mask. |
Note the first 'filter-video' element represents the inner correction and the second corresponds to the outer correction. --> |
<!-- Video filters are concatenated in the order in which they appear. --> |
<!ELEMENT filter-video-mask ((%mask_item;)+, (filter-video, filter-video?))> <!-- second filter-video is for outer color correction only --> |
<!ATTLIST filter-video-mask enabled (0 | 1) "1"> |
<!ATTLIST filter-video-mask inverted (0 | 1) "0"> |
<!-- The 'mask-shape' element describes a shape mask used for a mask filter. --> |
<!ELEMENT mask-shape (param*)> |
<!ATTLIST mask-shape name CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST mask-shape enabled (0 | 1) "1"> |
<!ATTLIST mask-shape blendMode (add | subtract | multiply) "add"> |
<!-- The 'mask-isolation' element describes a color mask used for mask filter. --> |
<!ELEMENT mask-isolation (data, param*)> |
<!ATTLIST mask-isolation name CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST mask-isolation enabled (0 | 1) "1"> |
<!ATTLIST mask-isolation blendMode (add | subtract | multiply) "multiply"> |
<!-- A 'filter-audio' defines an audio effect that's applied to its parent element. --> |
<!-- Audio filters are concatenated in the order in which they appear. --> |
<!ELEMENT filter-audio (data?, param*)> |
<!ATTLIST filter-audio ref IDREF #REQUIRED> <!-- 'effect' ID --> |
<!ATTLIST filter-audio name CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST filter-audio enabled (0 | 1) "1"> |
<!ATTLIST filter-audio presetID CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!-- A 'conform-rate' defines how the clip's frame rate should be conformed to the sequence frame rate --> |
<!ELEMENT conform-rate EMPTY> |
<!ATTLIST conform-rate scaleEnabled (0 | 1) "1"> |
<!ATTLIST conform-rate srcFrameRate (23.98 | 24 | 25 | 29.97 | 30 | 60 | 47.95 | 48 | 50 | 59.94) #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST conform-rate frameSampling (floor | nearest-neighbor | frame-blending | optical-flow-classic | optical-flow) "floor"> |
<!-- A 'timeMap' is a container for 'timept' elements that change the output speed of the clip's local timeline. --> |
<!-- When present, a 'timeMap' defines a new adjusted time range for the clip using the first and last 'timept' elements. --> |
<!-- All other time values are interpolated from the specified 'timept' elements. --> |
<!ELEMENT timeMap (timept)*> |
<!ATTLIST timeMap frameSampling (floor | nearest-neighbor | frame-blending | optical-flow-classic | optical-flow) "floor"> |
<!ATTLIST timeMap preservesPitch (0 | 1) "1"> |
<!-- A 'timept' defines the re-mapped time values for a 'timeMap'. --> |
<!-- For example, |
<timeMap> |
<timept time="0s" value="0s" interp="linear"/> |
<timept time="10s" value="5s" interp="linear"/> |
<timept time="20s" value="0s" interp="linear"/> |
</timeMap> |
Here, when applied to a clip whose original timeline was 0-5s, the 'timeMap' will adjust the clip's timeline to 0-20s |
and play the original content at 50% speed, followed by -50% speed. --> |
<!ELEMENT timept EMPTY> |
<!ATTLIST timept time %time; #REQUIRED> <!-- new adjusted clip time --> |
<!ATTLIST timept value CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- original clip time --> |
<!ATTLIST timept interp (smooth2 | linear | smooth) "smooth2"> <!-- interpolation type for point. smooth has been deprecated --> |
<!ATTLIST timept inTime %time; #IMPLIED> <!-- transition in-time for point (used only with smooth interpolations) --> |
<!ATTLIST timept outTime %time; #IMPLIED> <!-- transition out-time for point (used only with smooth interpolations) --> |
<!-- If 'completed' is specified, this marker becomes a to-do item. --> |
<!ELEMENT marker EMPTY> |
<!ATTLIST marker start %time; #REQUIRED> |
<!ATTLIST marker duration %time; #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST marker value CDATA #REQUIRED> |
<!ATTLIST marker completed CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- (0=not completed, 1=completed) --> |
<!ATTLIST marker note CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ELEMENT rating EMPTY> |
<!ATTLIST rating name CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST rating start %time; #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST rating duration %time; #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST rating value (favorite | reject) #REQUIRED> |
<!ATTLIST rating note CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ELEMENT keyword EMPTY> |
