Global Search

Internal iAd team members may be required to support external Creative Agencies with their projects and ad bundles. As such, the iAd team has the ability to search for projects and ad bundles belonging to other organizations.


The functionality is identical to the Ad Bundle Summary except iAd team members are now given a special feature — Global Search — which allows them to search by Project, Advertiser, Creative Agency, or Ad Bundle to find matching ad bundles.

Figure 6-1  Global search

To use this feature:

Global Search Summary Table

The resulting table from the search is the Global Search Summary Table. This table is identical to the Ad Bundle Summary except it is specific to a parameter and the resulting data spans multiple organizations (unlike the Ad Bundles Summary which pertains to only one organization).

For Ad Bundles only

The Global Search function finds ad bundles where the parameters match the search criteria. For example, searching for “OMD” as an advertiser might reveal several matching ad bundles where OMD is the advertiser associated with the project. However, if a project existed with OMD as the associated advertiser but currently had no ad bundles in the project, the project would not be listed in the resulting global search table. The solution to this issue is to have the creative agency upload an ad bundle into the project first, then run the global search on the project.

Assigning Advertisers

A significant use of the global search function is to assign Advertisers to projects. As previously noted, an Advertiser with an SAP ID must be assigned to a project before any ad bundles in that project can be submitted for certification. The only individuals who can make that assignment are iAd team members. Third party creative agencies will look to their Account Manager or PS liaison for assistance in assigning advertisers to their projects. Follow the steps below (as noted above, an ad bundle must exist for the instructions below to work):