<!ATTLIST keyword start %time; #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST keyword duration %time; #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST keyword value CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- comma-separated list of keywords --> |
<!ATTLIST keyword note CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ELEMENT analysis-marker (shot-type | stabilization-type)+> |
<!ATTLIST analysis-marker start %time; #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST analysis-marker duration %time; #IMPLIED> |
<!ELEMENT keyword-collection EMPTY> |
<!ATTLIST keyword-collection name CDATA #REQUIRED> |
<!ELEMENT collection-folder (%collection_item;)*> |
<!ATTLIST collection-folder name CDATA #REQUIRED> |
<!ELEMENT smart-collection ((match-text | match-ratings | match-media | match-clip | match-stabilization | match-keywords | match-shot | match-property | match-time | match-timeRange | match-roles)*)> |
<!ATTLIST smart-collection name CDATA #REQUIRED> |
<!ATTLIST smart-collection match (any | all) #REQUIRED> |
<!ELEMENT match-text EMPTY> |
<!ATTLIST match-text enabled (0 | 1) "1"> |
<!ATTLIST match-text rule (includes | doesNotInclude | is | isNot) "includes"> |
<!ATTLIST match-text value CDATA #REQUIRED> |
<!ELEMENT match-ratings EMPTY> |
<!ATTLIST match-ratings enabled (0 | 1) "1"> |
<!ATTLIST match-ratings value (favorites | rejected) #REQUIRED> |
<!ELEMENT match-media EMPTY> |
<!ATTLIST match-media enabled (0 | 1) "1"> |
<!ATTLIST match-media rule (is | isNot) "is"> |
<!ATTLIST match-media type (videoWithAudio | videoOnly | audioOnly | stills) #REQUIRED> |
<!ELEMENT match-clip EMPTY> |
<!ATTLIST match-clip enabled (0 | 1) "1"> |
<!ATTLIST match-clip rule (is | isNot) "is"> |
<!ATTLIST match-clip type (audition | synchronized | compound | multicam | layeredGraphic | project) #REQUIRED> |
<!ELEMENT match-stabilization (stabilization-type*)> |
<!ATTLIST match-stabilization enabled (0 | 1) "1"> |
<!ATTLIST match-stabilization rule (includesAny | includesAll | doesNotIncludeAny | doesNotIncludeAll) "includesAny"> |
<!ELEMENT match-keywords (keyword-name*)> |
<!ATTLIST match-keywords enabled (0 | 1) "1"> |
<!ATTLIST match-keywords rule (includesAny | includesAll | doesNotIncludeAny | doesNotIncludeAll) "includesAny"> |
<!ELEMENT keyword-name EMPTY> |
<!ATTLIST keyword-name value CDATA #REQUIRED> |
<!ELEMENT match-shot (shot-type*)> |
<!ATTLIST match-shot enabled (0 | 1) "1"> |
<!ATTLIST match-shot rule (includesAny | includesAll | doesNotIncludeAny | doesNotIncludeAll) "includesAny"> |
<!ELEMENT shot-type EMPTY> |
<!ATTLIST shot-type value (onePerson | twoPersons | group | closeUp | mediumShot | wideShot) #REQUIRED> |
<!ELEMENT stabilization-type EMPTY> |
<!ATTLIST stabilization-type value (excessiveShake) #REQUIRED> |
<!ELEMENT match-property EMPTY> |
<!ATTLIST match-property enabled (0 | 1) "1"> |
<!ATTLIST match-property key (reel | scene | take | audioOutputChannels | frameSize | videoFrameRate | audioSampleRate | cameraName | cameraAngle) #REQUIRED> |
<!ATTLIST match-property rule (includes | doesNotInclude | is | isNot) "includes"> |
<!ATTLIST match-property value CDATA #REQUIRED> |
<!ELEMENT match-time EMPTY> |
<!ATTLIST match-time enabled (0 | 1) "1"> |
<!ATTLIST match-time type (contentCreated | dateImported) #REQUIRED> |
<!ATTLIST match-time rule (is | isBefore | isAfter) #REQUIRED> |
<!ATTLIST match-time value CDATA #REQUIRED> |
<!ELEMENT match-timeRange EMPTY> |
<!ATTLIST match-timeRange enabled (0 | 1) "1"> |
<!ATTLIST match-timeRange type (contentCreated | dateImported) #REQUIRED> |
<!ATTLIST match-timeRange rule (isInLast | isNotInLast) #REQUIRED> |
<!ATTLIST match-timeRange value CDATA #REQUIRED> |
<!ATTLIST match-timeRange units (hour | day | week | month | year) #IMPLIED> |
<!ELEMENT match-roles (role*)> |
<!ATTLIST match-roles enabled (0 | 1) "1"> |
<!ATTLIST match-roles rule (includesAny | includesAll | doesNotIncludeAny | doesNotIncludeAll) "includesAny"> |
<!ELEMENT chapter-marker EMPTY> |
<!ATTLIST chapter-marker start %time; #REQUIRED> |
<!ATTLIST chapter-marker duration %time; #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST chapter-marker value CDATA #REQUIRED> |
<!ATTLIST chapter-marker note CDATA #IMPLIED> |
<!ATTLIST chapter-marker posterOffset %time; #IMPLIED> |
<!ELEMENT note (#PCDATA)> |
<!ELEMENT bookmark (#PCDATA)> |
<!ELEMENT reserved (#PCDATA)> |
<!ELEMENT array (string*)> |
<!ELEMENT string (#PCDATA)> |
Copyright © 2018 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2018-04-09